The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 849: Queen Regent 20

Long-term plan?

Cheerchen and Wiedenberg looked at each other, wondering what the queen wanted to discuss in the long run?

However, the two did not ask much. They saw Christina showing a tired look, so they took the initiative to leave, and planned to leave the combat matters to tomorrow for discussion.

On the second day, Christina did not summon Cheerchen and Wiedenberg. And while Cheerchen waited anxiously, Pidro and others arrived in Riga.

A thousand elite soldiers of the elector came along with Pedro and them. This is the gratitude of the elector to Cheer Chen and others for saving his wife and children, and it is also an investment.

Pidro grabbed his hand anxiously after seeing Cheor Chen.

"Did Warsaw negotiate with Karl X?" he asked anxiously.

Although he was surprised that his uncle had received the news, Cheerchen said truthfully: "Yes, King Jan Kazimierz has made peace with Karl X."

Pidro grabbed his hair with annoyed hands. He walked around the room, and the iron heels of riding boots were flying on the wooden floor and sawdust.

"I knew you would have moths every time you act."

Then, Pidro told Chechen that when he was preparing to leave in Königsberg, an emissary who claimed to be the representative of the parliament found him and told him that the action was cancelled and that they should return to Warsaw immediately.

Now, it was Cheerchen's turn to be surprised and inexplicable.

"Then why are you still here?" he asked.

Cheerchen himself knew the details of the peace talks with the two countries in advance, and had a hunch that King Jan Kazimierz might betray Christina, so after struggling intensely in his heart, he had to win Victor for the friendship with Christina sister. Acting with the Duke of Ovshane without authorization, he did not expect his uncle to be so decisive.

"Because I suspect that that guy is a fake." Piedro said with a hand: "You think, I don't know that person, and for such an important matter, the king should always send someone you and I know, now just casually A person who claims to be an emissary with a superstition, of course I have to doubt it. So I don’t care about the fact that the guy packs and throws it in the cabin, and then heads towards Riga. I want it to be what he said is true, then Riga The banner of Karl X should still be flying, and it won’t be too late for me to sail at full speed. But I didn’t expect what the guy said was true.”

After speaking, Pidro grabbed his hair again annoyed.

"Now my Vidava may be gone, and Brest must have been taken back by the king. You and I guess only Bratzlaff will be able to get back. Alas, even if you think about it, you have to be too old. Being a Cossack, our uncle and nephew are really miserable by the king who has changed every day."

Cheerchen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Uncle Pidro didn't blame himself this time, but instead blamed the king. Because he was very worried that his uncle would resent him for ruining his family business again.

But before he could finish his breath, Piedro's groaning eyes looked at him.

"And you, you do your own thing every time, and like to dance on the tip of a knife. Can't you think about me and little Anna?"

"I was wrong, uncle." Cheer Chen hurriedly apologized.

Pidro waved his hand.

"Forget it, forget it. Now it's done, and my old bone can only be in the same boat with you. Together we help Queen Christina defeat her evil cousin."

Then, Pidro mysteriously leaned to Cheerchen's ear.

"Don't worry, when I disembarked, I asked Yelishei and Xie Miao to take someone to guard the ship that contained all of our wealth. If nothing happened, we would flee to the New World."

"Okay, uncle." Cheechen was really dumbfounded by Pidro's precautions.

The arrival of a thousand elite soldiers of the elector also injected a shot of invigorating medicine into the city of Riga. Arvid Wedenberg certainly will not let go of this opportunity to boost morale. He ordered Fedot and others to take reinforcements across the street for a military parade, and sent plainclothes to the crowd to announce that the Elector Frederick William was about to cross the sea to aid the Queen.

Queen Christina also attended the military parade. Cheerchen realized that Christina's face was very haggard, as if she hadn't slept all night. He was a little worried whether Sister Christina would be exhausted from worrying about the upcoming battle.

At night, at about two o'clock in the morning, Cheerchen was awakened by Karlsson from his sleep.

"Your Majesty wants to see you." Karlsson said.

Cheer Chen thought it was an emergency, he hurriedly dressed up and arrived at the Governor's Mansion as quickly as possible with Carlson's company.

Entering the conference room on the second floor of the Governor's Mansion, Cheerchen saw that Widenberg was also there. The difference is that the original paper military map on the desk has been replaced with a model.

Seeing Cheerchen's arrival, Christina hurriedly greeted Cheerchen to come over.

"I have been thinking these days, the defense is not appropriate, I want to take the initiative to attack and declare war on Carl." Christina said.

Perhaps because of excitement, Christina's nose kept flaring.

Cheerchen looked at Wedenberg in surprise, while the other party smiled bitterly.

Widenberg also just learned about Christina's thoughts, and then understood why the Queen said that she had to take a long-term view-it turned out that she did not approve of defense.

To Cheerchen, Christina explained her reason: "Defense is impossible. In the past few days, except for those volunteers, there are almost no nobles and generals who have joined our camp. They have all been scared by Carl's impressive military exploits. Dare, do not report any hope for our success. Chechen, your defensive plan is very good, it can be said that it is not leaking, but if you can't defeat Karl's army, then reinforcements from all over the country will come far and wide. Poland. People are not our allies, and the Danes are terrified of Karl. Although the elector assisted us, a thousand people are a drop in the bucket after all. So our stubbornness will only become a survivorship."

"But how are we going to defeat the army led by Karl X in the field? As we all know, the Swedish phalanx is not only powerful, but also indestructible." Chechen was a little unbelievable.

As a student of the "Nordic Lion" Gustav, Cheerchen understands the horror of the Swedish army created by the **** of war. I also benefited from his military system and wisdom many times in order to defeat his opponents.

And Alvid Wedenberg also persuaded the queen to proceed with caution.

Seeing that the two disagreed with her, Christina had no choice but to say: "Don't worry, I will not act recklessly. I have been thinking about how to defeat Carl these days. I have also imagined several options. Now we will fight. one time."

After speaking, Christina walked to the other side of the table and said to Cheerchen and Wiedenberg: "Now, I represent myself. And count, you are Carl, Cheerchen, you are the referee, and we play a game on the sand table. Fan, see if I can defeat Karl in the field."

Christina's so-called deduction is the use of war chess for simulated confrontation.

Before the emergence of war chess in the true sense, in this era, there has been a board game that simulates war-Indian chess. It is the predecessor of Chinese chess and chess, and the earliest war simulator of mankind. At this time, European countries have also begun to explore the sandbox to simulate battles. Although the rules of these simulations are not very rigorous and primitive, the advantages are also obvious, that is, they can exercise the officers' war art and cultivate battlefield judgment in peacetime.

The model used by Christina was modified by his father Gustav. The battlefield was spread out on the sand table, and countless small grids were divided on it. Each cell corresponds to 100 steps in reality-each "step" is approximately 0.76 meters.

At the same time, Gustav also adopted a turn-based system. Each round lasts for two minutes. Players need to make judgments within a limited time. More innovatively, the improved war chess introduced the concept of fog of war and random variables. On the battlefield of war chess, the belligerents do not have the perspective of God. They need to cover a certain area according to the rules; and the dice are used to simulate The random factor, which means, is the same as in reality: one round of shelling may be completely missed, but because of luck, the same shelling may annihilate a whole group of enemy forces in the next round.

Karlsson put the chess piece representing Karl X's army in front of Widenberg.

Their chess pieces are black, while Christina's is white.

According to the intelligence of Robert Douglas, at this time, the army under Carl X had more than 7,000 troops after the battle damage, including about 5 infantry teams and 20 cavalry squadrons, with 5,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. , And his own 250 Swedish heavy armored pistols.

Wedenberg put out standard Swedish infantry tactics on the chessboard.

A total of 3 infantry teams are deployed in the center, behind them, there are 2 infantry teams used as reserves. Each team lined up in a T-shape before the exchange of fire-the advantage of this is that when the enemy cavalry is attacked, the musketeers of the first team can avoid the long spear phalanx as they advance. After reaching the firing position, the muskets will deploy up to 6 rows of deep firing formations on both sides of the pikemen.

Widenberg deployed 1,500 elite cavalry on the right flank of the infantry team, and 500 cavalry on the left flank. Cheerchen took a look and understood that Widenberg wanted solid infantry to be in charge of the line of resistance in the center, and then standard cavalry detours from the two wings, with the ultimate goal of turning a positional war into a rout war.

Christina has slightly more troops than the army commanded by Widenberg, with about 8,000 troops. However, the number of its cavalry is seriously insufficient, with only more than two hundred men. And the vigilante combat power of 3,000 people is worrying.

Christina also deployed most of the infantry on the central front, with cavalry responsible for cover on both sides. In order to withstand the enemy's flanking cavalry assault, Christina arranged 8 rows of pikemen in depth in the infantry team, flanked by approximately the same number of pikemen as the pikemen. Due to the number of infantry, she can maintain sufficient depth and thickness. In addition, a German infantry regiment was left last by Christina as the general reserve.

These arrangements, after the start of a game, were handed over to Cheer Chen to let him deploy the chess pieces on the map. At the same time, Cheerchen will feed back enemy intelligence and battle results to both sides based on the rules and battle conditions. In addition, if there is a specific need, Cheer Chen has the right to add some random events to increase the variables in the game.

As soon as the war game started, Widenberg launched an offensive. He pushed all the troops in his hand on the chessboard and pushed the front for half a mile. Then, the army stagnated in its current position.

"Bombardment." Wedenberg said silently in his heart as he watched Zhanqi.

The black army has about 28 artillery pieces, while the white army has 40 artillery pieces. This is because Riga is the important town of the Kingdom of Sweden, and Karl X and Magnus once again stockpiled a lot of arms.

Wittenberg set the shelling as three rounds, and Chechen calculated the losses of both sides based on the quantity and quality of the artillery of both sides and the experience level of the gunners.

After Karlsson took away the pieces that were judged to be lost, Christina made a move.

Christina boldly sent all her cavalry to harass the right wing of the black army from the beginning.

Faced with the provocation of such a small group of cavalry, Widenberg, who did not open up the perspective of God, did not hesitate, and immediately ordered his right-wing cavalry to trot forward. The cavalry on the side of the white army quickly fled and led the cavalry of the black army to the central phalanx of the white army. Here, the cavalry of the white army will hide behind the pikemen and arquebus, and let the former welcome the cavalry of the black army with storm-like bullets and forest-like spears.

At this time, Widenberg pushed the sunspot in front of him, the black infantry and left-wing cavalry all pressed on, and the target of the right-wing 500 cavalry was behind the white army.

The tactics of the Swedish cavalry were influenced by the Polish winged cavalry. Instead of the popular half-rotation shooting, they relied on charging and hand-to-hand combat to solve their opponents; while the white cavalry unit used half-rotation shooting.

Cheechen seemed to see that each chess piece turned into a real cavalry—the white cavalry who fired strictly in a half-round rotation. After a round of meaningless salvos, they were clamped by their legs without any suspense. , The black army cavalry, holding a shining slender sword and cavalry spear, broke down.

As a result, the right wing of the White Army collapsed. The 500 Black Cavalry not only easily defeated the White Cavalry, who had only half of them, but also went around behind the White After calculation, Christina had lost everything after only a short fight. The cavalry and most of the artillery. The victorious scale seems to be completely falling towards Widenberg.

At this time, Christina opened the trump card hidden on the right flank-a car formation built by the general reserve team, that is, the German infantry team stationed with heavy trucks.

Lifting the fog on the battlefield, Wydenberg will find that the two hundred cavalrymen of the White Army were originally decoys, in order to attract the Swedish heavy-armored pistols who entered the battlefield.

250 Swedish heavy armoured pistols were defeated by the German infantry team.

On the central front, the two forces also began to fall into a stalemate. The cavalry of the Black Army launched several consecutive attacks, but they were all repelled by their opponents. The infantry with the advantage of depth and thickness was not moved at all, and gradually gained the upper hand by relying on the advantage of numbers. As the black infantry joined the battle group, the cavalry began to lose room for maneuvering.

At this time, Widenberg had to activate the reserve team, and from the left flank two infantry teams that were intact. But before they entered the battlefield, the white infantry with as many as 7,000 had already launched a counterattack against the black infantry with only 3,000, and the two armies turned into a brutal hand-to-hand battle.

The situation is very unfavorable, the thin front line is squeezed into defeat, and the collapse is just around the corner.

Seeing the situation like this, Widenberg was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He has no reserves available at this time. With nothing to do, he had to make the cavalry who had withdrawn from the right flank to attack again.

And they happened to crash into the phalanx of the German infantry team.

"Retreat!" Wydenberg shouted.

"Stop!" Karlsson shouted on the side.

At this time, after Cheer Chen calculated the loss, Christina and Wiedenberg actually drew a tie.

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