The long lost princess

18 Queen Katherina 3

For the next days after that, Edard took personal care of Katherina, beside his royal duties, he spent all his time with her, and even when the priests told him to not sleep by her side in fear of some disease he may catch, Edard slept no where but beside his wife, only after making her laugh about his clumzy moments,and she fall asleep in his arms.. she regain her health in no time and even became brighter and more beautiful day by day...

By the time Katherina had fully recovered Edard birthday was close, naturally a Ball was to be thrown and she anxiously waited for it, everyone in the past few months were feeling sorry for their unlucky prince for having such a sad unpleasant sick wife, some even suggested to annul this marriage and end the prince misfortune.. thinking how everyone would look and talk about her.. Katherina thought about the little girl she used to be and felt deeply sad and stressed..

Yet for everyone's surprise, the prince walked proudly next to his beautiful wife who only got more beautiful, she was shining like the sun, and even the prince looked so happy and satisfied, he danced with his wife only and didn't allow anyone to have the chance to dance with her, not even her father, she was no one but his... for the whole night..and even announced that the best gift he had for this year and every year, was the gorgeous woman by his side...

late in that night.. Katherina slept naked in Edard arms, she was glued to his body, as long hair covered her back and fell on his chest and arms, even while asleep.. she was smiling...

a year after that night, and over two years since their marriage... little Henry was born.. than three years after the lovely twin Nicholas and Nora...

Katherine knew Edard didnt love her the way she wanted, yet she also knew she was the only woman in his heart and life.. with satisfaction she fullfilled her duties toward him and the kingdom becoming Taghit beloved future queen that everyone from common people to noble elite loved and respected, she was not just a wife and a caring Queen, she was also a good economist and a better ambassador, her diplomatic skills helped the kingdom establish many beneficial relationships even with enemy kingdoms...

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