The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 476: Different rules

Thain thought that after entering the light curtain, he would appear directly in the sea on the other side of the light curtain he just saw.

But the reality is that when he enters the light curtain, there is a special blue-purple space in front of him.

This space has a passage that goes straight forward, and a striking light appears at the end of the passage.

The strange thing is that around the passage, as far as Thain could see, he did not see any of the trialists who came in at the same time as him.

"Does the space system use methods?"

"Why can't I find a space formation? And the feeling this space passage gives me is completely different from the teleportation formation passages I have experienced before."

"It's such a strange space. I don't know what mysteries it contains." Looking at the special blue-purple space around him, Thain continued to rush towards the end of the passage.

When Thane reached the end of the passage, the dazzling white light dissipated.

When he opened his eyes again, Thain had already appeared in a lush mountain forest.

There was no slight fluctuation in space transformation, nor was there any discomfort after passing through the space channel. This was also the first time for Thain to come into contact with this situation.

"The average element concentration is nearly three times that of the outside world, and the softness of the elements is also very consistent with the creatures in the wizarding world. It is indeed a secret realm left by level nine creatures." Thain couldn't help but sigh as he felt the surrounding environment.

A crystal ball appeared in Thain's hand, and soon the number 287% appeared on the surface of the crystal ball, indicating that the element concentration here was 285% times the element concentration in the normal wizarding world.

Looking at the billions of planes in the star world, the concentration of elements in the wizarding world is definitely at the forefront among many planes.

This is the foundation of the top plane.

Take the poisonous green flame world as an example. Although the concentration of fire element particles in that world is high, the overall element concentration is estimated to be less than one percent of that in the wizarding world.

This change in elemental concentration is directly reflected in the number and intensity of the creatures nurtured in the two worlds.

In addition, element softness and element utilization are also important conditions to distinguish the gap between the two worlds.

If we talk about the unique elemental atmosphere of the wizarding world, the effect of creatures in this plane on absorbing elemental energy particles can be rated at 90 points.

So in a world of poisonous fire and green flames, the efficiency of living organisms in absorbing elemental energy can only be rated at three points. Originally, the gap between the wizarding world and the ordinary weak planes was large enough.

At this time, the secret realm of Knight Continent that Thain was in, just comparing the concentration of elements with the outside world, meant that the trialists who entered it accumulated magic power three times faster than the outside world.

Not to mention, there's a lot more good stuff here than the most basic difference in element concentration.

"Huh? I've never seen a plant in this form before."

"Is it a unique plant in the Knight Continent?" Noticing a graceful and green plant not far away, Thain walked over with curiosity and knowledge.

The breadth of the Knight Continent exceeds Thane's imagination.

Even though Thain was flying in a fixed direction for a month, he still couldn't get out of the jungle where he stayed when he first arrived in the Knights Continent.

Of course, it is also possible that Thane's flying speed has slowed down a lot compared to the outside world.

The difference between Knight Continent and the outside world is not only the concentration of elements, the softness of elements, and the ecology of native flora and fauna, but also the gravity here, which is greater than the outside world.

Affected by the changes in gravity, it is estimated that many first-level creatures that have just entered it will have difficulty maintaining flight for a long time.

Only creatures of level two or above will not be greatly affected.

The reason why Thane was able to continue flying for a month was due to his strong physique.

In the final analysis, the biggest impact of gravity is not the cost of mana several times over, but a test of the living body's muscles and body's carrying capacity.

The vast majority of magicians are physically weak, and it seems that this gravitational influence cannot be offset by magic shields.

Just like Thain was unable to explain the mystery when he first passed through the special blue-purple space, this kind of gravity influence that ignores the magic shield is not something Thain can understand at this stage.

"Since it is named the Knights Continent, this secret realm must be mainly prepared for knights."

"Is the first level nine creature born in the wizarding world a knight? It's incredible." Thain said to himself.

As the status of spellcasters is generally higher than that of knights, the first level nine creature born in the wizarding world turned out to be a knight, which indeed exceeded the expectations of many new generation knights and magicians.

In the past month, in addition to constantly traveling in the same direction, Thain also harvested a large number of native plant and animal specimens of the Knight Continent.

As small as a blade of grass or an insect, or as large as a towering tree, they are all completely different from the outside world.

And it may be because the concentration of elements here is too high.

As far as Thain could see, it seemed that all animals and plants could be classified as magic materials!

This is a real treasure house, and the richness here exceeds Thane's previous knowledge.

However, after a month, although he collected a lot of small specimens, Thain really didn't collect many large animal specimens.

It's not that there aren't any here, it's that many of the ones Thain encountered were not so easy to deal with and capture.

After entering the Knight Continent trial space, Thain lost the ability to summon Yuli and Xiaoqi.

Thane could feel that they were still staying well in the dimensional bag, but for some reason, he just couldn't summon them out.

Equipment that stores dead objects, such as space rings, can function normally.

I couldn't help but look up at the sky. Although what I could see was a normal blue sky.

But Thain knew in his heart that there should be a blue-purple light curtain at the end of the sky, isolating the inside and outside.

Due to the gravity attributes of Knight Continent and certain rules and characteristics that Thain cannot understand, the high levels of the sky are beyond Thain's reach.

It is estimated that only level 3 or even level 4 or above experts can find out.

Thain remembered that two weeks ago, he saw a huge black shadow with a wingspan of more than two hundred meters flying across the sky in the distance.

Don't know what kind of creature that is? , with Thain's severely limited mental detection range, he could only detect subtle fluctuations within the surrounding fifty meters.

Places high in the sky and more distant places are beyond his ability to reach at this stage.

From this point of view, it does make sense that Thain's mentor Lu Lianman did not rush to let Thain explore the Knights Continent.

In the second month after entering the Knight Continent, Thain finally met a living person.

This is a first-level knight trapped in a jungle swamp.

After also spotting Thane, the knight promptly called out, "Hey, help me!"

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