The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Chapter 137 Mrs. Jiang Fan Group

Wen Yu suppressed the burning hatred in her heart, stared at Hu Lin, and sneered slightly mockingly, "Your trick is useless to me, don't waste your time."

Wen Yu's indifference did not dampen Hu Lin's enthusiasm, he smiled and said: "Miss Wen misunderstood, what I said is from the heart, the world can learn from it."

Hu Wenbing knew his nephew's virtues, and was afraid that he would offend Wen Yu, the "rich man", coldly, "Shut up, I asked you to come here because I have business to do."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wen Yu attentively, "Miss Wen, I called you here, please tell me if you have anything to do."

Wen Yu took out a photo from her handbag and handed it to Hu Lin.

"I know you have a way of dealing with women. The person in the photo, as long as you can take her down, I can give you two million!"

For Hu Wenbing, two million is not a small amount. He was taken aback, then got up and walked to his nephew Hu Lin, wanting to see what "demons and ghosts" were in the photo. Bureau.

She is a young girl with a beautiful appearance but a gloomy temperament.

Earn big!

The uncle and nephew came up with this idea at the same time.

For such a young and beautiful girl, let alone make money, he is willing to pay him to sleep.

Hu Wenbing thought sourly in his heart, and the words he said were also full of sourness, "You boy, it's cheap for you."

Hu Lin grinned happily, and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled when he laughed.

After the fun, Hu Lin began to ask Wen Yu for the target's personal information.

Of course, Wen Yu would not reveal Lin Qianxiao's real identity, and introduced with a calm expression: "She is the Wen family's illegitimate daughter, I hate her very much, I want to see her being played by men and then abandoned Miserable! The more miserable the better!"


Soon it will be the weekend again.

Lin Qian smiled after breakfast, sat in the living room, checked Weibo and read forums, while waiting for the jewelry design team to come over and design a wedding ring for her.

After not sitting for a while, Mrs. Feng brought her two snacks the size of eggs.

"I know my wife likes soft, glutinous and chewy snacks. This is Xuemei Niang, which I specially made for my wife. It is made of ice skin on the outside, and the filling is fruit and creamy cream inside. It is not very sweet. My wife should try it."

Lin Qianxiao wasn't very hungry just after breakfast, but this Xue Mei Niang looked chubby and cute, and she was pleasing to the eye.

She took a Xuemei Niang, bit it down lightly, it was soft and fragrant, sweet and sour, which was very suitable for her taste.

Seeing that she was eating with gusto, Sister-in-Law Feng smiled and persuaded: "Xue Mei Niang just wants to eat while it's cold. Madam is so skinny, she should eat more and have another one."

Lin Qianxiao stuffed the remaining Xuemei Niang into her mouth, puffed her cheeks and waved at Mrs. Feng, "I'm full, you can give it to Xiaoyi and the others."

After Mrs. Feng took the rest of the snacks away, Lin Qianxiao took out a tissue to wipe off her fingers, and opened the forum to see if there was any gossip.

Ever since Zhao Meimei entered this forum, she has been addicted to eating melons every day and cannot extricate herself.

Who's fans are fighting with who's family again, which female star's appearance has collapsed, a certain traffic Xiaohua seems to have fine-tuned her face, a certain first-line actress and traffic niche's love history, and so on.

Lin Qian smiled and ate melons until she couldn't keep up, and then she saw a picture of her husband.

Looking at the photo, the background should be the parking lot of the hotel. Jiang Zhi should have just gotten out of the Maybach, buttoning up his suit jacket with a cold face, and standing beside him is Gao Chen, talking to him seriously.

There are more than a dozen photos, including a high-definition frontal photo zoomed in.

In the photo, he has a perfect face shape, a straight nose bridge, long and narrow black eyes, tight pursed thin lips, and a delicate and sharp jawline.

My husband is so handsome today!

Lin Qian smiled silently, and then realized that this was not her reply!

"Fox spirit, shameless."

Xiao Er, who was cleaning the living room, turned around blankly, "Madam, what are you talking about?"

Lin Qianxiao waved her hand casually, "It's okay, you are busy with your work."


Xiao Er turned around and continued cleaning.

Lin Qianxiao rolled up her sleeves, sat cross-legged, and logged into her own account to defend her ownership: He is my husband! ! !

Not long after sending it out, the other party replied to her: Welcome sister to join us, Mrs. Jiang has added a new member, applaud and sprinkle flowers.

A string of question marks popped up in Lin Qianxiao's head, and before she had time to ask what the other party meant, the other party replied to her with a QQ group number.

Lin Qianxiao didn't have QQ. The original owner had QQ on her previous phone, but she changed to a new phone, and she didn't intend to continue using the original owner's social account.

Lin Qianxiao quickly registered a new QQ, and then searched for the group number sent by the other party. When she saw the name "Mrs. Jiang Fan Group" that popped up on the screen, she puffed up her face.

Enter the group to answer three questions.

How tall is your husband?

When is your husband's birthday?

What school did your husband graduate from?

Looking at these three questions, Lin Qianxiao fell into a strange silence.

She doesn't know a single answer!

Glancing at Xiao Er who was concentrating on cleaning the coffee table, Lin Qian rolled her eyes with a smile and got an idea.

"Xiao Er, I'll test you on three questions, and you answered correctly. I'll treat you to KFC for lunch today."

She has almost figured out the life preferences of the several servants in the family. The first child likes sweets, the second child likes fried chicken, the fourth child is a star chasing girl, and the fifth child is in a relationship.

As soon as he heard about KFC, Xiao Er threw down the rag and ran to Lin Qianxiao with a smile, "Madam, ask."

Lin Qian smiled with a serious expression, "Do you know the height of your husband?"

"1 meter 87."

Lin Qianxiao hurriedly typed in the answer, yes.

She looked at Xiao Er and asked again, "When is Mr.'s birthday?"

"November 20th."

Lin Qianxiao continued typing the answer, and it was right again.

She silently stared at Xiao Er for two seconds, and then asked, "Which school did you graduate from?"

"The Finance Department of Peking University!"

Lin Qian paused with a smile before slowly typing in the answer, it was still right!

Lin Qian smiled and held her breath for a while, and asked Xiao Er in a quiet tone, "How do you know everything?"

Xiao Er smiled and blinked, "It's on Baidu, ma'am, do you want to join Mrs. Jiang's fan group?"

Lin Qian smiled and her almond eyes widened immediately, "You even know this?"

"Hey, because Xiao Si is also in there."

Lin Qian smiled: "..."

After instructing (threatening) Xiaoer to keep this matter a secret, Lin Qianxiao sent the other party away, and then sent an application to join the group.

——Welcome the 2980th sister to join Mrs. Jiang.

——Our Jiang family has added a concubine in Room 2980~

As soon as she joined the group, Lin Qianxiao was warmly welcomed by countless "Mrs. Jiang", and she was in a delicate mood.

She thought for a while, and typed to say hello: Hello everyone, I am Mrs. Jiang.

As soon as she sent out her message, she immediately received dozens of enthusiastic replies.

--Me too.

--Me too!

--We are all!

After thinking about it, she sent another message: I am really Mrs. Jiang!

Immediately, she got a bunch of replies of various kinds.

——Sister, don't fight for favor.

——2980, come, my sister will tell you the rules.

Thanks [Passerby A 325187036] for a monthly ticket

Thank you [Wanyan Qingyu] for 2 monthly tickets

Bow to thank the two little cute monthly tickets for their support, more heartfelt~

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