The Legend of Honghuang Erlang

Chapter 463 The Three Purities Gather, Tongtian Retires

Yang Jian didn't know why, when his master went to the Yellow River formation, he didn't feel any nervousness in his heart, but calmed down.

Probably, this is the confidence in his own master's obsession.

"Zhao Gongming..."

Yang Jian muttered these three words, and sighed softly in his heart.

There is no one more stupid than this guy. He has a Daoism in his heart, proceeds from the overall situation, and takes great pains for his fellow disciples.

But the more this is the case, the guys who are trying their best for the Taoist sect want to be listed on the list of gods, but those guys who try their best to dig out the foundation of the Taoist sect are like fish in water in the gods. If they are not a bit tougher than Jiang Ziya, they may have been driven by the deputy leader of the lamp.

What the sage was thinking, Yang Jian didn't understand, nor could he understand.

But now he has some crooked thoughts, and these thoughts are circling in his mind, after making his thoughts stretch, he can't stop for a while

The Jiuqu Yellow River formation has nothing to do with him, there will be saints entering the formation later on, and the twelve golden immortals entering the formation will only lose their cultivation, but Sanxiao will have two fall into the list of gods, and one will be suppressed to Qilin cliff.

Wasn't Yun Xiao, who was suppressed on Qilin Cliff, also named the "Three Fairies"?


There was a little light in Yang Jian's heart, and he suddenly realized something that he had been ignoring all this time.

The god of flesh is not dead, but can also be included in the list of gods!

The simplest example is Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Wei Hu, and Li Jing. They are famous on the list of gods, and they have also been honored by the heavenly scriptures, and finally entered the heaven.

Why did he insist on killing that cut immortal? Beat them half to death, what method should be used to suppress them, and then directly suppress them until the end of the conferred gods, if the catastrophe cannot be cleared, then suppress them for a thousand or two thousand years, and then seal them into the heavenly court, so what?

For example, Zhao Gongming just now, because Taiyi Daoist and Yang Jian acted in time, his remnant soul entered the list of gods.

At this time, Zhao Gongming's god position has been determined, he is the famous "God of Wealth", but because he is a reborn god, although he has the strength not inferior to his life, but it is the gift of heaven, and he can't improve his cultivation.

This is what Yun Xiao said before, "Leave a way out". At this time, Yun Xiao was furious, mostly because of Zhao Gongming's previous tragedy. Therefore, Yun Xiao may not necessarily be cruel to the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Then, how to make the Jiejiao Immortal caught by him unable to escape and endure some suffering?

Yang Jian kept thinking in his heart, and a magic weapon jumped into his heart, which was still close in front of his eyes...

"How's the recovery going?"

Master Taiyi's voice came from behind, and Yang Jian just came back to his senses, glanced at Master Taiyi who was standing leisurely behind him, and squeezed an ugly smile.

With Yang Jian's reminder, and the matter of beheading Zhao Gongming's immortal body and protecting Zhao Gongming's Yuanshen, Master Taiyi did not go to besiege Sanxiao, and Sanxiao did not target Master Taiyi.

"How did you know that sister Sanxiao would have such a powerful formation?"

Without even thinking about it, Yang Jian said, "When I was trapped in the Chaos Clock, I heard Tianyan Daozi mention it."

Master Taiyi nodded slightly, but didn't mention much about it.

Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although Tianyan Daozi and Houtu Niangniang knew about him being a stranger in the wild, the less people knew about it, the better.

The former didn't show too much hostility towards him, and the latter was like his close friend, so there was some entanglement among the three.

Having said that, Tianyan Daozi's signboard is really easy to use...

Master Taiyi made two futons, and Yang Jian sat down with him, quietly watching the changes in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

In silence, Taiyi suddenly said: "Your master should be fine, don't worry."

Yang Jian……

Does he look worried?

There was no sound of fierce fighting in the formation, but there was a continuous flow of Dao rhyme.

Yang Jian broke through the Ten Jue Formation earlier, he was injured and his cultivation level has not yet recovered, so it makes sense to rest here.

But real Taiyi...

When the saint came on stage later, Yang Jian naturally knew about it, but if the master saint came and saw many disciples suffering disasters in the formation, but the real Taiyi just watched by the side, it would be a bit inappropriate.

At this time, Yang Jian glanced at the real Taiyi, and said in a low voice: "Master, you still need to think of a reason why you are not as good as in the formation."

"No need," Master Taiyi smiled calmly, "What I want to do is up to me, and no one can make me do it."

Yang Jian was a little hesitant to speak, but he swallowed the words after thinking about it.

Being scolded by the sage master is nothing compared to a great loss of cultivation.

The pair of masters and nephews continued to stare at the formation in a daze. In the distance, Zhou's army turned back in a mighty manner, with banners flying. Yang Jian secretly sent a message to Nezha, Huang Tianhua, and Lei Zhenzi to rectify the army, and advised Huang Tianhua not to worry about the pure and moral king.

In the sky above the Great Formation of the Nine-Twisting Yellow River, on the two undistinguished clouds, two phantoms stood quietly, merging with the heaven and the earth, without the slightest bit of rhyme or breath.

Even a speck of sand has its traces in the sky and the earth; but these two opposing phantoms are completely unattractive, even if someone stares at them, they will not feel that there is anything there.

But they do exist, not only exist, but they are also talking about something...

The mystery in it is difficult for those who are not in this realm to understand.

The phantom near the side of Yang Jian and Daoist Taiyi is a middle-aged Taoist; on the opposite side is a young man with a weak crown, dressed in a yellow satin brocade robe, with sword-like eyes.

The middle-aged Taoist said indifferently: "The younger brother actually bestowed the picture of Hunyuan Jindou and Jiuqu Yellow River to the disciple, it is too much to spoil the disciple."

"Senior brother, what do you mean by this? You and I agreed to let the disciples rely on their own abilities. Why do you feel distressed now?" The young man said with a smile, "You have a jade tripod among your disciples, and you have Yang Jian among your disciples. It really makes people jealous."

"A long time ago, my brother said, let you look at the source of blessings of his heels and feet when you accept apprentices," the middle-aged Taoist said with a little reproach on his face, "The ten heavenly kings actually put up such a big array of evil spirits, and they threw away all our embarrassment!"

"Senior brother, that's not what I said. The purpose of my immediate teaching is to intercept that sliver of life for the prehistoric and myriad spirits. Why can those with rich sources of blessings cultivate Taoism, while those with weak sources of blessings but with a heart for Taoism can't practice hard?"

The young Taoist stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes became sharper, and his originally flat voice became a little passionate.

"The Dao runs through the heavens and the earth, and the Dao is boundless! In the Dao realm, there will always be a place for those who have a shallow source of blessing!"

"Don't change your rhetoric," the middle-aged Taoist said with a frown, "It's the character of your disciples to say it for my brother."

The young Taoist curled his lips, "Second senior brother, you are a bit ridiculous, you were talking about Fuyuan just now."

"That's all!" The middle-aged Taoist flicked his sleeves, "Qin Wan and ten people have already entered the list of gods, so don't mention this matter, let Sanxiao take away the formation, and let's forget about today's business."

"Senior brother is a little unreasonable. I only have eight disciples in total. The one I love the most was almost melted by the corpse fire of the deputy leader you accepted, and now he has also entered the list of gods."

To transform the Sanqing together, the three friends have the same roots.

Although there are conflicts among different religious sects today, Sanqing itself is not in the same situation as fire and water.

"I don't care," the young Taoist said bluntly, "Zhao Gongming is on the list of gods, and one of your twelve apprentices must go to the list of gods."

Middle-aged Taoist: "Zhao Gongming was injured by Ran Deng, you might as well go and kill Ran Deng."

Strange to say, this middle-aged Taoist is naturally Yuanshi Tianzun, and the young Taoist is the leader of Tongtian.

When the three Qings were transformed together, the three Qings were old, middle-aged, and young. Their appearances were born from their hearts, and their personalities were quite different.

The saint of Sanqing is now standing in the sky and earth, yearning for countless monks, but he never thought that the appearance of a saint is like this.

In fact, in ancient times, there were often such bickering and arguing voices in the small courtyard on the back mountain of Kunlun...

"If I make a move, that person from Zixiao Palace will probably use an excuse to target me again," Master Tongtian shook his head lightly, "Speaking of which, why did the second senior brother leave the lamp to teach you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "You will know about this later, if you don't take it to the big formation, you will take action if you can't say it."

"Shoot as soon as you make a move," Master Tongtian smiled calmly, "I can't say, I want to make a move too. Brother, if you send San Xiao to the list of gods, I'll go and kill Yang Jian directly. You seem to like this little guy very much."

A young man's face but said the word 'little guy'...

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said, "Junior brother, don't indulge me like this."

"It's time for me to say this to my senior brother," Master Tongtian sighed softly, "You know which of the two of us is more defensive."

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "In this case, you and I invite the senior brother to come and comment."

Master Tongtian frowned. Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun, the facial expression of this Tongtian sage can really be called 'rich'.

"Farewell, we disciples are fighting each other, let senior brother come out..."


A cow blew in the sky, and the two saints stopped talking at the same time. The young man frowned and muttered, "I feel like you two are playing tricks on me again because of your disrespect."

Like a green ox plowing in the field, carrying a skinny old man, it appeared unsteadily in the sky, approaching without warning.


All three gather together!

Qingniu spoke in a muffled but clear voice, "Meet the two uncles."


"Big brother."

Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian sect bowed together, and Lao Tzu returned the salute sitting on the back of an ox.

When the three Qings met, there was no vision at all. If it spreads, it will definitely make the monks of the wilderness stunned and confused.

"Two juniors, there is no need to argue. When the gods were signed and pledged back then, the way of heaven was running, and today's situation is already certain. Zhao Gongming will enter the heavenly court, and the twelve golden immortals will have this fate. Sanxiao has a lot of murders in ancient times, so he is also doomed today."

Lao Tzu spoke, but his voice carried a sense of silence, like an old man who was about to die, with a mysterious and inexplicable charm.

Master Tongtian wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he could only let out a cold snort, shook his sleeves and turned his head.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Senior brother said so, please ask him to collect the big formation."

"The formation map is given to the two senior brothers! The junior brother occasionally has a feeling, so he goes back to the island to retreat, and he will restrain the disciples later, and will not let them step into the half-step of conferring gods."

After saying that, the leader of the Tongtian sect fled away, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace, and there was no fluctuation left in this piece of heaven and earth.

"Second Junior Brother, don't worry, he still has a knot in his heart that hasn't been resolved," Lao Tzu said calmly, "Don't make him more jealous, Second Junior Brother, you can make arrangements, and I will go for a walk."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slowly, not half happy or angry.

Sweeping his sleeves, a white crane flew out of the sleeves and flew towards Zhou Jun's gate.

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