The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 865: The wind rises at the end of Pingmo

Since Cheerchen and Natalie entered the palace together to meet the king, Viscount Hessian did not see him, which made the Viscount a little disappointed. However, these Xu's disappointments quickly disappeared, because Pidro told him that he would be included in the mercenary group again and serve as the deputy commander.

Although it was not the commanding position of the original Hessian mercenaries, the Viscount Hessian was easily satisfied at this time. In other words, he has no bargaining power.

Holding up Pidro's hand, Viscount Hessian kissed and kissed.

"Thank you, Deputy Commander Pidro. I will do my best to serve you faithfully."

"You don't need to be wise, as long as you are loyal." Piedro said, "Besides, you are not playing under my command."

Viscount Hessian raised his head in surprise.

Not under Piedro's command, then it's under Bashit's command. Because the mercenary regiment has only these two deputy heads.

Viscount Hessian felt embarrassed.

"Deputy Commander, you know, Deputy Commander Bashit and I are not dealing with it." Viscount Hessian said embarrassedly. As he said, he raised his two fists on his chest and twisted each other.

"It's not Bacht either. I'll tell you the truth. My nephew Cheechen's wife Natalie will soon be the deputy commander of the mercenary group. I will arrange you to help her get acquainted with the mercenary. Things about the Corps. You know, this is also a kind of care for the young by the elderly."

Contacting Pidro just now, Viscount Hessian immediately understood Pidro's intentions. But he is also a sensible person, who sees through but doesn't tell.

"Don't worry, Deputy Captain Pidro. I will definitely work for Deputy Captain Natalie."

Hearing Viscount Hessian's words, and seeing his clear expression, Pidro laughed. He was waiting to praise Viscount Hessian for a few words, but suddenly heard a passionate slogan outside.

"Maintain the freedom of gold!"

"Poland is the noble Poland."

"Down with the scum **** among the nobles."

Pidro walked to the window and opened the curtains. On the street downstairs, hundreds of nobles in various costumes held up flags and sabers and passed by chanting slogans.

And their goal is obviously the political center of Warsaw-Jan Kazimierz Palace.

"What happened?" Piedro asked strangely.

Both he and Cheerchen had just returned to Warsaw, and they didn't understand some things in the city.

Viscount Hessian saw Pidro ask himself, and walked to the door of the window.

For the Viscount who has lived in Warsaw for several months, the downstairs scene has long been commonplace.

"Deputy commander, this is the League of Nobles who are demonstrating against King Jan Kazimierz's empowerment of mud legs."

Then, Viscount Hessian further explained the cause of the incident.

It turned out that in order to fight against the powerful Kingdom of Sweden’s invasion of the Republic and unite all the forces that can be united, King Jan Kazimierz re-entered the throne in Lviv and pleaded with the protector goddess to bless the Republic when he attended the ceremony. Li Shu’s solemn promise: “At the same time, we also open up to the people of the Li people a vast world of service to the Republic. We show and provide every ordinary people with a great opportunity to make contributions and win reputation, privileges and benefits in accordance with the regulations of this alliance. In this regard, the aristocracy should also be pleased..." That is to say, when the people of Lebanon have made merits in the war against the Swedish invaders, they will be rewarded.

At this time, Pidro interjected: "What? Is our benevolent King preparing to break the contract again?"

Pidro thought it was King Jan Kazimierz who had failed to believe his words again, and was "armed for wages."

Unexpectedly, the Viscount Hessian told Pidro that King Jan Kazimierz was surprisingly trustworthy this time, and the people downstairs did not come to ask for anything. They came to oppose the king's giving to the Li people’s nobles. right.

"These people downstairs are originally nobles. They are worried that once the farmers and petty citizens get noble rights, then they will be on an equal footing with themselves. This is unbearable by their noble dignity."


Pidro opened the curtains again, and he looked downstairs, sneering at the demonstrators who had begun to walk away.

Although Pedro is now a member of this huge aristocratic class that accounts for 10%-15% of the Republic, he does not feel that he is the same as the following people.

Look at these guys downstairs. What's the difference between what they wear and mud legs? Many of them are really worthless, worthless and meaningful people except for one background.

Could it be that if this country lacks a group of little nobles who are like them, except for one origin, who are worthless, worthless and meaningful, they will live better?

Pidro said jokingly, "Hessian, I really can't understand them. If you say that great aristocrats like me and Chechen are making trouble, it's fine. What are these poor and noisy? Is it that they are not poor, but People like us?"

Pietro said this, but he didn't want Viscount Hessian to say any unique insights, he just sent it out of feelings. But I didn't expect that Viscount Hessian would say something to inspire Pidro Deputy commander, you think they are stupid, but in fact they are very shrewd. These little nobles have a huge number in this country, and they come from different ways. They often fake their origins and their quality is chaotic. Some of the poor can't even afford wine for marriage, but there is one thing, that is, they enjoy and The great nobles have almost the same political privileges. Hi! A representative of a large nobleman who controls a wealthy and important governorship has a veto, and a small nobleman in a small remote village also has it. So when the big nobles want to pass a resolution in the parliament, they have to use money and other benefits to buy out the little nobles. But now, those clay legs who were inferior to them on weekdays also have noble rights, and they are nobles. Then the money that the big nobles use to buy them is distributed to everyone less? Also, as long as you are a nobleman and you borrow from the Jews, the Jews cannot use your things as collateral if you cannot repay them. But these Jews who lend money, how many of them have white gloves that are not great nobles. If the farmers become nobles, wouldn't it be a disaster for them? They will no longer be able to use debts to **** peasants' land. So don't just look at the people below who are making fun. In fact, there are the shadows of great nobles behind them. "

The words of Viscount Hessian really refreshed Pidro. At this time, Pidro really felt that his political sensitivity was not as good as that of a down-and-out Viscount Hessian.

"Hessian, let's go have a drink. Have a good chat." Pidro affectionately hugged Viscount Hessian's shoulder.

He recalled that year, Viscount Hessian also made the same high argument.

In the distance, a group of dragoons lined up from the gates of the wide-open Kazimierz Palace, rushing towards the oncoming demonstrators.

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