Lin Qianxiao told Zhao Meimei what Jiang Zhi had told her.

After listening, Zhao Meimei stayed silent for a long time, and Lin Qianxiao couldn't help but wonder, "Why don't you talk, are you so happy?"

"Hey." Zhao Meimei sighed, "Poly International's house, I've been in the entertainment industry for the rest of my life and can't afford one. I feel like I'm at a loss."

After a pause, she said expectantly: "Actually, if I can get a house in Poly International after spending a few years in prison, I think it's quite a bargain.

Being in jail means that you have no freedom, and the food and lodging are pretty poor. I am in the entertainment industry, and it is not much easier than being in prison. The key point is that I have been in the entertainment industry for a few years, and I will definitely not be able to make so much money. "

Lin Qian smiled: "..."

Thinking about it carefully, it makes sense.


On the opposite side of the Times City Garden complex, Jiang Zhi's black Maybach was slowly parked by the side of the road.

Shi Yan got off the white Spyker, went straight to the co-pilot seat of the Maybach, opened the door and got in the car.

As soon as he got in the car, before Jiang Zhi turned off the car's engine, he couldn't wait to ask, "What do you know about Shi Na?"

Jiang Zhi lowered the car window a crack, turned off the engine, and turned to look at him, "I don't have time to meddle in other people's business."

Shi Yan frowned coldly, "Then what did you mean when you reminded me to be optimistic about the Shi family?"

A hint of sarcasm appeared in Jiang Zhi's black eyes, "Shi Yan, the matter has come to an end, no matter whether you are remorseful or sad or angry, what you have to do is to investigate the cause and effect of Shi Na's accident, instead of running to me to waste time A minute of delay is to give the murderer an extra chance to cover up the truth and destroy the evidence."

A look of embarrassment and anger flashed across Shi Yan's face, "You really know something happened to Shi Na!"

"It's getting late. If you have nothing else to do, I'll go back."

Shi Yan raised his hand and pressed the start button of the Maybach, preventing Jiang Zhi from driving away, "You can't leave, I haven't finished asking."

Jiang Zhi looked at him coldly, "Shi Yan, you'd better figure it out, I'm not your prisoner, for Shi Yu's sake, I can selectively tell you some information I know, but if you continue With this questioning attitude, I have nothing to say to you."

Shi Yan stared at the indifferent Jiang Zhi with cold eyes for a moment, and had to restrain his hostility, and said in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, I was a little too emotional, and I didn't mean to target you."

After a pause, he asked, "I want to know, is Wen Yu related to Shi Na's accident?"

Jiang Zhi asked him back: "What is the cause of Shi Na's death?"

Shi Yan shook his head, "The result hasn't come out yet."

"Your Shi family owns the best medical research institution in S City. You can take Shi Na's blood and stomach residues to your own medical research institution for testing. The sooner you know the results, the better for the investigation. After all, you are also a medical researcher. Genius, you can't even think of this?"

Embarrassment flashed across Shi Yan's face, "Shi Na's body is in the police station. Before the police investigation is over, we have no right to intervene in the investigation. Moreover, even if we get the test results in advance, they will be invalid and cannot be submitted to court."

Jiang Zhi snorted mockingly, "Shi Yan, it's your choice whether to be a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations, or a good brother who avenges his sister and punishes the murderer.

However, although I don't know the cause of Shi Na's death, I can probably guess that it must have something to do with Wen Yu. "

Shi Yan's complexion became a little ugly, he fixed his eyes on Jiang Zhi, and asked in an obscure voice: "Did you know that Wen Yu had something wrong with Shi Na, that's why you specially reminded me that day, look good family?"

Jiang Zhi looked back at him quietly, neither happy nor angry, "To be precise, both Shi Na and Wen Yu have their own ulterior motives, I'm afraid you don't know what your sister has done behind your back.

Just to remind you, you can check it from the day of the charity dinner. Also, there is a woman named Zhou Simin who follows Shi Na, she knows as much as I do. "


In the hospital, Wen Yu actually woke up not long after finishing her stomach washing.

Probably because she had been exposed to similar drugs before and developed antibodies, and she only took a bite of the chocolate cake and was treated in time, so the drug did not have a strong impact on her.

She kept pretending to be in a coma until nearly 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, when the nurse on duty checked the room, turned off the lights and left, then she quietly opened her eyes.

The police haven't found out the cause of Shi Na and Hu Lin's death, and when she called the police, she deliberately used food poisoning as an excuse, so the police didn't suspect her, and didn't seize her mobile phone.

She hid in the bathroom with the mobile phone in her hand and called Lin Fengjiao.

The phone was connected before it rang twice, and Lin Fengjiao's anxious and worried voice came, "Hey, what happened, why did you call back now?"

Ever since Wen Yu and Lin Fengjiao met, the mother and daughter had discussed it. Unless it was absolutely necessary, Lin Fengjiao would not take the initiative to contact Wen Yu, so as not to be noticed by the Wen family.

"Mom, my phone is almost out of battery, you listen to me first..."

Wen Yu explained the ins and outs clearly in a few words.

On the other end of the phone, when she heard that Shi Na and Hu Lin were poisoned to death because they ate Cui Qingsan's cake, Lin Fengjiao was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.

"Hey, darling, what should we do? Dead, dead, it's over, we're over..."

"What are you panicking!" Wen Yu growled angrily, at this moment, the phone issued a low battery warning, and she hurriedly told Lin Fengjiao the plan she had come up with.

In the end, afraid that Lin Fengjiao would not obey, Wen Yu said kindly and emphatically, "Mom, if you negligently cause death and you plead guilty well, you will be sentenced to 2-3 years at most.

Mom, don’t worry, I will hire the best lawyer for you, and try to reduce your sentence to the minimum. When you perform well in prison, you may be able to get out in about a year. "

Lin Fengjiao was trembling all over, "Hey, I can't, I, I don't want to go to jail, so can't I think of other ways?"

"Two people died, there must be one person to take the blame for this matter, and the police and the Shi family will let it go!" Wen Yu sneered mockingly, "Mom, it's either you or me. If I go to jail, everything will be true. It's all over! If you still want to continue to live in a high-end apartment, wear gold and silver and famous brands, eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and live the life of a rich wife, just do as I say!"

"But, darling, I'm afraid. I heard that the prison is chaotic and fighting is normal. What if my family refuses to let my mother go and people bully me in the prison?"

"Don't worry, money can turn ghosts around. Even if you go to jail, I will let you live comfortably and won't let others bully you."

Hearing her daughter's words, Lin Fengjiao's panic and uneasiness gradually stabilized, and at the same time, she thought very clearly in her heart.

This matter, whether she is willing or not, must help her daughter to bear it.

She has nothing, no special skills, and the only thing she can rely on is her daughter.

"Hey, tell me what I'm going to do."

After finally persuading Lin Fengjiao to let go, Wen Yu's expression brightened, and she was about to speak when the phone's battery could no longer support it, and after two beeps, it automatically shut down.

Thanks [expletive] 5 monthly tickets

Thanks【^O^】1 monthly ticket

Bow to thank the little cuties for their monthly ticket support, okay!

The second is a little later~

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