Lin Qian smiled and wiped the saliva off her face with disgust, "Speak as you say, don't kiss indiscriminately, if my husband sees you, you will die."

Zhao Meimei smiled disapprovingly, "I kissed your face, not your mouth."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the two of them, "Do you still want to hear my love history? If you want to hear it, I will continue to talk. If you don't want to hear it, go home."

Jiang Zhi didn't come back until at least 10 o'clock in the evening. Lin Qianxiao didn't want to go home alone so early, "How about I invite you to dinner? Chat while eating?"

"Don't eat."

"Not hungry."

Zhao Meimei and Bai Shuangshuang unanimously rejected Lin Qianxiao's proposal.

Lin Qian pouted her face with a smile, and suddenly thought of something, she clapped her hands together: "Then why don't you go to my house for a swim? I have a lot of swimsuits, all newly bought and never worn. Let's chat while swimming?"

This proposal was unanimously approved by Zhao Meimei and Bai Shuangshuang.

In late August in S City, it was muggy and hot outside, and it was a good enjoyment to soak in the swimming pool.

Moreover, the swimming pool at Lin Qianxiao's house is cleaner than the outside, and the environment is nice and quiet.

Back at the apartment, Lin Qianxiao showed Bai Shuangshuang a tour of the apartment first, and then took the two of them to the storage room to pick out gifts bought in Hokkaido.

"There are aromatherapy, essential oils, candles, perfume and skin care products, etc. You can take whatever you like, you are welcome."

Seeing a whole shelf full of various products, including hundreds of bottles of perfume alone, Zhao Meimei and Bai Shuangshuang couldn't close their mouths in shock.

"Mrs. Jiang, did you come back from the wholesale market?"

"No, I went to the specialty store to pick out the same ones. I was afraid that there would not be enough points. I took 10 copies of each item, and I bought so many without knowing it."

Well, the world of local tyrants, I'm sorry they can't understand it.

Lin Qianxiao found two big handbags and came over, "Choose a few more, after you've chosen, I'll take the rest to the servants."

Although Lin Qianxiao likes to buy things, she is not a person who is extravagant and wasteful. She carefully budgeted to buy 10 copies of each product.

There are 7 people including the servant and Mrs. Xu, plus her, Zhao Meimei and Bai Shuangshuang, exactly one share for each person.

Mrs. Jiang's gift was bought separately and is not included here.

After the two of them had chosen their favorite presents, Lin Qianxiao took them to the cloakroom to choose a swimsuit.

Women naturally have a special liking for cloakrooms and dressing tables. When Zhao Meimei saw the high-end or limited-edition bags of various international top luxury brands in Lin Qianxiao's cloakroom, her eyes couldn't move.

Touch this, then touch that, with a salivating face.

Lin Qian laughed happily, pretending to be serious and warned: "Be careful, don't drip your saliva on my bag."

Zhao Meimei replied directly, "I'm really drooling and I promise to lick it clean for you."



Bai Shuangshuang didn't have much idea about famous brand bags, after all, her life level was different, she was more interested in Lin Qianxiao's dressing table.

All the skin care products on the dressing table are the ladies' series of the Mengya brand, but the makeup is more complicated, and there are various brands.

Bai Shuangshuang asked her curiously, "Why doesn't Mengya make makeup?"

Zhao Meimei is also very interested in this topic, "If Mengya makes makeup, I will help promote it for free every day, and Amway, my fans and friends in the circle will buy it! Let it become the No. 1 in the domestic makeup industry!"

Lin Qianxiao found out the new swimsuit and put it on the leather bench, and explained: "I asked Jiang Zhi, and he said that the domestic technology and raw material formula are relatively backward, and it is not easy to make good products. The best thing he would rather not do."


Zhao Meimei sighed regretfully, "Although many domestic cosmetics brands are good and the prices are affordable, compared with some foreign classic old brands, they are always inferior, and they are even more incomparable with international high-end brands. .

But, I think, if Mr. Jiang wants to make make-up, he will be able to make it as good as an international big name. "

Lin Qian smiled curiously at her, "No matter how powerful Jiang Zhi is, he is still a human being, not a god, so how can he be the best at everything."

Moreover, even if Jiang Zhi can really do his best, it will definitely require a lot of energy and effort.

His daily work is hard enough now, and she doesn't want to add to his burden.

Zhao Meimei didn't know what was going on in Lin Qianxiao's mind, so she talked eloquently, "Isn't Mengya the best example? The previous Mengya was just a second-tier old brand, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy because of the unfair competition methods of its opponents.

But after Jiang Zhi took over Mengya, in just one year, Mengya has jumped from a declining old brand to a domestic first-line brand, and simultaneously developed the 'Eternal Flower' high-end lady series.

Although Mengya's "Eternal Life Flower" is not well-known internationally, it is still very popular among the upper class in China. Have you ever seen an advertisement for "Eternal Life Flower"? no?

I heard from people in the industry that last year, the sales volume of local high-end skin care products in S City, 'Eternal Flower' ranked first, with a total sales of 6.8 billion.

The sales of several other international big names followed closely, ranging from 6.5 to 5 billion respectively.

The difference is that these international big names spend hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars on spokespersons and advertising every year.

'Eternal Flower' has no spokesperson and does not advertise. The only publicity is that when new products are launched, some celebrities and ladies will send new products for trial. "

Zhao Meimei looked at Lin Qianxiao, and continued: "I think that if your boss Jiang puts a little thought into the 'Eternal Flower' noble lady series, it can easily make it one of the top luxury skin care products in the world, and is well received by noble ladies all over the world." their favourites."

It's not that Jiang Zhi doesn't want to spend time on the 'Eternal Flower' series, it's just that he doesn't want to.

'Eternal Life Flower' is actually a high-end support product developed by Jiang Zhi himself. It is Jiang Zhi's 40th birthday gift to his mother, Mrs. Jiang.

The name "Eternal Life Flower" is to wish Mrs. Jiang to live forever beautiful and live like a flower.

Jiang Zhi originally didn't plan to use the "Eternal Life Flower" to manage it. Mrs. Jiang felt that its effect was not inferior to that of international brands, and she didn't want Jiang Zhi's hard work to be buried, so she came up with the "Eternal Life Flower" series of ladies.

Although Jiang Zhi agreed to manage "Eternal Life Flower" as Mengya's independent brand, but in his heart he didn't want to treat it as a commodity to make money.

But the effect of "Eternal Flower" is really good. Even if it never advertises, its sales are still getting better year after year.

After hearing about the origin of the "Eternal Flower" series from Lin Qianxiao, Bai Shuangshuang was very emotional, "So, whether a man is good or bad has nothing to do with money, education, or family background. The key is quality."


Knowing that Jiang Zhi would go home around 10 o'clock, Zhao Meimei and Bai Shuangshuang didn't play too late in the apartment, and they left around 9 o'clock.

After playing for a day and then swimming, Lin Qian smiled and took a shower, she was a little drowsy and slumped on the sofa watching TV, while waiting for Jiang Zhi to come home, she fell asleep before she knew it.

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