Chapter 846 Feelings

He trusted Liu Sanniang, and he would not go back on what he promised.

That force was extremely warm, pulling him, as if it wanted to take him somewhere, and Lu Zhen was also pulled away by that force. The warm force was like rain nourishing everything. He completely believed in this. a force.

Wherever they take him.

Dimly, Lu Zhen heard many soft whispers that were not clear.

What he saw in front of him was blurry, and he could smell a faint fragrance from the tip of his nose, as if there were medicinal herbs in it. He held him in his arms with both hands. He could smell the smell of food, and a gentle voice came from his ear: " what--"

Subconsciously, Lu Zhen opened his mouth, and the mouthfeel was delicious and soft. He liked the taste very much, so he ate happily.

Gradually, I could see clearly in front of my eyes, everything was clearly in front of my eyes, he became a baby in someone's arms, and the woman who was holding him and feeding him was the Concubine De when she was young.

She blew the hot food to cool it down, and then fed it to him, while wiping the soup on the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.

Lu Zhen was not used to it, but when he opened his mouth, it became the voice of a baby. There was no language, only the incomprehensible 'ah wah...'

Lu Zhen was silent.

De Concubine finished eating for him, and he just ate some casually. When he went to sleep at night, De Concubine would reach out her hand under his nose to try to breathe and touch his forehead from time to time. After confirming that the child was safe, Lu Zhen would hear De Concubine Take a long breath.

In the matter of taking care of children, she never pretends to others, and does everything by herself.

And these memories, Lu Zhen can't remember, he doesn't remember all the things in the past, and these are more like memories buried deep in his heart, little by little, they surfaced in his mind, scene by scene, from vague to clear.

Concubine De is always very careful, and Lu Zhen knows that it's all because of love.

Every time he fell ill, it was accompanied by Concubine De's difficulty in sleeping and eating. Only after he recovered, Concubine De could show a smile on her face.

Concubine De loves Buddhist scriptures and often reads and prays.

And Lu Zhen can crawl, walk and talk in such an environment.

There are several fruit trees in the palace. Lu Zhen's favorite is a winter pear tree in the garden. It is very tall and big. Every winter, when it is covered with snow, the pears will fall.

Get up early, look for the flowers in the garden, find the pears and eat them.

As a child, he didn't know what Concubine Dao was worried about every day. After going to school, everyone else said that he hadn't slept with his mother for a long time, but he still slept with Concubine Mother.

The little boy clenched his fists and said firmly: "The baby has grown up, the baby can no longer sleep with the concubine mother."

Concubine De was worried and helpless, although she separated, Concubine De still rested on the small couch in his room, got up many times at night, and went back to the main hall before dawn.

Several princes, the second prince has been sick since he was a child, and the fifth prince became seriously ill and became stupid.

And at that time, he was also sick.

Lu Zhen really wanted to say don't worry, but the heavy body and the chaos in his mind made him unable to say a word.

Hearing the crying voice of Concubine De, he was so anxious: "God bless me, as long as the child recovers this time and believers don't soften their hearts, I can't protect him. Even if he hides his name in the future, as long as he lives safely Well, just wait for him to grow up healthy and come back to reunite with our mother and son if he has a chance, if there is no chance, I wish my son a safe life."

How determined was Concubine De to send the child away with her own hands.

This woman took care of him personally during the half month when she was seriously ill, and held his hand countless times, crying and praying.

Lu Zhen felt uncomfortable, he didn't want to be separated.

On the day he was sent away, he was asleep and was sent out of the palace just like that.

But Concubine De's tears fell on his face, they were hot, and she was very reluctant, but it was becoming more and more dangerous to stay by her side, and she had no confidence in whether she could escape the danger next time.

The child was sent away, and Lu Zhen also lost consciousness of the child. He was still in the deep palace. He saw that after sending the child away, Concubine De knelt down in front of the Buddha, crying and praying silently.

Lu Zhen was beside her, he wanted to wipe De Concubine's tears, but he couldn't touch her.

He never knew that a woman would shed so many tears, you could tell her worries and fears when you heard her sigh and looked into her eyes.

But to the outside world, she still has to work hard to pretend to be good and forcefully smile.

The news came back again and again, a small piece of paper, a short sentence or two, but it can convey so much information.

There has never been a lack of hunting, and the child that Concubine De is worried about has never been safe.

Until the news of the disappearance came.

Concubine De passed out immediately. She was so anxious that she could hardly wake up. Lu Zhen thought she was going to die.

But it happened that such a woman who was on the verge of death woke up again with a sliver of faith.

The dark guards have been looking for it, but there has been no news.

Concubine De seldom goes out, except to pay respects to the queen and read Buddhist scriptures. She has the position of concubine, and the emperor occasionally goes to sit.

But Lu Zhen knew that she would keep her eyes open for countless nights until dawn, and wake up from countless startling dreams, crying for Guang'er with tears in her eyes.

The pears from the winter pear tree in the palace, no one has ever eaten them, fell down and rotted in the soil.

Lu Zhen couldn't help but think of those days when he was starving and freezing, the back of his head hurt like hell, and the blood and hair were scabbed together, and he didn't dare to touch them.

He didn't know his name, he didn't know who he was, and out of instinct, he wanted to live.

That winter was really cold. There were many beggars like him, and they formed gangs to reject outsiders.

He was dizzy with hunger, and he couldn't help staring at the child in the arms of a woman on the street.

He heard a childish voice: "Mother, why does he keep looking at Bao'er, he is so pitiful."

The woman said: "He is a beggar, abandoned by his parents, who don't want him anymore, but Bao'er is so happy to be hugged by his mother. He is envious of our Bao'er."

The woman gave him a hard look, swearing at him as a 'beggar', and walked away with the child in her arms.

Abandonment was something Lu Zhen remembered in that winter.

He was hungry and cold, and lived with difficulty. In winter, he couldn't find anything to eat. He caught mice to eat. Before meeting Lu Qingqing, his life was only living.

He hated his father and mother whom he couldn't remember in his mind.

But he never thought that his mother and concubine had endured so much in order to protect him.

When Lu Zhen saw Liu Sanniang, his mood changed a lot.

Liu Sanniang got up and left silently.

Concubine De burst into tears: "I'm sorry, it's all the concubine's fault, I'm sorry."

Not only Lu Zhen felt the feelings of Concubine De, but Concubine De also felt the feelings of Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen quickly understood, and he said lightly: "Those are all over, I have grown up, I am such a person, I will not hate you anymore, in the future, I will take Qingqing to go to It depends on you, what do you like, we can also go to see it together, if you want to leave the palace and live with us in the future, you can also."

ps: Double update, good night everyone.

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