"Wen Yu used to put drugs in my wife's diet for a long time, intending to murder my wife."

Hearing this, Huang Xuetao nodded subconsciously, "I know something about Wen Yu and Mrs. Jiang's background and grievances.

Chen Haibing, who was in charge of Mrs. Jiang's case, was a classmate of the same police school as me. At the beginning, Chen Haibing had too many cases and was too busy. I also went to help him analyze the case. I can say that I know the situation of this case very well. .

But I don't quite understand one thing. The person Wen Yu hates should be Mrs. Jiang. If she hurts her, she will hurt Mrs. Jiang. How could it involve Mrs. Jiang?

I may speak more straightforwardly, Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang don't mind. "

Lin Qianxiao has been sitting quietly since she entered the office. When she heard Jiang Zhi say that Mrs. Jiang's death was related to Kangtai and Wen Yu, her pale face became paler due to lack of sleep, and it was almost transparent. Even the round chin was slightly pointed, revealing helplessness and uneasiness.

Being cueed by Huang Xuetao, she just slightly raised her innocent and moist almond eyes, and quickly lowered her gaze.

Jiang Zhi stared at Huang Xuetao with a gloomy expression, "It's not that Wen Yu didn't want to hurt my wife, she just didn't have a chance. Three nights ago, in the parking lot of the Fourth Hospital, Wen Yu followed my wife's car and me."

Huang Xuetao was slightly taken aback, "There is still this matter, have you called the police?"

"There is no evidence. After being discovered by my bodyguard, the other party left."

Huang Xuetao didn't know what to say for a while.

He couldn't understand Wen Yu's hatred for Lin Qianxiao.

Wen Yu was clearly the beneficiary from the beginning to the end of the exchange of life experience, but instead she always had trouble with Lin Qianzhi, the beneficiary, and repeatedly harmed her.

That's all, it can be understood that she is afraid of losing her status as a wealthy young lady, so she will do whatever she can.

But Wen Yulian has carefully raised her for twenty years, even after learning her true identity, the Wen family who still let her stay in the Wen family regardless of previous suspicions have plotted and murdered many times, even the wolf-hearted and dog-like lungs are not enough to express the viciousness and viciousness of this woman .

After a while, Huang Xuetao nodded, "Okay, thank you Mr. Jiang for the clues, we will investigate the truth as soon as possible and give Mrs. Jiang justice."

Jiang Zhi glanced at the other party, got up and pulled Lin Qianxiao to leave.

Huang Xuetao suddenly thought of something again, "Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang's death appraisal report is out, please send us a copy.

The forensic department has been working a lot lately, and it may take several days for the results to come out there. Getting Mrs. Jiang's death report earlier would be helpful to the case. "

Jiang Zhi was noncommittal.

Leaving the police station and returning to the car, Lin Qianxiao kept her head down and said nothing.

Jiang Zhi knew that she was shocked by the truth she just heard.

He didn't want her to know this.

But he heard her say that they are husband and wife and should take care of each other and support each other. He couldn't resist the temptation and warmth of her company.

He once thought that his mother was his only bond in this world.

If his mother also abandons him one day, he may lose the meaning and value of his existence.

Until, her appearance.

She was like a ray of light, shining into the darkest place in his heart, making him feel warm;

She is like a candy with five flavors, filling his dull life with sweetness and beauty;

She is like a rainbow of seven colors, making his original black, white and gray world colorful.

Last night, when he saw his mother lying lifeless on the hospital bed, he hated his negligence and wanted to kill himself.

After finding out that his mother's death was related to Kangtai and Wen Yu, all the grief and self-blame in his heart turned into murderous intent.

At that moment, his mind was full of crazy thoughts of killing evil with an eye for an eye.

Until, a cup of steaming black tea suddenly appeared in front of him.

The girl's clear and soft apricot eyes, like rain, cleansed away the evil in his heart, making him sober and rational.

Let him know that he is not alone in this world.

He also has a girl he loves.

She is a wife who needs his protection and love. In the future, they will have a lovely daughter and a smart son.

Filled with guilt and distress, Jiang Zhi embraced the girl in the passenger seat, "I'm sorry, just smile."

Feeling the man's familiar and warm embrace, Lin Qianxiao couldn't bear it any longer, and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Honey, it's all because of me, right? Mom's death is because of me. Wen Yu hates me, so she wants to destroy everything around me."

"it's not your fault."

Jiang Zhi held the girl's face in his arms and wiped away the tears from her face, "It has nothing to do with you, it's because I was too careless and didn't protect Mom well."

Lin Qian smiled and shook her head while crying, "It's not your fault, it's all my fault..."

Jiang Zhi lowered his head and kissed her lips, stuffing all her remaining words back into his throat.


According to estimates, Wen Yu only needs to stay in bed for 3-4 days before returning to the detention center, and the rest is to take anti-inflammatory and hemostatic drugs on time every day.

Wen Yu knew very well that once she was locked up in the detention center, it would be difficult to figure it out. She might not even see the sun outside in her life.

So, she deliberately delayed the treatment, and hid the medicine she wanted to take under her tongue every day. After the nurse left, she spit it out and flushed it down the toilet.

In a blink of an eye, she had been in the hospital for 5 days, but the wounds on her body were still bleeding. Chen Haibing did not dare to forcibly send her back to the detention center, so he had to let his subordinates continue to guard her.

Upon hearing the news of Mrs. Jiang's accident, Chen Haibing immediately called his subordinates, "Where's Wen Yu?"

"In the ward, we watched her 24 hours a day, and she never left."

"Has anyone seen her?"

"No, except for doctors and nurses, no one has been in or out of the ward these days."

The subordinate's reply did not reassure Chen Haibing.

According to his keen intuition and understanding of Wen Yu, Mrs. Jiang's death was most likely related to Wen Yu.

He didn't care about the case he was investigating, and hurriedly called two team members to rush to the hospital.

On the way, the two team members were very surprised to learn that Chen Haibing suspected that Mrs. Jiang's death was related to Wen Yu.

"Wen Yu herself is lying half dead in the hospital, and still has the energy to harm others?"

Chen Haibing sneered, "This woman's scheming methods are far from ordinary people."

"But didn't our people keep watching her? Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have a chance, right?"

He didn't think so, but the reality taught him a vivid lesson.

Jiang Zhi probably didn't expect that Wen Yu would target his mother.

"She really has no chance herself, but she can find help."

"Her mobile phone and wallet were confiscated by us. How can she contact the outside world?"

This is also where Chen Haibing is puzzled.

The doctors and nurses in charge of this ward are all back-screened, with a clean background and good social relations. It is impossible for her to deliver news to a murder suspect and ruin her career and future.

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