321. 319 chapter villain

Chapter 319

Mr. Duo Duo is naturally a strange person, even if he is not cultivation as rumored, but as long as he can create a place like the cottage, he can be called a strange person.

In the East Wilderness, there are many rumors about Mr. Cao Tang, but there are very few who know that he is human.

Mr. Dutang sees the head of a divine dragon but not its tail. It is rumored that the church discipline is often lost and can not find others, let alone other people.

As for what Mr. Caotang Du wants to do, Liu Feiyang does not know that the father said that Mr. Du wants to create a different East, and he does not understand.

“Qin Dynasty layout of the world, for the College and Caotang, because today, only the College and Caotang is the biggest opponent of the Qin Dynasty, the East Wilderness has come to an inflection point, under the general trend, we can do, but how to choose it Liu Wang slowly opened his mouth and became the top force of the East Wilderness, Liu Guojun Wang. This seems to be somewhat arrogant, but he understands that the giants of the East Wilderness now understand that the East Wilderness will change from the East Qin Academy. I knew it at the moment I started it.

Otherwise, Donghuazong, Wangyuezong, Suowangdian, Yunyun Jianzong and other forces, why have people stepped into the Eastern Qin Academy cultivation, Qin Dynasty, just gave them the reason for their choice.

Now, the Qin Dynasty is giving him the reason for Liu Guo’s choice.

“If you have to choose, I would rather choose a cottage.” The silent fish that looked like silence looked at her father, and the beautiful eyes showed a certain degree of firmness. It was a bad news for her to hear the Qin Dynasty.

Liu Wang looked at his daughter, Liu Feiyang and Liu Shenyu are a pair of children he likes very much. He naturally does not want Liu Shenyu to grieve himself.

However, Liu Shenyu does not seem to understand what he meant.

The Qin Dynasty and the Caotang still have obvious differences.

The Qin Dynasty creed the East Desolation College, and the contradiction between Ye Futian, the marriage of Wang Yuezong, the Caotang Hall and the Hanging Hall was used to draw the hanging palace, and the use of the knife sacred and the floating cloud swordsman’s grievances to contact the Yunyun Jianzong, now, to Liu Guojia, For the purpose, any means can be used, this is the Qin Dynasty.

And the cottage, the gentleman is frank.

Choosing the Qin Dynasty, if they are not enemies with the Cottage, the Cottage will not do anything to them.

But choose the cottage, the Qin Dynasty will be good to rest?

What’s more, the church has no idea of ​​forming alliances with other forces. If he refuses the Qin Dynasty, he will not know what the consequences will be.

“Shen fish, do you have a sweetheart?” Liu Wang asked to the Liu Shenyu.

Liu Shenyu looked up, the dark eyes looked at her father, and he was indulged for a moment, and his figure involuntarily emerged in his mind. Do you like it?

At the moment, she couldn’t help but think of a lot. The first time she met was in the wilderness. Ye Futian forced the two to put them together. Later, every time, gradually, she gradually got used to it, as if taken for granted. thing.

She thought of the Cangye country, the two walked by the lake, the sky fireworks bloom, that scene, too beautiful.

If she was married to the Qin Dynasty, she married Qin Yuan’s younger son Qin Yuan… I thought of this, Liu Shenyu suddenly smiled and understood his own mind. The original favorite was the figure that was inadvertently planted.

“Yeah.” Liu Shenyu nodded.

“Cao Tang, Ye Futian?” Liu Wang asked: “I heard that he can have a girlfriend called Hua Jie (jie), in the sacred cultivation.”

Apparently, Liu Wang mistakenly thought that Liu Shenyu’s sweetheart was Ye Futian. After all, he heard that Liu Feiyang and Liu Shenyu often mixed with Ye Futian, and Ye Futian was so outstanding. Compared with Ye Futian, Ye Wu The dust is too low-key, so Liu Wang will have this misunderstanding.

“No.” Liu Shenyu shook his head gently.

“No?” Liu Wang revealed a strange color and asked, “Who is that?”

Liu Shenyu bowed his head and did not speak. She felt from Father’s words that this time the Qin Dynasty raised relatives, Liu Guo suffered a lot of pressure.

If it is a pastoral discipline, it is necessary to compete, or you can compete with the Qin Dynasty.

However, Ye Wuchen is not a pastor discipline, but a cultivation in the Yunyun Jianzong, and even can not represent the Jianyun Jianzong, just the seventh peak sword.

In this case, how will the father choose?

Seeing the look of Liu Shenyu, Liu Wang heart secretly sighed, said: “In this case, I ordered people to send invitations, invited the various forces of youth Tianjiao to come to Liuguo guest, just to catch up with the Qin Dynasty.”

Liu Shenyu glimpsed, and faintly understood the meaning of the father.



这件事,怕是会有风波,一旦这次联姻成功,秦王朝的势力,便有些terrifying 了,将占据东荒境半壁江山。


浮云剑宗,第七峰,这些日来叶无尘心绪有些不宁,心不静,略显浮躁,cultivation 受到影响。














He understood.


草堂,Ye Futian 同样得到了柳国传出的消息,无尘应该会去吧。

Ye Futian 和Yu Sheng 乘黑风雕下山,二Senior Sister 让楼兰雪跟随一起,几人先往琴园,随后带上了银一出发朝柳国方向而去。



然而,真正决定一个顶级势力强弱的并非是对疆域的掌控力,而是金字塔巅那些人的强弱,草堂disciple 八人,为何威名震慑东荒?就是因为有几名极为强横的disciple 。



Ye Futian 几人到了之后并未立即前往王宫,而是来到了王城中的一座酒楼用餐。

酒楼where fish swim with dragons ,消息最为灵敏,尤其是大酒楼更是如此。

此刻,Ye Futian 所在的酒楼就有很多人议论着秦王朝提亲一事。


“自然是真,不仅秦源到了,还有公主秦梦若、东华宗千山暮以及秦王孙秦离等许多人结伴到来,秦Prince 秦源昨日到达王城之后,一日之间拜访了王宫中的八位王爷,礼数周到,看来在此事上,秦王朝是非常用心的。”

“今日便有消息传出,康王对秦源非常满意,夸赞其dragon among men ,显然是赞同秦源和沉鱼公主的婚事。”

“秦源乃是秦王和宠妃南妃parents ,南妃曾是秦王朝极负盛名的美人,据说秦源便继承了秦王和南妃的优点,英俊out of the ordinary ,是为美男子,而且各方面都非常出众,若秦王朝是真心实意而来,倒也不委屈沉鱼公主。”

诸人议论着,不少人目光不由自主的投向了Ye Futian 和楼兰雪他们。

原因无他,Ye Futian ,便是一位美男子,相貌非凡,而楼兰雪这种银发银眸的冰霜美人,也是极为罕见。

Ye Futian 见到这一幕露出古怪的神色,看着他干什么?

“阁下不会是秦Prince 吧?”有人玩笑般的说道。

“你觉得我像吗?”Ye Futian 笑着问道。

“haha ,不像,若是秦Prince ,应该能够见到另外几人,而且,相貌气质虽说不差,但似乎感觉少了点什么。”


拿Ye Futian 和秦Prince 秦源相比,想必他也不会介意吧。

“的确没法相提并论,姓秦的不配。”一道冷漠的声音传出,Yu Sheng said solemnly ,他话音落下,酒楼瞬间变得安静了下来,所有人的目光尽皆落在Yu Sheng 的身上。



既然敢说,自然out of the ordinary ,这些人,莫非也是顶级势力之人?


Ye Futian 瞪了Yu Sheng 一眼,这暴脾气,酒楼没办法呆了。

“走吧。”站起身来,Ye Futian 起身离开。


Ye Futian 站在酒楼门口,脚步停顿了下,道:“被拿来和秦王朝的那群小人相比,我也觉得有些侮辱人啊。”

PS:很多人问Hua Jieyu 的jie念第几声,Hua Jieyu 源自解语花,唐玄宗曾用解语花比作杨贵妃,后Hua Jieyu 这词语也在很多古典著作出现过,寓美人!

(End of this chapter)

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