The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 687: Space and Time Administration

Everyone was nodding, what Xiaoyueyue suddenly thought, and asked, "Director, what's the point of saving money?"

The director said: "The amount of money has a lot to do with the identity, status, and quality of life you will experience next ..."

"Ah? What if I don't have money?"

Xiaoyueyue was dumbfounded, his facial expressions were twisted, and his face was frowning, his small eyes were almost narrowed into a seam. Look left, look right, everyone else is gloating, but he keeps repeating it. "What should I do if I don't save? I thought it was a joke!"


There were all gloating laughter next to him. Xiao Yueyue was really anxious and shouted at the assistant next to him: "Where is my bag? Who is holding my bag! Hurry up, get your wallet, my wallet! "

The assistant also smiled badly. The female assistant in charge of looking at the bag quickly found Xiao Yueyue's bag and ran over to hand it to him.

Xiao Yueyue flipped out of the wallet, and when he opened it, there was not much money, he took it all out. One hundred and a stack of loose money, simply counted, looked up, and looked confused at the camera: "a Is one hundred sixty enough? "

Everyone else laughed miserably. A big man, went out with more than 100 yuan?

With a smile on his face, Wang Baoqiang came over and patted Xiao Yueyue's shoulder, indicating that he understands very well: "People like us don't usually have money on their bodies, because there is nowhere to use it!"

Xiaoyue Yue also fainted and said, "Yeah, eat early, take a car, stay, eat, all are packaged with the program, what to do with money? I have the Zhongjing Card here. I can swipe my card by bus, take Why do you have so much money? "

Yang An relentlessly replenished the knife: "It sounds so good, but it's actually poor! I didn't save any money, but I brought more! Assistant, bring money!"

Seeing Yang An didn't save it, everyone was exclaimed. Yang An pointed to himself and smiled and said, "Seeing that, this is the old driver! I worry about being fooled, so I deliberately don't save money. Wait Now I find that something is wrong, and I save money on the spot, which makes it easy to retreat! "

Everyone else was amazed: "Sure enough, Brother Yang, you really have experience!"

"It's so naive to do whatever we say silly."

"Learn another trick!"

Yang An took the bag from the assistant and pulled out a stack of several hundred dollar bills, and smiled proudly: "The urban routine is too deep, or we are rural people. We have to guard our hands when playing reality shows! Come , Director, this is my ten thousand! "

"Yang Geer ~ Help !!!! Can you lend me ten thousand?"

Xiao Yueyue began to hug her thigh again, and Jiaojia cried and said, "Lend ten thousand today, and ten thousand five hundred tomorrow. How about your daily interest of five cents?"

"Wow, Yang, you are getting rich, and your daily interest is five cents. This interest is ridiculously high!"

"Don't lend it to Xiaoyueyue. You don't lend it to him. He can only save up to one hundred and six, it must be the least among us."

"That is, if you lend him ten thousand, I will also borrow it!"

"Shen Teng, how much have you saved?"

"I'm a thousand!"

"Too few! I saved ten thousand yuan!"

While Shen Teng was being teased by everyone, Yang An also took the opportunity to pull Xiao Yueyue's arms away, and his weight of one hundred and sixteen weighed him down: "Yue Yue, I borrow you ten thousand, and don't want your interest, so you can. ? "

"Brother, you are my brother"

Xiao Yueyue raised his mouth and came to ask for a kiss. Yang An pushed him away and pulled out a stack of 10,000, returned the bag to the assistant, and the two went to the director's position to pay the money together.

Yang An walks like a really big model. He holds money in one hand and trousers pocket in the other. He is tall, with long legs and cool sunglasses. He walks like a male model. After paying the money, he turns around and walks away. Do not take away a cloud.

Even more eye-catching is Xiao Yueyue, who is holding money in both hands, like a rare treasure, smiling and walking well, while turning his head to peek at Yang An, and then turning around and waving to others proudly, This was shown on TV in slow motion, and it definitely revealed the face of his upstart.

"Here, this is my ten thousand!"

Xiaoyue Yue learned Yang An and took a stack of money in the director's hands. Then he took another 100 yuan and continued to shoot up. He smiled proudly: "I save 10,100 yuan, which is better than Yang An. More than a hundred "


The next five people all screamed, this guy is too despicable, absolutely owed! This is!

Of course, everyone shouted, Yang An ignored him: "Xiao Yueyue, I tell you, I will definitely not play with you in this episode, you will live and die!"

In Xiao Yueyue's cry of apology, the director said: "The following will announce the amount of everyone's deposits. Shen Teng deposits 1,000 yuan, based on the purchasing power of the Yuan and Ming dynasties you are going through. It's 1,000, so Shen Teng's deposit is 833 copper! "

"Hahaha! 833?"

"You don't even have money!"

"Shen Tengge, are you wrong? I said that a thousand yuan must be too little."

Shen Teng couldn't believe it, muttering: "Only 833 copper coins? My God ... do you really have any copper coins brought here? What is this?"

The director's group sent props, and the assistant was holding two large trays, one containing several stacks of treasures and one pile of copper coins, which aroused everyone's excitement and onlookers.

Most of the money in the Yuan Dynasty was bank notes, that is, banknotes and treasure notes, which were about one circle smaller than a4 paper. The upper part of the page read "Zhongyuantongbao", and the amount in the middle was different. The Cuoji Temple is stamped with the official seal of the Majesty's House, and the date of issue is readily available. There are also prominent warnings to warn those who executed counterfeit money.

"Shen Teng, treasures and copper coins can be carried. If you take all the treasures, you can take eight hundred pieces, one piece of twenty pieces, one piece of ten pieces, and three pieces for the remaining three pieces. Bronze, these Yuantongbao coins can be used by the people! "

"Copper, this name is so interesting!"

"Wow this prop is too similar, right?"

"Did you come from Panjiayuan?"

"Stupid, Tongbao from the Yuan Dynasty is rare. It costs thousands of yuan for a real coin. How can it be found? These are all props!"

"Hanging is a hundred words. These coins are heavy!"

Everyone played with copper coins and looked at the treasure notes. Shen Teng finally decided to take half of them. The treasure notes were exchanged for 500 papers, stacked up in his pocket, and the remaining 330 papers were exchanged for copper coins with small banknotes. And a little bit of weight.

The director then announced: "Hailu deposits 10,000, which is 8 consecutive 333 articles!"

"Wow little rich man!"

"Hello, you are so rich!"

Shen Teng couldn't help but wanted to mix with Hai Lu. His deposit was ten times his. 8-sound sounded incredible. Hai Lu smiled and picked up two two-notes, four one-times, 100. Three of the text, and finally counted 33 copper coins, went back happily.

Shen Teng came together: "Begging, begging ~"

Hai Lu muttered, "In order to eat and drink well in ancient times, I will eat soil next month in modern times!"

The chief director joked: "After going back, the unused money can be exchanged into RMB at the Space and Time Administration, so everyone should save money and spend the money on the blade!"

"Time and Space Administration ..."

A group of people laughed miserably. How can there be this department?

"Here is Xiao Yueyue's deposit!"

Xiao Yueyue's concentration was high, and she raised her eyebrows at Shen Teng, as if she was saying, "Small, wit like me, deposit 10,100." Ignore your shoulders!

The director said: "Xiao Yueyue deposited 0 yuan! The same is Yang An, the deposit is also 0 yuan!"


In addition to Xiaoyueyue and Yang An who were stunned, the other four guests, plus the on-site directors and assistants, all laughed and laughed.

Xiaoyueyue protested loudly: "Why is it 0 yuan? I just saved ten thousand ... one hundred and one?"

Yang An was also speechless: "Yeah, why don't you save what happened at the scene?"

The director, Masahiro Masaru, said: "The energy consumed by the Space and Time Administration to open a communication channel is very large. We notified each other last night. There is really no way to temporarily save it."

They all shouted gloat, "Ha ha ha ha! Let you be smart! Do you kill yourself?"

"This is a typical non-death ~ ~ it will not die ..."

Yang An and Xiao Yueyue are helpless. How can such a thing be said? Before the answer is revealed, I am afraid of falling into the pit, whether to save or not, whether to save more or not.

The director said again: "Huang Xiaolei deposits 5000 yuan!"

Huang Xiaolei didn't expect it to be the result, protesting: "Did I still transfer 5000 to Teacher Deng's account?"

Shen Tengdao: "You transfer the money to Mrs. Zhang's account, that is not meat buns ... oh, this paragraph is awkward, come again! You will transfer the money to Mrs. Zhang's account, and you will definitely It has been confiscated! "

Huang Xiaolei held her forehead because the director explained: "The account number in the text message is the official time and space administration account, and no other account is of any use. Huang Xiaolei got 4 167 texts, please collect your currency."

As soon as it came, then it was safe. Huang Xiaolei could only hold the treasure and copper coins, shook her head and sighed, and regretted that she didn't listen to her husband, and saved one hundred and eighty thousand in.

The last one announced Wang Baoqiang. Everyone knows his divorce. The media have reported that his property was transferred, the company went bankrupt, and he owed a large amount of debt. He all thought that Wang Baoqiang had no money, and a few hundred yuan at most. .

"Wang Baoqiang deposited 50,000!"

The director's voice shouted and the audience was full of boiling!

"No! Brother Baoqiang, are you too bullish?"

"Have you ever suspected a liar, Baoqiang?"

"You you you, why are you so rich?"

Everyone is confused, can't they? To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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