The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 614: Baby dear!

Yang An held down Tang Shun and said with a smile: "Where is Dad going to have two theme songs, Tang Dao, you don't need to rush to make a decision now, when both of my songs are written, how about choosing the best one at that time? "

One more! Is it the same level as this song?

Also, what exactly do you as a producer do? Where did Dad go? It started in half a month. You did n’t even prepare the theme music. You can still say "Don't worry, my brother" so slowly!

The emperor was not in a hurry, the **** was anxious, Tang Shun really had nothing to say, he could only watch Yang An sigh and admire, what is this darling darling? Trendy songs are written one after the other, written and written like Chinese cabbage without money. High-rating variety shows are filmed one after another. Others can only follow behind and eat ashes. It is really enviable!

Liu Feng is directing the sound engineer to make changes in front of the mixer. The fathers are waiting with their children. Everyone is very excited and want to hear what the effect is!

A sound engineer is a magical profession. Like television editors, they use a lot of material, process, beautify, cut, stitch and assemble, de-aliasing, and filtering the audio track, like a magic pair of magic hands. , Can make the messy audio perfect.

A few minutes later, the first version of the finished version of the Moda recording studio was produced. Liu Fengrang received the hall passage and chose to play it. The prelude was the original sound recorded by Yang An in advance. The effect came out all of a sudden.


Hey what

The sound of the kiss was full of childishness. Although the meaning of the coined word "Momada" is unknown, when you listen to the song, you know what context and intention it is, and suddenly it feels particularly appropriate.

Every time I heard my familiar voice appeared, everyone smiled and couldn't help humming.

Xiaoyin, Mori and Yoyo, the three little girls danced after hearing the song, two little hands fluttered and turned over the flowers, and their legs were bent back and forth alternately. Explain that they are so big, and make everyone laugh, and follow the rhythm, not happy.

After the song was played out, Liu Feng and Yang An were pleasantly surprised. It was just a slight flaw in pitch and rhythm. No one expected that the chorus effect would be so good!

Poppy poppy!

Everyone appreciated the applause and cheering in the recording studio.

"Dadby, why didn't you hear me?"

Kimi was unhappy, he carefully took Lin Zhiying's hand, and raised his head to ask.

Lin Zhiying was weird: "Your voice, don't you sing bad dad, which day did you go on holiday, one, two, three, four, eight?" I heard it clearly! "

Kimi aggrieved, "But why doesn't it sound right?"

He said this, other children also felt strange, alas, raised their hands to report, basically all reflected that their voices did not sound like, but the sounds of other people ’s children felt like!

Really cute children, adults laughed.

Yang An walked over and explained, "This is a normal phenomenon. What everyone says is different from what they heard and recorded and then released. The same is true for dads because we have a I can absorb the mouth and face of the sound, so when I speak, the feeling changes! Okay, let ’s ask Uncle Tang to announce a message, everyone is welcome! "

Tang Shun stood smiling outside the crowd. He hadn't started talking yet, but almost all his father exclaimed.

"No way!"

Guo Tao, they turned up the huge waves inside, their whole hearts were trembling, and they almost jumped out of their throats. When they first saw Tang Shun coming here, they felt that there was definitely a problem. They thought that Tang Shun was Yang An's. My friend, I just came here to play today. I didn't expect to be the director of the Spring Festival Gala. Is it ...

Sure enough, Tang Shun said with a smile: "On behalf of the Spring Festival Gala director group, I sincerely invite all dads and darlings. At this year's Spring Festival Gala, everyone will sing together, OK?"

Huge happiness fell from the sky, and the entire recording room was exclaimed!

It's awesome!

Everyone did not expect that Yang An's energy was so great that even the Spring Festival Evening could affect it. You know, the song only started rehearsing half an hour ago, and the director of the Spring Festival Evening came to the scene to make a clap. What does this mean?

The employees of Liu Feng Studio are shocked and have nothing to say. Even Liu Feng himself is a bit envious. He is not envious of the Spring Festival Gala, but envious of Yang An's strength. Yang An's star-making ability is really too strong. This is definitely an important reason for him to respond in the entertainment industry in the future, and the wind is flowing!

Guo Tao and Huang Bo were stunned. The biggest stage on which they stood was the Golden Rooster Film Festival Awards Gala. The two sang a song on the same stage and showed it off for several years. But what is the Golden Rooster Film Festival? It's a distance of eighteen thousand miles, an order of magnitude difference, how glorious it can be to sing in spring evening!

Tian Liang was almost in tears with excitement. He was a sports star, and after he retired, he mixed with the entertainment industry. In the words of his wife and colleague, "I haven't seen any famous people for so many years." Let him be a family cook. It is impossible, but the entertainment industry is too difficult to mix, he really did not expect that his daughter Mori can bring him such good luck!

Can I really go to the Spring Festival Gala? I'm not ready yet……

Tian Liang grabbed his head and didn't dare to think about it. He was going to laugh silly. All he knew was that knowing Yang An was the greatest luck in his life. He had such a lovely daughter as Mori and was the most precious thing in his life. wealth!

I'm afraid that only Lin Zhiying's expression at the scene was a little weird, and he was a bit difficult to handle.

Twenty years ago during the fire of Lin Zhiying, Hong Kong and Taiwan singers were not popular at the time of the Spring Festival Gala. Now these years are open. Hong Kong, Taiwan and even Korean stars can go to the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, Lin Zhiying no longer sings, so he has never been to the Spring Festival .

After Tang Shun said the invitation, he looked at Lin Zhiying with a little anticipation, but Lin Zhiying did not immediately express his attitude, but looked at Yang An.

The middleman Yang An probably guessed the reason, and said, "I will come up with a plan later, and I will also coordinate with your agents. Guidao Tang, Moda's first version of the audio track can be copied back to you, We definitely want places, don't take us down! "

Tang Shun laughed: "No one will beat you! Okay, don't bother you, I look forward to your wonderful performance in the Spring Festival Gala!"

After sending away Tang Shun, everyone was almost enough to announce the dissolution on the spot and come here tomorrow for refinement.

Yang An and Lin Zhiying rode in a car, and the driver took them to the hotel for a comfortable double bed room.

Bathing kimi and coaxing him to sleep, it was only 9:30 in the evening. Yang An and Lin Zhiying sat beside the sand and chatted. They simply made two cups of hot tea.

Yang An asked: "Guide Tang today invited us to the Spring Festival Gala. Do you have any ideas?"

Lin Zhiying held up the tea cup, blew his breath, and remained silent for a long time before he said: "Sister Ge has a strange temper, and my father is also very strong, at least in terms of family, so I basically stay at home every year during the Spring Festival. My family ’s New Year. You know my family ’s situation is more complicated. It ’s already very special for Kimi to go with my dad. To be honest, I do n’t want to make Kimi a child star! "

Sister Ge is Lin Zhiying's agent. She is very old. Yang An has dealt with her a few times. Such a woman is difficult to impress. The general commitments and favors are not enough. Moreover, Lin Zhiying's personal assets are estimated to be better than Yang's. Ann has a lot. He plays cars and is a singer. These occupations may just be decompression entertaining behaviors, so there is no need to go to the Spring Festival Gala. He is not short of money.

As for the complicated family situation, Yang An can only say that the celebrity's home is just like ordinary people.

Yang An nodded and said, "I understand that the stars are in front of them, but the sadness behind them is unknown, and I respect your choice. Oh, I saw thieves eating meat, but no thieves were beaten. Ordinary people have a hard time understanding us. "

Ha ha!

Lin Zhiying laughed: "This analogy is very interesting! Sister Ge is mainly demanding. It is best if I can sing solo on the Spring Festival Gala, or with which emperor Tian Hou. I can't give it over the Spring Festival Gala. Like the group 2o years ago to reproduce Kind of gimmicks, Ge Ge is not willing to let me go! The Spring Festival Gala invited me a few years ago ~ ~ intending to let me and the supermodel of the island, Ge Ge dropped the phone on the spot. That Spring Festival Evening, listen It is said that the supermodel is particularly bad in the reputation of netizens. The audience said that she was contrived to a ridiculous degree. I am very fortunate that Sister Ge rejected it. "

Yang An laughed, and suddenly remembered that Kimi was sleeping next to her, and he quickly said, "Ca n’t help but think that the supermodel of Baodao is going to be hacked by us. Do you know how Mo Wen treated her?"

Lin Zhiying smiled crooked on the sand, and Mo Wen deliberately tortured the supermodel of Baodao. The entertainment circles were spreading as crazy jokes, and they were passed on for years. But every time I mentioned it, everyone couldn't help but want to laugh.

Yang Andao: "Well, since you don't want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, I'll coordinate it again, but your father and son still have to record the Moda song. The feature film will be broadcast. As for the Spring Festival Gala performance, let's sing with the other four families. . "

Lin Zhiying thought about it: "It happened too suddenly, I want to go back to Taipei to discuss it. I am not on the same stage as the supermodel, but can be with you, Sister Ge should agree, and then my father, Lao Lin is a bit Hard to persuade ... go back and try again! "

Yang An held up the tea cup and replaced the wine with tea: "Cheers! I have made you feel wronged, but I still have to trouble you so much!"

Lin Zhiying laughed and blinked deliberately: "It doesn't matter, do I really love you! What do you think of this kid, Kimi? Does it match Xiaoyin?"


Yang An almost squirted!

"Don't say anything, I have to hold back! I'm leaving now, and go back and discuss with my wife now! If your kimi really wants to make friends, my priority must be left to me!"

Yang An looks like she was fleeing the desert. In fact, her heart is terribly happy. This doll is worthy of a treat!

But what about the dolls, how many adults do you take seriously?

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