The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chapter 895 Extra Story, Liu Yuanyuan Su Yanyu 2

Chapter 895 Fanwai, Liu Yuanyuan Su Yanyu 2

He was also really sad, even though he had clearly and affirmed countless times that he would only be with Liu Yuanyuan in this life, Mrs. Su still refused to give up.

Su Yanyu can lose his temper with others, but he can't be too unfeeling towards Mrs. Su.

He has never been a father, but he also knows that the parents, the expectations of their children, and Mrs. Su's tricks, he just doesn't cooperate.

Mrs. Su just hoped that he would have a son.

Over the years, his heart has never changed, but Liu Yuanyuan wanted him to consider Mrs. Su's proposal. Perhaps in Liu Yuanyuan's eyes, no matter how much love there is, these twenty years will almost wear it away.

If she left simply, he would never find her again. The distance between the two would never disappear, but he still loved. This love did not disappear with age, but grew stronger and stronger. More and more love.

The older he gets, the more he can't let it go, he doesn't want to be separated from Liu Yuanyuan, and he is not satisfied with the relationship between husband and wife in this life.

Su Yanyu closed his eyes, she was going to practice Taoism after all, she was going to abandon him after all.


Hu Yu left the Hou's mansion, returned to the deep mountains quickly, and found Liu Yuanyuan.

Su Yanyu couldn't find Liu Yuanyuan, it was because of the difference between human beings and monsters, Liu Yuanyuan's morals are not low now, she didn't want Su Yanyu to see her, even in front of him, Su Yanyu couldn't see her.

Liu Yuanyuan sat in the thick grass, like a lazy snake, no one came here, Hu Yu turned into a fox, leaned over to Liu Yuanyuan and said with a smile: "Liu Yuanyuan, guess what I saw in the Hou Mansion."

Liu Yuanyuan was not interested in knowing.

She didn't ask, but Hu Yu took it as her question, and said with great interest: "I saw three new women coming to the Hou's mansion. They are beautiful and talented. Mrs. Su said directly, if she can conceive a child, No matter what method you use, guess if Su Yanyu has fallen for it."

Liu Yuanyuan didn't lift his eyelids.

Hu Yu acted as if she was anxiously waiting for him to speak, and said, "Su Yanyu hasn't eaten for two days. He is wrapped in a quilt by himself, and crying is called a sad one. I heard people often say that a man has tears not lightly." Afterwards, it’s just that he hasn’t reached the point of being sad, you said he was hurt by someone.”

Liu Yuanyuan said lightly: "He is nearly forty years old and has no children under his knees. It is indeed a great pity in life."

Hu Yu smiled and said, "That's no way, who made him fall in love with the demon? His lord said it before he left. Don't force too much. If he wants a child, it's easy. If he favors a woman, this month's time will be fine." , can conceive three, you say yes."

After finishing speaking, Hu Yu sighed: "Being with other people is such an annoyance. Fortunately, I don't have such annoyance."

Liu Yuanyuan didn't say a word, no matter who it is, as long as there is the word about love, it will hurt.

Hu Yu questioned: "You are really not afraid that he will have children with other women."

Liu Yuanyuan said coldly: "I said before that if he changes his mind, we will go our separate ways without any bondage."

Hu Yu stretched out his paws, digging the grass roots around him: "But I think he will change his mind for a while, maybe heirs are far less important to him than you, people, no matter what generation they are, there will always be a day when their blood will be cut off. Su Yanyu just got used to it in advance."

Liu Yuanyuan didn't speak.

Hu Yu lay beside him: "Aren't you going to comfort him? Or do you dislike him for being old and don't want to be with him anymore?"

Su Yanyu is indeed old, he is no longer a teenager, and most of the people of the same age already have grandchildren. When he thinks that he will be abandoned, Hu Yu feels a little pitiful.

"Maybe humans and demons shouldn't be together. One has been in a hurry for decades, but the other has hundreds or thousands of years."

Hu Yu sighed, she seemed to have seen through a lot, besides caring about people she knew well, she devoted herself to cultivating the Tao.

Liu Yuanyuan looked at Hu Yu: "I will not leave him."

Hu Yu yearns for love, but she has never been emotional for anyone, so naturally she still doesn't understand what love is.

He has bet his whole life on this deep love, how could she betray him.

Hu Yu was not troubled and soon fell asleep.

When Hu Yu woke up, Liu Yuanyuan was no longer by his side, and Hu Yu hurried back to the Hou Mansion.

There were three more maids in Su Yanyu's yard, but it didn't seem like there were too many.

The three women lived in the same room, and the woman who was an excellent cook was so frightened that her face turned pale. Even if she calmed down her fear, she didn't dare to go near the house.

The other two women played the piano and sang, trying to lure Su Yanyu over.

The two girls are extremely talented and beautiful, but Su Yanyu insisted not to take a look at them, even though their singing voices were hoarse and their hands were scratched, he couldn't see them.

Hu Yu felt distressed when he saw it, it was really Luohua's intentional flow of water and ruthlessness, and her heart was wrongly paid.

Su Yanyu directly locked himself in the house, did not come out, and did not eat.

The two women wanted to seduce them, but as soon as they approached the door, there were many insects and poisonous insects crawling everywhere, scaring them out of their wits.

What kind of person can do such a thing is really as hard as iron.

In less than three days, the three women ran to Mrs. Su crying.

Mrs. Su frowned: "Don't ask me, just do whatever you want, and you can spend whatever you want at the accounting office. I don't ask about the process, I just look at the result."

The three women cried and cried, they never thought that a simple service would be so troublesome, thinking of Su Yanyu's heart was like iron, the three of them were heartbroken for a while, their tears could not stop, they were afraid of being sent back to the place of fireworks again.

Master Su came back from the outside and said with a smile: "Ma'am, we have company this time. Master Xing'an heard that we were going to travel far, so he immediately became interested. He said that the days of retiring from old age and returning home were boring, so he happened to take Madam with us. Let's go together, the sixteenth of this month is a good day, and we will decide how to go on this day."

Mrs. Su worried: "Whatever."

The three glamorous girls are helplessly, and his son doesn't even look at him. If Liu Yuanyuan doesn't come home, he doesn't think about eating and drinking. What can I do for a mother?

The three women hope that Mrs. Su can help them.

Mrs. Su looked at the three of them. They were all pitiful women with delicate faces, and she cried like pear blossoms with rain. So, why couldn't they see them? It's been so long, don't give up, it's not so easy to get out of the quagmire."

She won't give up until the last moment.

No one knows what will happen if you don't force it.

Even if she planned to arrange the three of them well, she would not tell them that if they were to despair and grasp at the last straw, it might be the case.

The three women retreated in cold heart, they couldn't even enter the main house, how could they succeed.

Su Yanyu hadn't eaten or drank for five whole days, and he was quite haggard. When he came out of the house, he naturally wouldn't starve himself to death. He did this just to see if Liu Yuanyuan would come back.

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