The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 115 Earl of Bauhinia

After rejecting the clown from the Ring of Thorns organization, Thane headed west.

Because he has entered the territory of the Lycian League, Thain no longer has to worry about his identity.

There are a lot of gold coins on hand, some of which were given by the old man with the goatee who bought hurricane porcupine skins, and some of which were given by the fat lord of Peter City.

After hiring a carriage and a driver, Thain drove on the highway in the Lycian Union.

It has to be said that the situation in the Lycian Alliance is far worse than that in the Underdark.

Not only is the terrain mostly plain and densely populated, but even the roads are much better than those in the Dark Region.

It seems that the nobles all understand the importance of road construction for the development of their territories. In the Lycian League, many nobles have specially built spacious gravel roads between their territories.

The speed of a carriage on this kind of road is much faster than walking.

And through the introduction of the coachman who had traveled north and south for many years, as long as Thain paid enough wages, he could directly take Thain to the Ferre Territory in the west of the Lycian League.

After entering the Lycian Alliance, apart from being slightly affected by the intermediate apprentice from the Ring of Thorns organization at the beginning, Thain felt a little uneasy and unnatural at other times.

He thought of his family, the blurry images of his mother in his childhood memories, and the Grant surname.

In fact, when he was in Black Castle, Thane could directly inquire about Grant's surname and which family he belonged to in the Lycian Alliance.

But Thain didn't. An indescribable emotion made Thain flinch.

So he continued to follow the weak guidance of blood traceability magic to search for the source of his bloodline and family within the Lycian Alliance.

In fact, Thain is still not sure what attitude he should take towards his family until now.

Is it a joyful reunion?

Or do you blame the other person for losing him and not even looking for him for more than ten or twenty years?

Such complicated emotions have made it impossible for Thain to calm down and study magic recently.

So Thain changed his mind. He did not continue to study the advanced magic books left to him in his mentor's space bracelet, but began to work hard on alchemy again.

The many gains gained during the journey to the Underdark and the Dark Mountains have allowed Thain to accumulate a certain amount of medium and low-level magic materials on hand.

Most of these materials are not available in the underground world, so even if they are used as raw materials for making medium and low-level magic props, it is not enough for Thain.

Has a certain level of challenge and failure rate.

Every process of making a magic item is a process for Thain to deepen his understanding of alchemy.

On this point, mentor Moses had warned Thain as early as in his notes.

Otherwise, given Moshe's level of alchemy, why would he sometimes make props and gadgets that he has no use for?

Was it really made specifically for his apprentices?

No! In fact, Moses' many higher alchemical achievements were achieved through countless experiments and failures.

Thain's identity as a magician and the alchemy experiments he conducted beside the carriage from time to time made the rather young coachman stunned.

The coachman had been traveling around for many years. He had only seen the magician from afar before, and he didn't dare to disturb him at all.

Such a close contact and the opportunity to observe an alchemist's experimental process are enough for him to spend the rest of his life after this job is over.

Due to experimental delays on the way, Thain's progress in the Lycian League was even slower.

Don't worry on the driver's side, the money Thain will pay in the end will be enough.

The main thing is that only he knows what Thain is thinking.

In the past three months, after passing through multiple noble territories, and Thain also took out three low-level magic props made by himself on the way, "trouble" appeared again.

It can't be called trouble, because the other party is not here to cause trouble, but to invite Thain to join their organization.

This time, it was an apprentice organization called Shenghehui.

Originally, the Holy Peace Society paid more attention to Thain. As the war approached, free senior apprentices like Thain became increasingly rare in the Lycian Alliance.

And the Holy Peace Society is not as arrogant as the Ring of Thorns organization. Although the Holy Peace Society also has its own parent organization, they still respect Thain's personal wishes.

Originally, the lobbyist of the Holy Peace Society had already prepared a plan that he thought was extremely generous.

However, when he heard that this senior apprentice also had the ability to make magic props, the plan he had in hand was instantly rejected by himself, and he quickly came up with a higher-level membership condition.

Magic apprentices of different levels will naturally enjoy different benefits when joining the magician organization.

Some low-level magic apprentices have no way to join a certain magic organization, but higher-level magic apprentices do not have this problem.

The new plan proposed by the Holy Peace Society is enough to match the membership treatment of ordinary quasi-magicians. This is because of the status of Thain Alchemist.

For my sake.

However, facing the increasingly strong feeling of his own bloodline traceability magic and having a complicated mentality, Thain had no interest in joining any apprentice organization, so he once again rejected the invitation of the Holy Peace Society.

Rejecting the Holy Peace Society's invitation was not a big deal, at least Thain didn't care much about it.

But as Thain's alchemist's name became more and more prominent, more and more apprentice organizations, and even higher-level organizations with formal magicians, began to take notice of Thain.

And when lobbyists from these magical organizations came one after another, a series of things happened with Thain.

Thain's bloodline tracing magic finally stopped sensing.

Stopping the induction does not mean that it is malfunctioning, but that Thain has gone somewhere.

This is a noble territory located in the middle of the Lycian Union. The territory is very large, larger than the average earl territory.

Through the driver's description and what he saw some time after entering the territory, Thain knew that the owner of this territory was a powerful nobleman of the Lycian Alliance with the title of "Count Bauhinia".

Count Bauhinia is famous in the Lycian Alliance. Although he is a central noble, what really made him famous was the Silt Basin War with the Kingdom of Western France twenty years ago, and the outbreak of war with the Orc Empire on the northern border seven years ago. The storming battle of Iron Dragon Castle.

It was the first classic battle of the Lycian Alliance to counterattack into the Orc Empire in the past thirty years.

It was also during that war that there were many rumors among the people that the Earl of Bauhinia was very likely to aspire to become the Marquis.

In the Lycian League, apart from the nominal leader, the Grand Duke, the Marquis was actually the pinnacle of noble titles.

The story about Earl of Bauhinia was all found out by Thain after entering the territory of Bauhinia.

Both local civilians and passing merchants and travelers seemed to praise Earl Bauhinia highly.

The city that Thane entered at this time was called Grant City.

This is a city name that is familiar to Thane, including a large population of nearly 300,000 in this city.

If you add in the vast territory and many other cities under the rule of Earl Bauhinia, it is enough to show how much power this Earl, who is famous in the alliance, has.

The prosperity and hustle and bustle of the city in front of him gave Thain, who had just arrived in this city, an unreal feeling.

When he stepped out of the carriage and took off the hood of his black robe, he wanted to take a closer look at the city.

On the top of the city, a guard squadron leader on duty was stunned.

He hurriedly ran to Thain, knelt down in front of him, and respectfully called: "Your Majesty the Earl!"

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