The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 537 The shock of the night attack

After what happened in the bathroom, when Frederick the Great held Song Qing in his arms and sang a lullaby, he still didn't come back to his senses.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, mother is rocking you gently in her dream..."

Frederick the Great's voice seemed to have a magical power, which instantly calmed down Song Qingge, whose mind was still messy. Although his mental power was very strong, he could not sleep for a long time, but along with Frederick the Great's lullaby, Song Qingge's eyelids began to fight, a wave of sleepiness came over him, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Frederick the Great noticed that Song Qingge had fallen asleep, but he still did not stop singing the lullaby. She just lowered her voice very low, hugged Song Qingge tighter in her arms, and pressed her forehead against his, as if talking in sleep...

When Song Qingge woke up the next day, he found that Frederick the Great was no longer around him, but his energy was surprisingly good at the moment.

"Does the Emperor's lullaby also have the effect of restoring mental strength?" Song Qingge said to himself with some doubts, "Forget it, won't we just ask the Emperor when the time comes?"

So he got up and washed up immediately, but when he walked into the bathroom and saw the two low stools where he and Frederick the Great were sitting last night, he still felt a sense of immorality...

"Did I think of Frederick the Great as my mother deep down? It's impossible...she is my wife. She was the wife I married with the vow ring I bought for six hundred red points..."

Song Qingge couldn't help but patted her face to stop her random thoughts, washed herself casually, put on her clothes and got ready to go out.

But as soon as he opened the door, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, it was Frederick the Great who had disappeared in the morning. At this time, she was holding breakfast and looking at Song Qingge who was getting ready to go out.

"Good morning, my son." Frederick the Great said with a smile, "When I just left, I saw that you had not woken up, so I went to prepare some breakfast. I didn't expect that you had already woken up as soon as I came here. Then let’s just eat these for breakfast.”

Song Qingge paused and looked at the breakfast in Emperor Frederick's hand, "Emperor, why is there only one portion? Where is your breakfast?"

Frederick the Great smiled fondly, "Good boy, I have already eaten. These are specially prepared for you."

Song Qingge could only open the door, let Frederick the Great walk in, and closed the door. Turning his head, he happened to see Frederick the Great putting the breakfast in his hand on the table nearby, and then said to him, "Come quickly, my child. Sit here and let me help you eat breakfast."

Song Qingge's head was instantly filled with black lines. He remembered the morning when he was dominated by Frederick the Great and others, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No need, I can do it myself."

But Frederick the Great didn't seem to see Song Qingge's refusal and still looked at him with a smile. And that look made Song Qingge really unbearable, so he finally gave in and walked obediently to the stool next to Frederick the Great.

Frederick the Great picked up his fork with a smile on his face, forked a small piece of food, and then brought it to Song Qingge's mouth, "My child, ah~"

Song Qingge smiled bitterly and opened his mouth to accept the feeding play from Frederick the Great.

"Good boy, come again, ah~"

While Song Qingge was enjoying Frederick the Great's feeding play, everyone at the night attack base was not at all calm now. After all, the Observer's action last night was so massive that it directly razed a palace to the ground. If other people in the Imperial Capital didn't know what happened, then they would be stupid.

Najexitan was sitting in the main seat at the moment, listening to the latest news that Leonai brought back from the imperial capital in the morning. But the news was so shocking that she felt it was false.

"Boss, now the whole imperial capital has spread. Last night, divine punishment fell from the sky and directly buried Minister Ernest in his palace. Although the information outside now is that one does not know whether he is alive or dead, most people think that Minister Ernest is dead now. This is good news for us!" Leona said excitedly, and even the other night attack personnel also looked excited.

After all, Minister Ernest is not only a thorn in the side of the night attack, but also a thorn in the side of the revolutionary army. Now that he is dead, how many people he oppressed will stand up, and the time to overthrow the empire is just around the corner.

However, Najiexitan smelled a hint of conspiracy in this. She didn't believe in divine punishment. If there really were gods, then the minister would have died long ago, and there was no need to wait until last night. Rather than divine punishment, she believed that someone attacked the palace last night and resolved the battle in an instant.

However, the attack from the sky really made Najiexitan unable to imagine what it could be that could wipe out the heavily guarded palace in an instant, and it was a palace where only ministers lived.

"Leona, is this news accurate?" Najiexitan asked solemnly.

Leona nodded, "No problem. Not to mention that I got most of the information from him before, and I also went to the outside of the palace to take a look. As the information said, Onei The palace where Minister Ste lives has been razed to the ground, the security inside and outside the palace has been greatly strengthened, and many noble officials are gathering in the direction of the palace, it cannot be faked."

Najiexitan nodded, "After all, this matter is of great importance, and we have to determine the situation. But compared to divine punishment, I am actually more willing to believe that someone launched an attack last night and killed the minister."

"Boss, are you saying that someone killed the minister last night? But it's impossible. Those attacks all fell from the sky. Even if someone launched an attack, it's impossible that only the minister's palace was damaged?" Leona asked doubtfully. .

"Do you think it was Song Qingge who talked to us last night? His supervision can be said to be omnipotent. If someone did it, then he is the biggest suspect." Najiexitan said.

Hill nodded immediately when he heard Song Qingge's name, "It's very likely that Mr. Song did it. After all, he told us last night that we would see their strength soon. Maybe he was responsible for the minister's death. Let us see it.”

Everyone couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air. Najiexi said, "If this is really the case, then the power Song Qingge has is so amazing. He killed the minister under such a large number of defenses. If The target is us..."

Hill said at this time, "Mr. Song once said that the empire is nothing in his eyes, let alone our night attack."

Najiexitan nodded, "I have to notify the Revolutionary Army headquarters about this matter immediately to see what they think. This time is also an opportunity for us!"


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