The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 683: Added Value

When the demigod-level plant Sunflower turned its back and surrendered, Thane was fighting in the Green Tree City in the east of the Green Leaf World.

The native insects of the green leaf world have developed a certain prototype of civilization and society.

As a plant-based creature, it must make sense for the Guardian to choose the bamboo leaf dragonfly clan as the dominant species in this plane.

The tall Green Tree City in front of you is a large city built by the Bamboo Leaf Dragonfly Clan.

And in addition to the surface part, Green Tree City also has a quite large and complex underground space.

Just in this city in front of you, there are no less than two million insect species that live and inhabit.

Of course, 99% of them are ordinary insect creatures, physically weaker than the humans in the wizarding world.

What power can a small insect less than one meter have?

If you're brave enough, you can crush several of them with one kick.

Just let those ordinary Gass who are more than one meter tall in the Thunder World, and one of them can defeat several ordinary insect creatures in the Green Leaf World.

In this large green tree city in front of us, the only real threat to the Blue Origin Holy Tower Legion is the more than 15,000 bamboo leaf dragonflies with some fighting ability.

Among the fifteen thousand bamboo leaf dragonflies, there are no more than a hundred that have truly reached the first level of life or above.

The weak plane essence is simply not enough to allow the green leaf world to give birth to more life forms above level one.

This is because the background of the Blue Origin Holy Tower is too shallow. If you switch to a holy tower with a deeper number of participating legions or a deeper background, the advancement speed will be faster.

For example, the Green Fire Holy Tower of Master Thain, Cuilis, could easily organize an army of hundreds of thousands of magicians.

Hundreds of thousands of first-level magicians and above can push this micro-plane flat without the assistance of the slave biological army.

The Jade Origin Holy Tower Legion came to this micro-plane to plunder resources, not to cause unprovoked killings.

There are two million insect-type creatures in Green Tree City, and the strong men of the Holy Tower of Origin, represented by Thain, don't have much interest in them.

What Thain and others really need to eliminate are the fifteen thousand bamboo leaf dragonflies that have relatively strong resistance.

What's more important is that none of those bamboo leaf dragonflies above the first level can be let go.

The Green Leaf World was the first alien world to be conquered and invaded by the Holy Tower of Origin of Blue. Lu Lianman did not need the birth of a so-called dominant biological race in this plane to rule the world for her.

It is better for the green leaf world to be ownerless and free to develop. The rich plant resources produced in this world are enough to enrich Lu Lianman's withered wallet. As for the huge number of insect-type creatures, Lu Lianman didn't like using them as an army of slave creatures.

The insect creatures in the green leaf world are really too weak!

In addition to the fighting power of the Bamboo Leaf Dragonfly clan, there is something else to watch.

The other insect-type creatures are so weak that if they are used as a slave creature army, it would be an embarrassment to Lu Lianman.

For these huge numbers of insect creatures, their future destiny is to serve as coolies, continuously exploiting the resource wealth of the green leaf world for Lu Lianman.

Moreover, after many years of development and evolution of insect organisms in the green leaf world, most of these organisms have a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship with the plant organisms in this world.

Some insects of the genus can produce certain resources by themselves, but their value is relatively low.

Lu Lianman's family is not rich, so she can make do with it.

The battle in Green Tree City didn't have much suspense.

There were only three secondary creatures in this giant plant city. Two of them were killed by Thain and others. Only one was seriously injured and escaped by escaping.

That was a second-level ground bug, which was considered a minority race in the green leaf world. It was a pity not to catch it.

"The instructor said that these insects are of low value, and I think so too."

"But compared to what some magicians in the Holy Tower proposed, selling them directly to the Wizards Alliance as meat worms at the price of food."

"I think a more scientific way is to develop their ancillary values." Thain said while holding a fleshy beetle about thirty centimeters in length in his hand.

The beetle in Thain's hand is a relatively common insect creature in the green leaf world. It was named "Black Beetle" by the combat headquarters.

This thing's fighting ability is extremely low, but it produces a lot of meat. It likes to eat rotten roots and fresh leaves of plants.

But in return, its feces contain extremely rich factors beneficial to plant growth.

The Minotaur slaves in the Holy Tower Legion of the Origin of Blue like to eat this kind of fleshy bugs.

In the past, Thain speculated that it was because of the high protein content in their bodies.

But now, Thain has a new perspective in his mind.

The meat bug in Thane's hand is not even at the first level of life, and its intelligence may only be equivalent to the pigs, cows and sheep in the wizarding world.

With Thane grabbing his back, he could only flap his claws in vain.

This is the most common indigenous creature in the leafy world.

During the flapping process, this black bug secreted a thick, translucent liquid from the gaps in its carapace. This liquid smells delicious and has a high sugar content. These black bugs only secrete it when they are emotionally excited, which seems to be needed for reproduction.

The Minotaurs liked to eat this kind of black beetles, and now Thain judged that it was because of this layer of transparent mucus that they tasted really delicious.

"The yield of this sugary mucus is not low. Perhaps we can collect this material in large quantities through captivity."

"Sugar is a rare commodity in many Wizarding Alliance planes."

"If this added value is used well, it may be more profitable than selling meat directly." Thain used a crystal ball to record his thoughts and insights.

His suggestion may not be adopted by the Holy Tower.

Thain was just expressing his feelings.

Not far from Thain, the second-level female knight Nataya looked at Thain with admiration.

What seemed like an ordinary little bug to Natalya would actually have another use and manifestation in Thane's hands.

This unique wisdom of discovering and applying truth made Thain's temperament explode at this time. At least Natalya looked like a nymphomaniac.

Natalya arrived in the eastern battlefield right after Thane.

She was originally sent to the north, but for some reason, Natalya was sent here not long after Thain took the combat mission.

Thane thought of his mother-in-law Xia Ya, whom he met at the combat headquarters.

I guess it was the old lady who tipped off the news again.

During the war, Thain did not want to get too involved with his woman.

Fortunately, Natalya is also relatively "sensible". After the two came to the eastern battlefield, they have been fighting side by side for a long time, and Natalya has not disturbed him too much.

Even when Thane was doing some small experiments that interested him after the war, Natalya also watched from a distance.

Originally, Natalya wanted to help, but after accidentally breaking two sets of Thain's experimental equipment.

The furious Thain scolded her and asked her to stay two hundred meters away from him.

Natalya is also a solid person. When Thain said two hundred meters, she really retreated two hundred meters.

Natalya, who is rough-handed and rough-footed, is really not suitable for helping Thain complete some detailed magic experiments.

As for body refining research... Thain might be able to find some time to ask Natalya for help.

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