The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 862: 3rd deputy head

In Minsk, Stanislaw Potocki broke up with Chechen. The old man will return directly to the territory of the Potocki family, while Cheerchen and Natalie will return to Warsaw to return to the king.

Since Cheerchen learned from Natalie that King Jan Kazimierz had no time limit for when he would return to Warsaw, he came from Minsk and Cheerchen and his entourage walked comfortably.

Natalie and Fatima also tried their best to cater to Cheerchen, and the three of them were full of laughter and laughter along the way.

However, in addition to laughter, the team was also mixed with painful wailing.

The poor man was Yelisei.

After learning that Yelishey was looking for flowers and asking willows during Stockholm, Oksana retaliated against her husband "inhumanly".

The revenge began when the group checked into the hotel before.

On that night, everyone else stayed in the room. The worst of them was able to nest on the hay in the warehouse for one night, but Yelisei couldn’t-Oksana forced him to live in the cowshed of the hotel. middle. All night, the only thing that warmed Yelishei's chest was the heat exhaled by the cow's nose.

On the second day, Oksana brought a night of hot egg soup for her husband.

Yelishei, who mistakenly thought Oksana had forgiven herself, drank the egg soup unsuspectingly.

As a result, the next day, poor Yelishei had diarrhea for a whole day, and he couldn't even ride a horse when he collapsed.

On the third day, Oksana brought another bowl of soup to Yelishei. This time, Yelishei, who had learned the last bitter lesson, was cautious. He secretly pressed his lips to the edge of the bowl and pretended to be drinking soup, while Oksana accidentally spilled the soup into the corner. He thought he had passed the blunder, but he didn't expect to follow Oksana's way.

At night, Yelishei's little brother was swollen like a Russian red intestine.

Oksana is not here, Natalie and Fatima are the leaders of the women, even if Yelishei is killed, they dare not have evil thoughts towards them. Finally, Yelishei, who couldn't bear it, inserted the little brother into the sink in the stable, which cooled him down.

Two consecutive days of mischief left Yelishei exhausted physically and mentally. Pidro was a little oversighted. During a stay at a hotel, Pidro encouraged Yelishei to fight with Oksana and be a real man.

"Are you to be a coward for a lifetime, or a real man for five seconds." Piedro asked Yelishei with words.

After hearing this, Yelishei's blood surged.

"Of course it's a real man for five seconds!"

Yelisei yelled and took off his coat, he drew the saber from his waist and walked towards his room.

Pidro's original intention was to let Yelishei teach Oksana with his fists and feet, and let her know who is the owner of the family. It can be seen that Yelishei drew the knife, and Pidro was overwhelmed. He hurriedly yelled and summoned Chechen and Xie Miao, hoping to save Oksana.

When Chechen and the others felt Oksana's room violently, they saw Yelishei dancing a sword, performing a sword dance happily in front of Oksana.

Afterwards, Pidro said to Yelissey with a defeated expression: "Yelsey, accept your fate. You can only live under a woman's pomegranate dress in your entire life."

After hearing this, Yelishei retorted unconvincingly: "Even so, then I learned from the leader."

At that time, Cheerchen who came downstairs to bring back a pot of honey wine happened to hear this, and he smiled disapprovingly.

"I won't be like you." He retorted Yelishei with disdain.

But in the evening, Cheer Chen realized that he was actually afraid of his wife, which was no different from Yelishei.

In the evening of that day, Natalie asked Cheerchen to be in the mercenary group.

This is also the first step of Natalie's plan.

Natalie knew well that although she was Cheerchen's wife, there was no prestige and status in the mercenary group. The mercenary group has two deputy commanders, but the actual power is in the hands of Pidro. And with Chechen's rising tide, Bachter, who could have stood up against Pedro, could only vassalize his existence a long time ago. And if you want to get rid of the bad guys who have influenced Cheorchen's thoughts and actions from Cheerchen's side, you must have power in the mercenary group.

But Natalie's request made Cheor Chen very embarrassed.

As Natalie knows, although the mercenary regiment has two deputy heads, Basit has devoted himself to the farm since Uncle Pidro was given the title of Vidava. The mercenary group is actually in charge of Uncle Piedro. And once I promised Natalie to let her be the deputy head of the mercenary group, then Uncle Piedro's power must be given to Natalie.

"Natalie, why did you suddenly want to take up a position in the mercenary group?"

Cheerchen decided to understand Natalie's intentions before making a decision.

Natalie leaned her head on Cheer Jin's shoulder.

"It's not that I want to hold a position in the mercenary but I want to merge the Kishka family's army with your mercenary group. Since we are married, then we are one. Yours It’s mine, and mine is yours. This is the case at home, and other things should be the same. I want to take up a position in the mercenary group, and that’s also worrying that the Kishka family’s officers and soldiers will join the mercenary after the two armies merge. The officers and soldiers of the corps have conflicts. With me, they can be controlled."

Natalie looked like Cheerchen was thinking about it, which made Cheorchen extremely moved. In addition, the private armies of the Kishka family were merged into the mercenary group, which seems to be Chechen and the others taking advantage.

Cheerchen shook his wife's hand and said, "Virgin Mary, you let me marry what a wonderful wife."

Listening to Cheerchen complimenting herself, Natalie asked happily: "Then you agreed?"

"Of course. As you said, yours is mine and mine is yours. You will be the deputy commander, and of course I will support you. Tomorrow I will talk to Uncle Pidro."

After Cheerchen fell asleep, Natalie slowly got up. Facing the bright moon outside the window, she knelt down for evening prayer.

She opened her head three times before she could recite all the prayers with the solemnity she deserves. But then her thoughts and eyes involuntarily looked at Tetsuchen who was sleeping on the bed. Natalie seemed to see that Cheer Chen's peaceful face was smiling at her.

Natalie couldn’t deny deep down how much she loved this man-although he kind of made her angry and made her cry, but at the same time it was his innocent nature, his happy character and his honesty and frankness. She was deeply attracted.

The girl said to herself: "The most holy Virgin Mary, please bless me, bless me to turn my husband into the same person as me, and then we will never be separated."

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