At the end of the interview, all the authors' relationship diagrams were written by the authors. In a nutshell, all the relevant information was packaged and uploaded to the server. Guo Lei and they were scoring and discussing.

Indus, the responsible editor of the Urban Group, represented the Reading Group and presented each author with a Brazilian barbecue buffet voucher next to the commercial street. Everyone took it with a smile, went back and forth, and went together to get together and sip to go to health care.

Ashen folded his tablet and packed it in a backpack. Several people gathered around him. Before the exam, they had a bland relationship. Now he came to talk very well, and he felt inexplicable.

"Are you Chenchen? I have read your book. The Thinker is so good!"

"It turned out to be a hidden god, I have never heard you talk before, it's really low-key."

"Da Chen, can I take a picture with you?"

Looking at their compliments, Chen Chen was really not used to it, and he smiled a little: "Where am I? What a great god, I am also a small one, let's go eat first!"

Great gods are not great gods, they still depend on their strength. Any industry is a respect for strength.

In the exam room just now, Guo Lei and Wang Jiaren, the two writers who paid most attention to the author, were Chen Chen. Yang An also stepped down and stood behind him for a while. He received unique treatment from the audience. Of course, others thought that he It is a great god, and the most unfortunate is also a great **** seedling, which is well worth making.

The characteristics of Brazilian barbecue are barbecue buffet, common hot dishes, cold dishes, desserts and ice drinks are also available. There is also a limited supply of barbecued small seafood, beer drinks, and exposed girls stepping on South American samba full dance, bare chested Han held a barbecue rack that was one person tall and cut a barbecue for each guest with a knife. The atmosphere was very hot.

In the wild and cheerful South American style songs, in the early morning they sat down with full food trays, sat in four big decks, and ate while talking about the afternoon exams.

A handsome boy with red hair was very lively. He was one of the people who had just talked with Asuna. He was too late to eat a piece of barbecue and was proud of himself. He said, "I do n’t dare to say anything else, But I can assure you that there will be morning in the finalists! "

"Firefox, do you forget our Zhuangda God?"

"That is, Sister Feiyan is also a female goddess. Why don't you say she?"

"Well! Who is Asuna? What book has he written? What number is this contest?"

"Fox, speak loudly and flash your tongue! You say it's guaranteed? What if you say wrong?"

Firefox was besieged by everyone and shook his head and shook his head and said, "The previous honors are not counted. Today is a screenwriter, not a writer. Yang Geer said, find the most suitable screenwriter, and it is a fate, you will not think Internet fiction and script are written in the same way? "

The long-haired girl sitting next to Qing Feiyan was tit-for-tat: "Come on, don't think we don't understand the script. What is the depth? I wrote the script for the Ningcheng Repertory Theatre for three years! Writing is the skill that requires the most experience. I did n’t get any results before, do I get results right now? I ’m not saying that Chenchen is not good, I just think that Firefox is too absolute. Why must there be him, and no other gods? Who set this evaluation standard, Firefox Do you order it? "

I was eating, talking about the exam fun, talking about what I wrote, the atmosphere is very relaxed, but I do n’t know how to distort the building, and this long-haired girl is also more real, even contending who is good at writing. Whoever is famous and who has a long history must know that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second, and the disputes between literati will never be answered!

Firefox was questioned, his face turned red: "Jianxi Hezai and Wang Xiaoer are optimistic about them, and Yang An is optimistic ..."

The girl with long hair continued to press and asked, "Yang Yeer still stood behind me and watched for a minute. Can I also be selected? You are not Yang An, you can't make a conclusion on his behalf. I didn't mean to raise you with you. Ah, I just take this selection very seriously! "

As soon as Chen Chen couldn't sit still, he said, "Don't say anything, eat first. I know myself. It's a blessing to be able to choose, and it's nothing if you can't choose. Go back and write an old book."

Zhuang Yiran and Qing Feiyan were still calm, not as angry as the novice, and they broke up when they didn't agree. The two said a word of easing and raised their glasses to greet everyone to drink.

"Really, I can't stand this kind of person who feels good about myself, so I must have the awareness of fluttering the street ... I haven't said that I also wrote a script debut!"

The long-haired girl muttered, and Qing Feiyan laughed: "Jiao Qiao, let's say a few words, your resume is so beautiful, and the screenwriter has rich experience, you can definitely pass the selection!"


The mobile phone on Qingfeiyan's hand rang, and the new message reminded by the WeChat group arrived. She thought it was spam, and manipulated it at will, suddenly covering her mouth and exclaiming.

Almost at the same time, Zhuang Yiran also looked down at the phone. The guy named Firefox also felt the shock in his pants. After reading the email, the two were equally surprised, and stood up for a moment, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"You passed?"

"Ha, Feiyan, you passed too?"

"Firefox? I rely, Firefox your boy also passed?"

The three were ecstatic, and this group of emails made everyone fry on the spot!

Someone snatched their mobile phone. The e-mail reads: "Congratulations on your passing. Please come to Room 401 on the fourth floor at 8 pm and have something to tell you. Please check the attached notes. Depositee: Where is Guo Lei tonight?"

"Congratulations! Lao Zhuang, treat yourself! Let's hang out with Yang Geer, and it will grow bigger!"

"Sister Fei-yan, oh oh, you and us robbed the streets to grab a job, I haven't sent it this day"

"Send a red envelope! Firefox, your boy, flicks his counterattack, the loudest voice, the happiest jumper, don't hurry up with a red envelope?"

"Unreasonable! I'm more handsome than Firefox, why don't you choose me?"

The three selected authors became the envy of everyone, compliment, ridicule, coquettishness, and quite lively.

Many people secretly took out their mobile phones, but unfortunately the mail box was empty. Everyone could only sigh for a while. The loss in their hearts was extremely empty. If they did n’t receive it, they would be defeated. Alas, what about the early morning that Firefox vowed to say? How could he sit indifferently? He also failed, didn't he?

The long-haired girl Qiao Qiao did not receive the email, knowing that she must be defeated, and seeing Chen Chen the same way when she was lost, she couldn't help but have a hint of pleasure: "Ha! I already said that writing is a kind of experience that needs to be accumulated Tip, Firefox, you are wrong, you apologize to me! "

Firefox smiled a little awkwardly. He glanced at the early morning, and his heart was that he had grilled him on the fire. At this time, he was not good enough to step down, not inside or out!

The scene was very cold for a while, and the other authors who took a group photo before asked asked: "As early as the morning, did you really not receive a notice?"

Ashen shrugged and said with a grin, "I don't know, the phone is charging at the bedside, I forgot to take it."

How can I go without a mobile phone? Everyone thought that this was an excuse for his death. Qiao Qiao, a girl with long hair, even spit out two words from her mouth: "Hehe!"

I didn't expect Qing Feiyan to sigh lightly: "There are four recipients of the mass mail, and there is one over-selected! Who is this mailbox called qc0101?"

This code name is very strange, everyone shook his head, qc0101, many people muttered: "qc, q, c, hiss ... Is it really early morning?"

Only heard Chen Chen weakly answer: "This is really mine ..."


There was a moment of silence, and a sudden laughter erupted.

The long-haired Qiao Qiao's face turned red, and she looked at Qing Feiyan in disbelief. The latter really smiled and handed the phone over. She really saw the four e-mail addresses juxtaposed in the mass mail.

Qiao Qiao was speechless for a long time, Qing Feiyan whispered comfortably: "Don't think too much, it's okay, everyone is joking."

But how can a girl who thinks she is self-righteous, a little proud, and thought she would be selected? She glanced around hurriedly, and she found a few wisps of playful eyes. She couldn't sit still, and felt that there were thorns on her buttocks: "Sister Feiyan ~ ~ I'm a little uncomfortable, so go back first. "

Instead, Qiao Qiao's departure caused a chuckle around him. Firefox was very happy. He ran his arms over the morning arm around him and laughed: "Let me say it! I know you will be chosen!"

"Congratulations, Dawn!"

"All the gods can be selected. After dinner today, shouldn't the big gods pay for the evening health care?"

"Yes, yes! Follow Yang Geer, and you must have millions of health care a year, you must get health care!"

This group of people started to make trouble again, and Chen Chen also smiled lightly. He was very excited. He just saw Zhuang Yiran that they received the email. They were extremely lost. At this time, a smile finally appeared on his face. Putting down the stones, he finally succeeded! He finally seized the opportunity offered by Yang An! He will definitely cherish it and make himself a real **** with the help of Yang An!

Near 8 o'clock in the evening, Chen Chen went back to the room and took a bath. The whole person seemed particularly refreshed. He was excited and didn't even want to wait for the elevator. He went down the safe passage and trot all the way to room 401. .

He knocked on the door and heard laughter from inside. He said hello to everyone with some restraint, and found Yang An, reading editor, nonsense Indus, they were all there, as were Dashenzhuang and Qing Feiyan, who was there for him tonight? He was a little flattered by the open door.

Yang An waved to him and laughed: "You came here in the early morning, we just said that the interview in the afternoon, your performance is very good, everyone is convinced."

Guo Lei said: "Everyone's work has been printed. Would you like to see what others have written?"

As soon as Chen Chen nodded embarrassed, Guo Lei handed in a copy, which is exactly what Zhuang Yiran wrote. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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