The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 412: Traveling Together

Being threatened by a mermaid, Thain was still in a bad mood.

However, he did not refuse the mermaid's request, but instead asked a little strangely: "As the royal family of the wizarding world's ocean, your mermaid family must not lack the relevant secrets to release soul control, right?"

"Why don't you just return to the tribe and instead ask for help from me, a magician?"

Thane's question also shows his distrust of this mermaid.

Thain still has a lot of secrets, especially since his trip to the Black Realm this time is not really a vacation.

There is a mermaid nearby, which is a lot of trouble.

The mermaid did not give a direct answer to Thain's question.

In fact, this mermaid did this, and it is easy to understand. It is related to certain customs and bad habits in the ocean.

The mermaid clan attaches great importance to chastity. The chastity referred to here does not only represent the membrane, but also includes other aspects.

Underage mermaids can hardly even leave the house.

Even adult mermaids will only go to the sea market to meet the opposite sex under the leadership of their elders during the Ocean Festival every fifty years, and choose a suitable mermaid as a partner.

Although the pink-tailed mermaid in front of her has grown up, due to the time of her birth, she happened to miss the last ocean festival and can only wait for the next one fifty years later.

Although ordinary mermaids have a life span of close to two hundred years, fifty years is too long for them, especially those with more free-spirited minds.

The pink-tailed mermaid in front of Thane is a young mermaid who sneaked out from the Deep Sea Crystal City and wants to see the outside world.

Unfortunately, before she could see much of the splendor of the wizarding world, she was caught by the second-level black magician Van Basten and imprisoned for two years.

The mermaid family's strict attitude towards tradition means that once the mermaid returns to her ancestral land, she will be greeted by a quiet life without sunshine.

Even her parents couldn't help her with this.

Only by advancing to the first level, the safest way is to reach the second level of life, she will not be unduly difficult when she returns to Mermaid City.

Why is it that in the black market within the wizarding civilization, the price of mermaids is always high, even higher than that of elves, who are equally handsome men and beautiful women.

Are mermaids really generally more beautiful than elves? Or is it because of the so-called "blessing of the sea"? In fact, it is neither.

Things are rare and valuable, and there are relatively few mermaids living outside, so naturally they are easily sought after by everyone.

Everyone knows that the mermaids are extremely beautiful and have the racial power of the blessing of the sea, but who knows what the final fate of those harmed mermaids will be?

The half-mermaid, a hybrid species, is an eternal scar in the history of mermaids.

And few people know that half-mermaids live a very difficult life in the ocean.

Purebred mermaids regard half-mermaids as a shame. They do not allow the half-mermaids to continue to reproduce outside and pollute the noble bloodline of the mermaids.

Almost 70% of the half-mermaids in the wizarding world live in the depths of the ocean. They are almost never allowed to leave the underwater stone castles built specifically for them by the mermaid clan.

In comparison, the Great Elf World, a member of the Wizards Alliance, appears to be much more tolerant and friendly in this regard.

The elves do not discriminate against half-elves with thin blood. Instead, they sympathize with the increasing number of half-elves being born.

These half-elves enjoy treatment that is no less than that of ordinary elves, including many of the fourth-level and above creatures in the world of elves, which are half-elf gods.

(ps: The Great Elf World also follows the development path of belief in becoming a god. Creatures above level four are often revered as "gods" by lower-level creatures.)

It can be seen from the fact that this mermaid left the Undersea Crystal City privately that she is a very thoughtful and upright mermaid.

She could break the tradition and leave the mermaid city, so how could she go back and accept the punishment of the mermaid clan?

Besides, the most dangerous existence in the wizarding world is the black magician.

She had already escaped from the black magician, could there be a more dangerous place than this?

As for whether she is worried that Thane is a bad person... Judging from Thain's relationship with Tourmaline, the son of Poseidon, this mermaid thinks she can dispel her doubts.

What kind of existence is Poseidon? It is the ultimate individual in the four major oceans of the wizarding world. It has been the supreme existence that has protected the sea people since ancient times and is respected and loved by hundreds of millions of sea people.

Outside of the mermaid clan, the prestige of Poseidon even exceeds that of the so-called King of Mermaids.

That is the ultimate foundation of the sea clan in the wizarding world, and it is the sea-fixing pillar of the endless ocean.

With the addition of a mermaid by his side, Thain's happiness in harvesting the wealth of a second-level black magician was somewhat affected.

Regarding this mermaid, although Thain promised, he would try his best to help her solve the remaining constraints of the soul magic of the second-level black magician.

But what she was thinking about was how to apply the same tactics of "Miracchi's Soul Book" to her.

With Constructor Yuli's lessons learned, Thain is still extremely satisfied with this soul magic.

As for breaking the agreement or something...

Thain did not sign any contract with her.

This is the naivety of a fledgling mermaid.

How could she have imagined that Thain was actually not a good person.

Being able to attract Tourmaline's favor is not because of how noble Thain's moral character is, but purely because of the light of the plane given by the Guardian of Summer after he won first place in the regional Holy Tower Academy war.

In addition to the research on soul magic, Thain is also extremely interested in mermaids, a special race in the wizarding world.

Whether it was the opponent's occult racial abilities or the ability of the dorsal fin to self-detach when the body was broken, Thain had the urge to explore in the laboratory.

Just out of trouble, this mermaid is still in a good mood.

Jump into the sea, swim very close to the tourmaline, and feel the fragrance of freedom.

Thain also learned her name from the other party - Elisa, an ordinary mermaid name.

Tourmaline's huge body is like an island, moving forward in the sea.

Although the final destination of each person and one turtle is the Western Islands, after a brief exchange with them, Tourmaline did not refuse to visit the Mamet United Alliance and the City of Steel first.

However, Tourmaline's purpose is different from that of Thain, and it doesn't know many people in the Mamet Alliance.

However, in the same area of ​​the Wizarding World's largest Warcraft Forest, there are old friends Bixi met when she was in the Western Islands.


Xiaodou has arrived in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province today to participate in a three-day training course for young creative writers in online literature organized by the Chinese Writers Association.

In the next three days, although updates will not be interrupted, the update time is uncertain. Because I have to go to class, it is very likely that I will update immediately after finishing coding early in the morning or in the middle of the night. Once updated, Xiaodou will inform everyone in the book club.

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