The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 142 Magician Lanqi

Official magician Lan Qi is an official magician with an excellent personality.

In other words, it can be said that almost none of the official magicians who are teaching public courses at Jizhiyuan Holy Tower has a bad temper.

The other party's gentleness and patience allowed Thain to refresh his understanding of the official magician in the wizarding world.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the other party is an academic magician.

If they are those combat magicians who frequently experience plane wars, they will probably be impatient when facing a group of magic apprentices who don't understand anything.

At this time, what was placed in front of Thane was a shoulder blade of an alien humanoid creature.

This is also a hidden benefit of this public course.

Lanqi magician sometimes separates the body parts of these alien creatures and gives them to the apprentices to dissect and process.

This helps them gain a deeper understanding of alien creatures.

"Not all intelligent creatures in the star world are humanoids. It's just because humanoids are generally more intelligent and similar to humans in our wizarding world."

"So the probability of them joining the Wizards Alliance is slightly higher."

"Except for humanoid creatures, the ooze monsters, mantis bugs, and flying mantises I showed in my last class are all alien creatures with extremely low intelligence."

"Of course, low intelligence refers to the general intelligence of their group."

"In most planes, some mutated individuals will be born. When these individuals grow to life levels above one level, their wisdom will also undergo transformation."

"The limb specimens placed in front of you are specimens of native creatures that I collected while traveling in the plane of Komut."

"The indigenous biological groups of the Kermut plane are sixty-nine similar in appearance to us humans in the wizarding world, but the internal differences are huge."

"You can now dissect them to see how they are different from humans in our wizarding world." In class, Magician Lanqi said to Thain and others.

Magician Lan Qi is not a combat magician, but this official magician loves to travel to other planes.

According to what the other party said casually in class, this Lanqi magician had traveled to eleven alien planes in his 441 years of life.

These alien planes are subordinate planes of the Wizards Alliance and are under the absolute rule and guidance of the wizard civilization.

Just pay a varying amount of magic coins or energy crystals.

Knights and magicians in the wizarding world can go to these alien planes that have been occupied and conquered to travel and practice.

The alien experiences told by Magician Lan Qi made these weak apprentices fascinated.

Alien creatures with an average height of several meters, strange alien creatures living in tree holes and caves, floating islands hovering in the sky, as well as some unheard of alien food and spectacular scenery.

They all inspire these apprentices to move forward, hoping that one day they will be able to be exposed to these novel things when they are promoted to official magicians or above.

Magician Lan Qi serves as a lecturer for two courses: the structure of alien creatures and the basic explanation of alien planes at Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy. This is probably because he is extremely keen on exploring alien knowledge.

Of course, Magician Lanqi himself also has some advanced knowledge about other worlds.

But this part of the knowledge requires the apprentices to purchase it from the Lanqi magician at an extra cost.

However, it seems that there are not many apprentices coming to the public class of Magician Lanqi.

There aren't many apprentices who want to take his advanced courses and buy them.

And Thain, who has experienced the yellow sand world, knows that the real alien plane is not as beautiful as these Holy Tower apprentices imagined.

And he was also very interested in the advanced knowledge about many alien planes mastered by Magician Lanqi.

By understanding the relevant knowledge and information in advance, Thain will be much more comfortable when he first experiences an alien war or travels to a strange alien plane in the future.

"Huh? This apprentice, your name is... Thain, right?"

"Your dissection technique is rare."

"And this level of anatomical completeness..." In the classroom, Magician Lanqi, who was explaining the basic knowledge of alien creatures to his apprentices, suddenly noticed Thain's anatomical results.

Gold will shine wherever it is.

When Thane was at the Academy of Dark Arts, his anatomy techniques were praised by the official Dark Mage Corsoron.

Now in Jizhiyuan Holy Tower Academy, it will not be surprising that Lan Qi, the official magician, is surprised.

Thain's anatomy technique reveals words known as "professional" and "high precision" both inside and outside.

only in the field of anatomy

, Thain has indeed learned 60% of the skills of the official black magician Corsoron.

No wonder the other party even considered taking Thain as his disciple.

Although Lanqi is also an official magician, he is not as expert in the field of anatomy as Cosolon, and may even be worse than Thain's craftsmanship.

No one is perfect, and formal magicians are not as omnipotent as those weak apprentices think.

After discovering that Thain's dissection skills were beyond ordinary people, Magician Lanqi couldn't help but stop the lecture and asked: "Which formal magician did you learn this dissection technique from?"

"Master, I learned this from my family." Thain replied respectfully.

"No wonder I haven't seen similar anatomy techniques in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin. Your family must be a magical family with rich knowledge." Magician Lan Qi said with a smile.

"I happen to have a skeleton of an alien creature that needs to be perfectly dissected to add to my laboratory collection. Can you find a time to assist me?"

"Of course, I will give you the corresponding academy points and rewards." Magician Lanqi asked directly in class.

Of course, Thain would not refuse the request of an official magician.

It happened that Thain also wanted to obtain the knowledge he was interested in from Magician Lanqi, so he replied: "This is my honor, Master Lanqi!"

The conversation between Magician Lanqi and Thain aroused the attention of other apprentices in this classroom.

However, there are not many apprentices here, and the intermediate and above apprentices are quite busy and don't have much time for chatting and gossiping.

As a result, Thain was not well-known in the academy, and only a few apprentices noticed him.

The precious specimen of Magician Lanqi is an alien creature with four wings and a lizard-like appearance.

According to Magician Lanqi, this is a sub-dragon-like creature in its infancy, with a life energy level as high as the first initial level. It is one of the most precious items in his collection.

It can be seen that Magician Lanqi's personal financial situation is not very good.

Otherwise, he would not have found a magic apprentice like Thain to help process the specimens.

I don’t know if all the magic coin salary he received from teaching at Holy Tower College was spent on exploring other dimensions and collecting specimens of rare and exotic creatures.

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