The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 602 The right of the weak to survive

In fact, plane wars have little to do with those who are truly weak.

With their humble strength, they are simply unable to intervene in plane battles at this level.

But also because they are extremely weak, the change of ownership of a vast plane has the greatest impact on them.

After Thain and others entered the Thunder Mountains, Thain could often see some weak thunder-type creatures hanging around.

Among them were millions of Gass who had been slaughtered on previous battlefields.

Different from those Gass with fighting ability, the skin color of these Gass in front of them is lighter, and their strength is estimated to be weaker than the civilian farmers in the wizarding world.

In Thane's magic ball, he named these lighter-skinned Ghasts "Mountain Ghasts".

Based solely on individual strength, a strong male human in the wizarding world can beat three skinny ordinary Ghasts under one and a half meters tall.

The impact of war on these ordinary Gass is greater than people imagine.

Due to the fierce battles that destroyed the cultivation of Thunder Seed Fruit, the main crop of the Gas clan, tens of millions of ordinary Gas have died of famine in the past twenty years in the Thunder World.

Thunder seed fruit is a short plant less than half a meter in height. It has strong adaptability and can be grown on land with sufficient electrical factors.

However, during the fruiting period, it becomes extremely fragile. With the slightest external force, it will be unable to bear fruit and can only turn into a few light blue flowers and decompose in the soil.

Compared to the ordinary Gas who died due to famine, the nearly one million main army of the Thunder World that the Wizarding World Legion annihilated more than half a year ago is really nothing.

Because the main attack targets of the Wizard World Legion are the biological settlements in the Thunder World that have accumulated a large amount of resistance.

As a result, in the past decade or so, the barren Thunder Mountains have been accumulating more and more alien creatures.

Creatures like Gas, which are usually not very adapted to the mountain environment, have gradually become the species with the largest racial base in the Thunder Mountains.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of Gass in the thundering world, and these weak Gass can only escape.

The influx of these Gass did not affect the dominance of the Thunder Mountain Range.

The ones who really call the shots in the Thunder Mountains are still the Thunder Dragon Clan.

The tyrannical strength possessed by the Thunder Giant Lizards protects the precious and fragile peace of the Thunder Mountain Range.

However, this kind of "peace" naturally disappeared as knights and magicians such as Thane entered this land.

During the advancement of the Wizarding World Legion, it is impossible to allow a biological settlement with a certain degree of resistance such as the Thunder Mountains to exist peacefully.

The wizarding world needs these thunder lizards to make a statement.

Similarly, it may be that the Thunder Mountain Range has absorbed a large number of weak creatures from the Thunder World from all directions in recent years.

With so many creatures gathering here, it will naturally attract the attention of the combat headquarters.

"It seems the situation here is more complicated than we imagined."

"How many Thunder World creatures are there here? Five hundred thousand? Or one million?"

During the march, Goode came to Thain and muttered.

The Thunder Mountain Range is still a bit far away from where the main army of the Steel Wall Fist Knight Hall gathers.

So when they came over, Thain and others obtained two war airships approved by the combat command.

The two war airships were floating above everyone's heads. When the creatures of the Thunder World saw these two war airships, they clearly showed deep fear.

Although he looks tough on the outside, Goode is actually very considerate.

After entering the Thunder Mountains, they had experienced several waves of attacks.

However, each wave is not strong, and it is basically a small fight.

It is enough for those first-level knights to take action.

Sometimes, before even a first-level knight could take action, the attacker would be carved up by thousands of hungry slave creatures.

Although the intensity of the attack is not high, when there are many of them, it can be annoying enough.

What's more important is that the Thunder Mountains contain more creatures from the Thunder World than the combat command originally expected.

Even though these creatures in the thunder world are generally extremely weak, if they fight to the death with Thane and the others, they will fight to the death.

Dozens or millions of people rushed over at once, killing them alive even with human lives.

In the astral world, there is only one kind of creature that cannot be killed by low-level creatures with numbers and lives, and that is individuals above level four.

This is why they are called "gods".

Thain also learned from many magic documents that level four creatures do have the ability to destroy a world. The difference lies in how much effort it takes.

In response to Goode's complaint, Thain glanced at the other party and said: "You are thinking too simply. According to my preliminary estimate, the number of indigenous creatures inhabiting the Thunder Mountains is probably no less than five million."

"This is still a conservative number. If the creatures in the thunder world are also very capable of digging holes, this number is likely to soar to more than 7 million."

Thain's words made Good's eyelids twitch.

Even if he is an executioner knight who has slaughtered countless lives from other worlds, he can't help but feel a little numb after hearing this number.

There are so many alien creatures, even if he wields his giant sword and his hand cramps, he still can't cut them all.

If you really want to exterminate so many ordinary creatures, the wizarding world generally has better options.

Or use the main cannon of the space fortress to clear the ground.

Either you can find a magician above the demigod level and release forbidden spells to trigger catastrophic changes in the rules of local areas of the plane, so that these weak indigenous creatures can die on a large scale.

It would be a waste of time to cut them off one by one with manpower.

However, in most cases, the wizarding world will not engage in such inhumane behavior, which is inconsistent with the interests and values ​​of the wizarding world.

The order issued by the fortress command to Thain and others this time is also very clear: subdue the giant lizards in the Thunder Mountains and clean up the threatening Gass.

It's not that they want to cause a massacre.

"What I told you is to restrict those slaves from other worlds from killing wantonly. Have you followed through?" Thain said to Goode.

"The order has been given a long time ago. If any slave creature dares to disobey the order, I will prescribe it first!" Goode spat.

There is still some sticky blood on his heavy sword, which was contributed by a slave creature not long ago.

The knights and magicians of the wizarding world will not have much mercy for these slave creature cannon fodder.

Those who obey will be given a little food.

Even if you are in a good mood, you will be rewarded with something.

If you are disobedient, then there is no need to exist.

In order to ensure that these slave biological legions have high fighting enthusiasm in the war, the Wizard World Legion often keeps them hungry before the war.

Only after the war is over, with the countless corpses on the battlefield, can these slave creatures have a full meal.

The slave creature that was chopped down by Goode was probably a little hungry, so he was so hungry that he forgot the orders given by Thain and others.

After hearing this, Thane nodded and said, "Well, you don't have to worry. I don't think there is any danger in this mission to Thunder Mountain."

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