The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 621: Revenge Retaliation

After Zhang Guoli's guest set up, Yang An waited for a long time, but the other party didn't ask for any more. He was a bit strange. The relationship was not familiar, but I had seen it at some awards evenings. The call was made only for congratulations. Isn't this necessary?

However, since the opportunity is here, Yang An will not miss it. He took the initiative to invite him: "Mr. Zhang, I have a more interesting new variety show idea, but I have never found the backbone to support it. I wonder if you are interested in playing Play? Let's play some historical games with entertainment, what do you think? "

Zhang Guoli laughed, why did Yang An hit this head with this little slippery idea? He is an actor or an old man in his early 60s. How can he compete with young people and play variety shows?

But courtesy still has to be maintained. Zhang Guoli didn't say anything, but just said that he was more interested in history and would have time to talk in detail later and hang up.

Yang An took a few more phone calls from friends and finally stopped.

He is in a good mood today. The premiere of "Where's Dad" almost broke 4. This data made him very satisfied. I believe that after the Spring Festival Evening broadcast, the ratings will definitely explode to the highest level, can the highest break 6 or even 7?

He admits that CCTV ’s viewing bonus is so good that he has to take it. In addition, there are some small pride. He performed well on the show. The “daddy training class” prepared in advance was very effective. Where did he know before he got married? Cooking, taking care of children and the like, he ca n’t even take care of himself. After marrying and having children, he consciously learns these. Behaviors such as encouragement, praise, courage, and conversation gradually become an instinct, and gradually, He found that doing so could really have a better relationship with the children. Xiaoyin was particularly sticky to him. Xiaole also regarded him as the most admired person. He liked his children from the bottom of his heart.

Song Xiaomei knocked on the door, handed in a stack of documents, and pouted and smiled: "Did you just send a 10,000 yuan red envelope just now, I scared them in the group and said that the red packet should be deducted 100 yuan, in the group Suddenly quiet. "

Yang Anha laughed: "When are you so naughty? The water group counts your water for the longest time ... what is it?"

Song Xiaomei explained: "Several online media want to interview you, and there are a few interview shows that want to invite you to the show. I have listed the list and marked what I think is worth going."

Yang An took a brief look and did n’t show much interest: "In the future, I do n’t want to broadcast any special interview programs. I do n’t dare to tell the truth, or no one dares to broadcast the truth. Is it tiring to wear a mask against the show? Maybe not to participate! What about the schedule? "

Song Xiaomei helped open the itinerary, and Yang An lamented: "My God, I will go to Zhongjing at night ... I understand. The greater the ability, the more tired I will be! I decided. After recording" Where is Dad? " Take a month off! "

"You're the boss. Whatever you say, you can take a year off!"

However, Song Xiaomei chuckled in her heart: "Just as an active person, you can stay up to two weeks, and you will definitely have to toss new programs again. You have more life and more!"

Song Xiaomei arranged a car to take Yang An away and returned to the office to continue working.

Just before noon, Shabei and He Jiong came to visit together. After seeing this expression, they knew that nothing was going well. Song Xiaomei chuckled, "What do you want to do?"

The two sat in front of Song Xiaomei, Shabei smiled hehehe said, "Xiaomei, when did you last say the thing you said last time? Look, Teacher He can't wait."

He Jiong said, "Hey, why can't I wait, this idea can't be all by me alone, you two can also contribute, okay! Don't be in trouble, it's all me!"

Song Xiaomei rolled her eyes and snorted, "Look at your little success! There is no waiting. If Yang Geer was present, he would just hit a big hand and hit it, what happened?"

Shabei and He Jiong are a little ashamed. They can't compare with Yang An. Yang An can be rich and willful. The two of them can only be fake and pretentious!

While cursing the devil's head, Song Xiaomei turned out her mobile phone and handed it over: "You two who have never seen the world, let you look at this, this is a real man!"

Shabei took it over quickly, and He Jiong looked at it together and read it: "Agree, you can make it bigger, and let the teacher He outrage!"

"Well ... Is this what Yang An said?"

"Crap! Who is this avatar?"

Song Xiaomei retrieved the phone, looked at the two open mouths, and encouraged with a look of surprise, and Ao Jiao laughed: "Now you rest assured? Seriously, Teacher He, President Yang is really nice to you!"

He Jiong was touched a bit. He was stunned by Shabei to engage in revenge and counterattack. He had a guilty feeling of being a bully. This is due to his good nature. In the legal sense, revenge counterattack is really He has a loss on his side.

However, Yang An directly said that to export the bad anger to Teacher He, you can make a big deal. In case the group of people in Mountain City TV is not easy to mess with, and come out of the basket, it is Yang An's gangster.

"Hey, Teacher He, are you so touched, do you want to show your respect to Yang Geer? Let ’s talk about it, let ’s not worry at this time. By the way, how are you preparing for your new show? I I heard a bit, it seems to be starting in April! "

Song Xiaomei sounded the alarm again, and Shabe felt that her head was too big.

He Jiong is okay. "China Talent Show" is a season broadcast program. Now he is in a very relaxed working condition. He goes to Zhongjing for class training every week to supplement the courses of director and acting. So even if there is a new program in April, He is not too busy.

Shabei is miserable. The second season of the running man has just ended. Only the Chinese New Year can rest for a few days. After the start of the year, he must continue to record "If You Are the One" and continue his "Running Brother 3", if you open another file With the new show, he feels a bit too busy to come. By the way, he is still busy with his family affairs, watching the fire of "Where is Dad", his eyes are hot, and he also wants to get married and have children early!

Everyone ate together at noon. In the afternoon, Shabei and He Jiong sat down in Song Xiaomei's office, admiringly watching her and Dang Jie command Ruoding and dispatch troops.

Initially, Song Xiaomei called out in front of them and contacted China Youth Daily.

This is an old comrade-in-arms, Song Xiaomei said very casually on the phone: "Editor He, can we do this? Is it the teacher He Jiong's hard work that was suppressed and sold, his surname is He, or your family? You have to help me, right? Oh ... uh ... wait a minute ... "

Song Xiaomei covered the receiver and whispered to He Jiong, "Did you get evidence that Huang Mangtai sold your plan?"

He Jiong nodded quickly: "Yes, Li Weijia took a picture of the contract, but couldn't get the original and couldn't make a copy. Can this be evidence?"

Song Xiaomei let go of the microphone: "Editor He, you have the original photo ... Whoops, what is this? You said that you received the report letter and went to investigate and obtain evidence. They dare not resist? You are the chief editor of China Youth Daily. Is something trivial? Anyway, I'll wait for you! "

Hanging up the phone and looking at the sincere and fearful people, Song Xiaomei chuckled: "The breach is this contract. I asked the director of CCTV Cai to find a way to let the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television issue an administrative order for investigation. China Youth Daily assisted the investigation. If not panic, I will write Song Xiaomei's name upside down! "

Everyone was overjoyed, He Jiong was relieved, this seemed to be a success!

As long as the radio and television administrative order came down, Huang Mang Satellite TV could not refuse, and the newspaper media participated in the supervision. If they dare to refuse, then they will definitely not be a unit of China Youth Daily. Maybe even Huang Yiwang, China Entertainment Express-run private units have been approached, and Huang Mang TV will definitely expose the scandal when it sells cheaply.

He Jiong is already in the brain to make up for the panic of Huangmang TV ’s leaders. He seems to see the reporter of China Youth Daily holding a letter, pushing away many security barriers and taking all the evidence away. Those who once despised him, Those who suppress him, perfunctory his scum, kneeling on the ground one by one for mercy, crying bitterly and confessing mistakes, the corner of his mouth could not help but smile. Half of them have to be vented to the Mountain City TV. Without trading, there is no killing. The means of selling are dark, and the buyer is not much better. It is also an accomplice!

Although "The First Life" is indeed a work by He Jiong, owned by Huang Mang TV, the TV station has the right to handle it by itself, and the sale is legal, but many things cannot be done without breaking the law, such as Primary Three, in the "Marriage Law" There are no specific provisions. As long as Primary Three does not damage other people's families, or commits a bigamy crime without obtaining two marriage licenses, Primary Three will not break the law and can only conduct moral condemnation. But how can Primary Three be hated? Opening Primary Three to the public, this black trick with the public Huangmang TV and Shancheng TV was a result, and it was spurned by all people!

Dang Jie was also calling. She called Chuanfu Satellite TV's friends: "Lao Zhou, do you need my help? Okay, your internal affairs will be resolved by yourself. The cooperation I mentioned last time, I think it is feasible, who said independent production company You ca n’t cooperate with the TV station, right? Okay, so that ’s it, you ’re going to do all you can to make trouble and destroy it, even if your original team is fine, I promise that as long as you cooperate, three I will form a new team for you in this month! "

He Jiong and Sha Bei are dumbfounded!

Seeing Song Xiaomei and Dang Jie clapping at Xiangqing, Shabei asked carefully: "What does it mean to use all your strength to make trouble and destroy?"

Dang Jiechi said, "Why, I was scared? Really timid! I didn't say anything, so I mentioned that I can cooperate with Chuanfu Satellite TV. As for how they can go to court with the job-hopping team that Shancheng Satellite TV has taken away, Not my problem!"

He Jiong and Shabei both had a layer of sweat!

Sure enough, these two women are the company's fiercest friends at ~, you can search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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