I won’t let you go

Because of all the companies in the semiconductor sector, the stocks have reached their daily limit.

They all announced news announcements on their official websites:

[Our company has signed a photolithography machine purchase agreement with Huazhi Group]

Investors immediately heard the news and paid for their company’s prospects and future.

at the same time.

Office of the President of Huazhi Company.

Liu Jia, wearing a full-body OL outfit, happily walked in with sales statistics.

“Mr. Su, the total contract value of our lithography machines has reached 321.6 billion yuan.” “The

deposit alone is 32.04 billion yuan.”

“It includes 119 EUV lithography machines and 360 DUV lithography machines. 260 photolithography machines and supporting equipment.”

Hearing this amount.

Even though Su Chen looked calm on the outside, he was still a little overdue in his heart.

You must know that ASML’s total shipments last year were only 226 units.

Including 28 extreme ultraviolet EUV lithography machines.

There are 198 DUV lithography machines (of which 10 are refurbished lithography machines)

. In just a few days, I surpassed ASML’s annual sales, and even more than tripled it.

But if you think about it more carefully, it is very reasonable.

Since signs of core shortage appeared in the automotive industry.

This trend is getting stronger.

It has affected 130 industries including semiconductors, electronic communications, aerospace, smelting and processing.

At this time, the value of chip factories becomes particularly precious.

The most important equipment for producing chips is the photolithography machine.

In recent years, due to the bottleneck of foreign technology, the sale of photolithography machines to China has been banned.

All domestic companies are almost in a state of hunger and thirst.

So when I hear someone talking about selling photolithography machines, they must be buying them like crazy.

No one will miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Su Chen looked at the sales report and showed a satisfied smile.

And the other end of Blue Star.

Peter, the president of ASML, was almost going crazy after hearing the news.

When Su Chen built the lithography machine before.

He thought it must be obtained by assembling parts from various countries.

Therefore, United Nikang and other photolithography machine accessories companies imposed sanctions on Huazhi Company.

But such a long time has passed.

Not only was Su Chen’s photolithography machine running normally, he even threatened to mass-produce it for sale.

What’s even more terrifying is that the purchase order and deposit received were three times that of ASML.

Peter’s old face was gloomy and he roared angrily: “I will never let Su Chen take away ASML’s business.” ”

Since the tough measures of sanctions don’t work, let’s use sugar-coated shells of acquisitions instead.” ”

He is a broken enterprise from China. , After being poor for so many years, I must be blinded by money.”

After making up his mind.

ASML President Peter took action immediately.

After he sent Yimeier to Su Chen, he flew directly to China.


Huazhi General Manager’s Office.

Peter was wearing a high-end suit and sitting on a chair with his legs crossed.

He was obviously a guest, but from the moment he entered the gate, he started to show off his power, as if this was his own territory.

First, like yelling at a dog, he asked the security guard to hurry in and report.

Then, he kicked an old employee sweeping the stairs because the dust had stained his shoes.

Huazhi employees did not know this Wai Guoren, nor did they know his relationship with Mr. Su.

So even though I was unhappy, I swallowed my anger and didn’t say anything.

Looking at Su Chen now.

Peter had a haughty expression on his face: “Mr. Su, I want to talk to you about cooperation.”

Su Chen said expressionlessly: “Please talk.”

The other party only said in the email that he wanted to talk about a major cooperation, and did not say anything in detail. out content.

But according to Asmai’s usual approach.

They must first suppress competing companies through technological blockade, and then propose acquisitions when the other party is in trouble.

Sure enough, Peter opened his mouth and said: “Mr. Su, as long as you are willing to hand over the lithography machine technology and equipment.”

“I can buy Hua Electromechanical for US$35 billion.”

After that.

He picked up the coffee cup and took a sip with enjoyment, as if he was already winning.

35 billion U.S. dollars, converted into soft sister coins, is more than 100 billion.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by such a huge financial temptation?

But Su Chen said calmly: “I won’t sell it.”


Peter didn’t expect to be rejected at all.

His eyes widened in disbelief and he repeated: “You won’t sell it!”

Su Chen smiled slightly and picked up the tea cup calmly: “Yes!”

Peter put down the coffee cup, with obvious anxiety in his tone: “Why?”

After blurting out.

He was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand something instantly.

This is a business negotiation tactic!

The purpose is nothing more than to increase prices. As expected, Chinese people are greedy and timid.

Su Chen was afraid that his price increase would be too high and Asmer would give up on the acquisition, so he took steps to retreat.

I want the buyer to take the initiative to raise the purchase price.


Peter twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered in his heart.

He lowered his eyes and thought carefully.

For an emerging company in China Electromechanical, US$35 billion is definitely a high price.

Moreover, this price is already close to half of ASML’s market value.

This yellow man is not satisfied yet!

But having said that, Hua Electromechanical’s development momentum is very strong.

If it develops like this, future profits will definitely grow exponentially.

The gross profit margin of photolithography machines is almost 50%.

Where can I find such a hugely profitable industry, so this acquisition must be successful.

Peter gritted his teeth and said painfully: “Mr. Su, to be honest, your overall strength of Hua Electromechanical is not strong.” ”

It’s not enough for you to just build one lithography machine. You need to have the capacity to produce it.” Strength.”

“Our Aspen Company is an expert in this area. Let’s do this. I’ll give you 45 billion at a fixed price.”

After finishing speaking.

He looked at Su Chen arrogantly, with disdain in his eyes.

It seems that if you were lucky enough to get so much money this time, just hand over the company with a smile.


Su Chen said firmly this time: “I won’t sell it!”

This time Peter was furious.

He suddenly stood up and said loudly:

“You are not satisfied with 45 billion US dollars. This is real money. Can it be transferred to your personal account?”

“Have you ever seen so much cash in your life? ”

Su Chen looked at Peter quietly, as if he were looking at a clown.

His face was calm and there was no trace of movement.

Wait for the other person to finish speaking.

Su Chen then opened his mouth and said to the door: “Baoqiang, drag this person out.”

Wang Baoqiang, who was always on call, walked in immediately.

Peter was already furious at this moment and angrily said:

“It’s just a rush, not a deal. Don’t think it’s a big deal if you can build a lithography machine.”

“With our years of strength at ASML, we will defeat you sooner or later.”

” Even if you produce all the components of your photolithography machine yourself, you can’t even own the equipment for producing parts and components!” Without

saying a word, Wang Baoqiang grabbed Peter’s arm and dragged him out like a dead dog.

He had seen Peter kicking Huazhi employees before and was very angry.

Now that the boss has spoken, he can justifiably teach this crooked man a lesson.

Peter felt like his arms were going to be crushed.

He struggled desperately with his hands and feet, and finally caught the door frame as he passed the door.

Then he turned his head and looked at Su Chen and said fiercely:

“Just wait for me, I won’t let you go!

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