The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 653: The 6th guest appeared!

It can be seen in the camera that there is a tray in front of each group. Six simple sealed envelopes are placed on it, which are stacked in thick and thick. They introduce the situation information and script of the relevant characters. Outside the envelope are written the six characters. name.

Yang An introduced: "The rules of the game are like this. We have one detective and five suspects in each issue. Detectives have several unique powers, such as reviewing suspects individually, having two votes, etc. He is the promoter of the game and does not participate in all the role-playing of the suspect. He can think about the entire case as an outsider without being disturbed by the parties. "

Shabei stepped forward, grabbed the detective envelope, squeezed in front of the camera and said confidently: "Yes, Formosa is me, Di Rensha is also me, and Conansha is me!"

Yang An held his head and pushed it to the side: "Kojisha is you and play while you go! Okay, let's talk about the murderer. The murderer is hidden among the five suspects. Only the real murderer can lie, please Keep this in mind. If you get a murderer's identity card, if you want to win, use this skill to hide yourself. If you don't want to win, haha, then you can play freely, and it will be ok to lure happy! "

When everyone laughed lightly, He Jiong thoughtfully and asked: "That is to say, in the game, we are likely to find decisive evidence like Jia Xiaoming's ID card and train ticket that can be concluded. If the killer wants to win, he must explain these things with a series of lies, right? "

Yang An thumbs up for the camera and applauds: "Ms. He really has an idea, but it should be noted that often a lie will lead to more vulnerabilities, so the killer needs to use multiple consecutive lies to round out the lie, and These new lies are often conceived by the murderer temporarily. If they ca n’t stand the scrutiny, they will lose once they are exposed. Well, no matter how much, there is no direct first-hand combat. Please look at the tray in front of you! ”

Now there are three groups of lenses for video conference, and all three groups of vj have prepared a full set of envelopes.

Yang An casually picked up a display for the camera and said, "There are six identity envelopes in front of everyone. Do you see the names on it? Nurses, patients, vice presidents, cleaners, investors, detectives. Come on, everyone Pick any one, but I doubt Brother Brother Sha can't even figure out the rules. Brother Brother, you come first? "

Li Yan, who was on the side, covered her mouth and laughed, only to see that Shabei really came forward, and without hesitation, picked up the detective's envelope: "That's the same sentence, the detective is me!"

He Jiong, who was thousands of miles away, burst into a laugh: "People who scored only 45 points in the first round still want to be detectives?"

Hahahaha score of 45 points!

Li Ye, who stood beside him, and Yire Guli on the set, all laughed out loud.

a bolt from the blue!

Shabe's movements were frozen, and the hand holding the detective envelope was shaking.


This is a humiliation that can never be washed away!

Shabei helplessly lowered the detective envelope and obediently made an invitation gesture to Li Yan: "Originally based on the scores? Well, all the hegemons choose first, please!"

This scene made Li Yan laugh, and the members of the nearby Red House Dream Theater who were watching the lively laugh laughed.

With the highest score, Li Yan chose the first one, and she pouted and smiled: "I'm still conservative in the first program. See how you play, I choose the cleaner!"

Yang An said: "Okay, Li Yan chose the most beautiful cleaners, ladies first, Ire Guli is yours!"

Today Ire Guli is at the shooting site of "Beauty Beauty" cover magazine. Her background is a black curtain, sidelights, fashion clothes, and no makeup is removed. This is the photo directly. The lens is quite beautiful, completely Can be described as stunning.

She smiled sweetly and asked, "Are we choosing this role randomly? Can I choose a nurse?"

After hearing this, Shabei rushed over again and picked up the nurse's envelope: "I want to be a nurse too!"

Yang An spread his hand and said: "No problem, Brother Sha, if you are a nurse, for the effect of the show, the director will definitely wear a wig, a nurse outfit, and stockings! You stupid you, there are all six envelopes outside Pattern, the male character is the background of the man, and the female character is the background of the woman. You ca n’t even see this. Formosa? ”

Really so!

Shabe was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word of the training, obediently put down the nurse's envelope and hid in a circle in the back corner again!

Ire Guli laughed: "The other female role is the nurse, is it me?"

Nurse role selection!

With three men left, He Jiong and Yang An gave up a fake appearance, and He Jiong twisted and said, "Since everyone deserves me so much, and the role of detective, I can barely take it!"

I saw He Jiong brush it away, snatched the role of deputy dean, and smiled proudly: "In the first period, I would rather hide in the crowd of suspects and steal music, absolutely not detective!"

"Detectives let me come!"

"Go while playing!"

Yang An pulled Shabei, who threw up for the third time, behind him, picked up the detective's envelope, shook his head and said, "You guys have no responsibility. Well, the detective is me!"

"Wait a minute!"

Vj spoke suddenly and stopped: "You can't choose a detective role because someone has already chosen it!"

Everyone is dumbfounded, who?

"The sixth guest chose a detective. Please watch the video."

This is a vcr. A tall man in a black detective trench coat is running with a gun. He seems to be arresting the prisoner, but after a few shots, he has a bright hairstyle, an angular side face, and the Republic of China in the background. In the streets of the time, a group of black suits with pistols held everything, betrayed his identity, and finally the camera shot on his front.

"Li Yifeng!"

"Captain Chen!"

"Oh my god, my idol!"

Everyone was exclaimed, Li Yifeng appeared in the camera, and greeted everyone with a smile: "Hi, everyone, I'm Li Yifeng! I'm also coming to the show" Star Detective "! It's my turn to choose a role, right? Huh ... OK, that's it! "

After a few seconds of consideration, Li Yifeng chose the role of detective.

Li Yifeng held the envelope and showed it to the camera. He smiled and said, "As the captain of the special operation team, I am very skilled in solving crimes, arrests, executions and torture and confessions. Therefore, I am the detective. Your five criminal suspects are standing, and none of them are allowed to move! There are murderers, and I advise you to surrender, otherwise I will be taken out and hum! "


Watching Li Yifeng's signature Captain Chen smile, everyone covered his mouth in surprise and couldn't believe it!

Li Yifeng starred in a super-spy spy film "Sparrow" last year. He is the main character, and he was a special guest in the running man last year, which is the second episode of the water gun special, "Prison Run" episode, Everyone is no stranger to him, especially Yang An and Shabei. Later, he met with Li Yifeng at the Blue Ocean TV TV Gala six months ago, and ate and drank together after the party.

Yang An praised it in the heart. The director group invited Li Yifeng to be a detective. This person is really good. Last year, among the running men, Li Yifeng regretted not being able to show his skills, because the political review at that time was broadcast on CCTV Li Yifeng's role was restricted by Li's running man. Now that he has decided to broadcast on a local station, and the political review has passed, Li Yifeng's role as detective can be fully enjoyed.

The most important thing is, if you come to Li Yifeng, the four men and two women in the first phase are all handsome guys and beautiful women, all idol stars who coexist with wisdom and beauty!

If this does not make a big start, Yang An is willing to twist his head and kick it!

"Since Li Yifeng has chosen the role of detective, only investors and patients can choose."

Yang An said, as she stretched out her hand, she shoved Sabbe, who had rushed for the fourth time, to the side: "You go and play!"

He grabbed the investor's envelope first, touched his hairstyle, and adjusted his clothes: "How's it? I don't look like the rich second-generation rich?"

He Jiong laughed: "You don't look like the second generation rich, but Shabei definitely looks like a patient!"

As soon as this was said, no one was able to hold it back, all squatting and laughing, this first issue of "Star Detective ~ ~ definitely want to play Shabe again!"

Everyone chooses a role, and everyone picks up their identity envelope, and the performance starts from now.

Today's recording is over. Yang An and Shabe are holding each other's envelopes, guarding each other. They are afraid that the other party will suddenly rush forward and **** their envelopes to peek.

Li Yan smiled elegantly holding the envelope, and the director of the Red Chamber Dream, Chen Jindong, came over and said enviously: "Oh, it's still Yang Dao's fun, happy to do the show, laughing and laughing all the way, let's shoot painful day and night In the play, the actors cried for a few games, and the whole person was bad. "

Yang An laughed: "But" Dream of Red Mansions "is a classic that has been passed on forever. We are just a commercial show. It ’s just amused. Guide Chen, you promised. All the actors who are present today can choose me Right, everyone? "

The last sentence was shouted, all the members of the lively Red Mansion Dream Team laughed and laughed: "Yes!"

Chen Jindong couldn't laugh or cry, he could only hold his hands up and he was really convinced.

At this moment, Yang An was really quite fulfilled.

Recall that six years ago, he was forced to be one. Stars above the second line cannot afford it, and his life is tight.

And now, which stars are present?

In the supporting role, Zhao Yingying counts one, Yang Mi and Tang Yizhen are both big coffees, and Song Yi, who played "The Pretender", and then the protagonist Jia Baoyu Yang Yang, so many newcomers and young actors are all star road The potential stocks are frank, and there are also old drama bones with friendly guest characters, such as Zhang Guoli, Liu Ye and other old artists. Who does Yang An want to look at? It can be done generously, without even talking about the notification fee. Because no one will reject him.

That's change! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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