This sentence is very simple, but Song Xiyue's heart is warm when she hears it.

There was a soft smile on her face, sweet and glutinous, which made people feel better.

In fact, when Song Xiyue smiles sincerely, her smile is very warm and can heal people's hearts.

Of course Song Xiyue didn't know.

But Qin Junnian likes to see her smile.

Song Xiyue took out the silver needle and pierced several key acupoints of Mr. Qin.

Then he wrote a prescription and asked Qin Junnian to take the medicine and give it to Mr. Qin.

Qin Junnian took the prescription and asked people to get the medicine.

After grabbing the medicine, Song Xiyue dispensed the medicine herself and asked Qin Junnian to drink it for Mr. Qin.

Most of the Qin family did not want Mr. Qin to live.

Because if Mr. Qin was alive, Qin Junnian would definitely be the heir.

As for Mr. Qin's being tossed to death, they don't care, they can still blame Qin Junnian.

As long as Mr. Qin is dead, it can be said that Qin Junnian killed him.

These people make such calculations, so no one cares what Mr. Qin is doing.

Only hand over Mr. Qin to Qin Junnian for management.

Qin Junnian didn't have so many calculations in his heart.

He just wanted to make grandpa better.

As for how others see him and how to calculate him, he doesn't care about that.

All he knew was that he had to be filial and not let his grandfather have anything to do.

Song Xiyue said to Qin Junnian, "if there is no accident, your grandfather will wake up tomorrow morning."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Junnian looked much better.

He felt like he could really take a breath.

He really really wanted to see grandpa wake up and still be able to call his name and talk to grandpa.

Qin Junnian sat down, covered his head with his hands, and his eyes were red.

He was suppressing his emotions, not letting himself cry.

Song Xiyue fully understands Qin Junnian's mood.

She took the initiative to walk over and sit down beside him.

She didn't speak, just accompanied Qin Junnian silently.

When she thought of her grandmother, she could understand Qin Junnian's mood.

After a long time, Qin Junnian controlled his emotions, and when he looked at Song Xiyue again, he said, "I made you worry!"

Song Xiyue said warmly: "Jun Nian, it will get better and better in the future. I will accompany you and stay by your side."

Song Xiyue reached out and held Qin Junnian's hand.

Qin Junnian let himself and Song Xiyue interlace their fingers, "Okay."

With Song Xiyue by his side, Qin Junnian can feel much better.

It was late, and neither of them had a rest.

Although this is a suite, there is a room next to it.

But Qin Junnian couldn't sleep, and Song Xiyue also wanted to accompany Qin Junnian and didn't want to sleep.

But Qin Junnian would not be so selfish, he looked at Song Xiyue and said, "Go and rest."

Song Xiyue shook her head and said, "I won't rest if you don't rest."

Song Xiyue looked at Qin Junnian's bloodshot eyes, and felt that he probably hadn't rested for several days.

She knew that if she persuaded Qin Junnian to rest, Qin Junnian might not listen.

This is the only way to let him rest.

"And you think, your grandfather will wake up tomorrow morning. If he sees you like this, he will be worried."

"If you are in good spirits, your grandfather won't be too worried when he sees you."

Qin Junnian thinks what Song Xiyue said makes sense.

So he arranged for his people to come here to watch Grandpa.

In this way, if there is any situation at night, his people will tell him in time.

He accompanied Song Xiyue to the next room to rest.

But in this case, two people are one bedroom.

Qin Junnian's ears were a little red and a little uncomfortable.

In fact, Song Xiyue has memories of her previous life, and she feels all right.

It's a habit anyway.

Good night, little cuties

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