The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 432: Warsaw Again 12

At night, there was a gloomy cloud in the camp of the Polish army. At this time, even the most mindless people know that the Polish army was once again defeated.

After the failed assault in the afternoon, the spirit of the Polish army has fallen to the bottom. The soldiers thought sadly: Even the wing cavalry can't win, what else can they do?

To make matters worse, the Swedish-Prussian coalition forces have surrounded the Polish army regiments from both sides. Behind the Polish army is the Vistula River. If the Polish army is to get rid of the danger of being completely wiped out, it must build a bridge over the Vistula and cross the river to retreat.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Because the Swedish-Prussian coalition forces will not watch the Polish troops build bridges and retreat. They will definitely bombard the bridge erected by the Polish army on the Vistula River with artillery. Even though the bridge can reduce the accuracy of coalition artillery fire at night, it is necessary to build bridges in the river without lights. Dangerous things.

In the camp of the Chinese army, King Kazimierz looked at the leaders of Saperga, General Jan Sobieski, General Alexander Okinsky, Stanislaw Potosky, and Ya Nush Kishka and others did not say a word. At this time, King Kazimierz seemed to be ten years old, his face was sallow, without a trace of blood. If King Jan Kazimierz could use the betrayal of the nobles as an excuse for every previous failure, then this time, he had no excuse for defeat. The prestige gained in regaining Warsaw was completely defeated in two days of battle, and the 34,000 army was in desperation. These 34,000 people are the real main force of the Republic of Poland. Without them, the Republic will lose everything.

At this moment, King Kazimierz really regretted not listening to Çarnetski.

Kazimierz glanced at the officers around. Mihavu, Anjay, Natalie and others stood behind the leader of Saperga, General Jan Sobieski and others. In the afternoon battle, the Mihav knights fought bravely and were in battle. Hang up the color. His arm was hit by the cannon breeze, and he couldn't lift it anymore.

King Kazimierz sighed. He stood up.

Everyone looked at King Kazimierz.

"The failure of this battle is my fault." King Kazimierz blamed himself unexpectedly.

Everyone's eyes widened, it was incredible.

"Calnecki once suggested that I should not engage in the main confrontation with Karl X, but lead them to the interior, and then use guerrilla warfare to kill their spirit and edge before choosing the opportunity to fight, but I did not listen to him."

When everyone heard this, they bowed their heads one after another. Among them, Stanislaw Potowski and Janusz Kishka are particularly ashamed. Because Czarnets basically looked for himself, but they didn't pay attention to Czarnetsky's correct opinions.

King Kazimierz continued: "The second mistake I made was to underestimate the enemy. The victory over the vanguard of the coalition forces blinded me and made me think that we could easily win the victory. The sneak attack was successful, but I was so arrogant that I was waiting for the enemy to collapse on its own, thus giving the electorate time to repair and counterattack."

Tears shed tears in Anjay's eyes.

"And you, my dear Knight Mihav. You once reminded me that I should send scouts to investigate the movement of the Swedes, but I didn't pay attention to it. Sure enough, the army of Karl X came to our flank. You today The injuries are all because of me."

When Mihav heard King Kazimierz talk about himself and blamed himself, he knelt down on the ground moved. He said touchedly: "Our father, please don't say that."

King Kazimierz took a deep breath. He finally said: "Today's defeat is all alone. After the army breaks out, I will confess to God, to the goddess of the country, and to the subjects of the country. But now, our most important thing is to take the 40,000 here. Take the army out and lose them, the Republic will lose everything!"

As soon as King Kazimierz's words fell, Mihau stood up. He generously said: "Your Majesty, I would like to lead my team to attack instead of defend, delay the Swedes, and buy time for the retreat of the army."

Andrzej also expressed the same opinion.

At this time, Natalie, who was standing behind Janusz Kishka, suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I have a way to build a bridge at night."

Janusz Kishka looked at the daughter behind him in surprise, and King Kazimierz asked in surprise: "Natalie, tell us what you can do!"

"Pontoon bridge," Natalie said.

A pontoon bridge is a bridge that uses boats or pontoons instead of piers and floats on the water.

Natalie's solution was to collect all the boxes and empty gunpowder barrels of the army, then connect them with ropes, and then lay wooden boards on them. One end of the pontoon is transported to the opposite bank by boat, and then fixed with wooden stakes so that people can walk on it.

"There is no problem for people and horses to pass on such a bridge. But artillery..." The leader of Saperga hesitated after listening to Natalie's words. Obviously, the commander is reluctant to bear the artillery.

At this time King Kazimierz showed heroism. He waved his hand and said, "Throw it away, throw it all away. As long as we keep the people, we can cast the artillery in the future."

Seeing what King Kazimierz said, the leader of Saperga turned to the engineer commanders who were present at the meeting and asked how long it would take to build such a bridge over the Vistula according to the method Natalie said.

The engineer commander immediately made a picture on the table. After calculating the buoyancy, weight and other data, the engineer commander stated that a pontoon that meets the requirements can be erected before dawn.

The leader of Sapega nodded. He promised to give the engineer commander three times the materials and manpower to build three identical bridges on the Vistula River to speed up the crossing of the river and prevent the pontoon bridge from being destroyed by Swedish artillery fire.

After this, King Kazimierz and the commander of Sapega determined the troops that would block the retreat of the large troops tomorrow. However, King Kazimierz once again made a difficult decision in deciding who to block the electorate's army.

The position facing the elector has been backed by fortifications such as bastions, which is the best defense. However, King Kazimierz worried that the Polish infantry, which was not a strong point, could not withstand the attack of the Prussian army, which was good at infantry.

Of course, there is no shortage of qualified candidates, and that is Pidro's mercenary group. Although this mercenary regiment is also made up of Poles, its training is based on the Swedish military system, and its combat effectiveness is absolutely guaranteed. However, more than half a month ago, King Kazimierz had treated them badly on the issue of awards, and the King worried that Pidro would not work hard at that time.

Regarding King Kazimierz’s concerns, Jan Sobieski assured him that he would persuade Captain Pidro to accept this task. Natalie also stood up and said that she could absolutely guarantee Pidro's loyalty.

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