The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 610: Set up a special tent

When she saw the cute little guy, the grandma responded with a smile, but she was also very weird. The good room didn't sleep. Why go to a tent?

After listening to Yang An's request, the grandmother suggested: "On such a cold day, I can only go to the vegetable greenhouse to set up a tent. EΔ 小 Δ 说 ん"

Vegetable greenhouses are common. As long as it is a flat land where vegetables can be grown in the countryside, basically there are arc-shaped plastic greenhouses. Two layers of pe plastic film are laid on the arched shelves. One can use sunlight to keep the temperature in the greenhouse higher than the outside. A few degrees higher can prevent the snow from freezing the vegetables, which has many benefits.

This is a good idea, and there is such a vegetable greenhouse in the vegetable field of the grandmother's house. Although it is not large, it is enough to accommodate three or four small tents. Yang An took the children to walk over and felt the warmth as soon as he entered. , Very satisfied!

This greenhouse has just harvested cabbage, turned over the soil again, and the inside is blank. Of course it's no problem to sleep. Yang An and Lin Zhiying worked together to level the ground with a shovel. The children happily ate roasted sweet potatoes next to it. It didn't take long before a three-person tent was set up.

Although the production team did not provide that luxurious and enlarged tent, the selected one was still a world-renowned outdoor brand. The 11 style with a small living room was made of high-quality materials and was surrounded by thick windproof insulation. Cloth, then put a moisture-proof pad underneath, use three layers of 5cm thick inflatable sponge pads as beds, and finally borrow a bed of quilt from the grandmother's house to cover it, take out three sleeping bags and spread it on the new home!

"Wow! Dad, I really want to sleep here ..."

Kimi was so envious that he fell on the cushion and bounced it hard, soft and comfortable.

Xiaoyin and Xiaole also giggled and took off their shoes and rolled on the bed.

Lin Zhiying breathed a sigh of relief. He has been unhappy. He is now more relaxed. He said, "If it's too cold at night, let Xiaoyin and Xiaole go to the room to sleep. Although the location is relatively small, it can be squeezed It's hot, it's warm. "

Yang An looked around and said, "Look at it at night!"

At this time, the assistant sent another batch of supplies.

Because other people's homes have hot air heaters or radiators, considering the weather is too cold, the producer provided two small solar electric heaters that can rotate. After closing the tent door, Yang An quickly felt the air. Warm up.

At 1 pm, Yang An coaxed the tired little tones and small music, carefully covered the open air vents on the edge of the sleeping bag, and finally had the confidence to spend the cold night of minus 15 degrees tonight.

Lin Zhiying also returned to the simple room and sat in the small bedroom, took off Kimi's clothes, put him on the pillow, and covered the quilt.

Guo Tao and Stone were tired for a day, and fell asleep in bed.

After Huang Bo coaxed to sleep, he felt that there were leaks in the windows and door slits of the room, and he had to find an assistant to borrow tape to block these vents.

After doing all of this, he finally showed his conscience and asked, "How is Yang An's tent?"

Vj replied, "It's already set up."

Huang Bo is interested: "Really, then I really want to see it."

There are invisible cameras in the children's room, and there is a special person to monitor them 24 hours a day. Huang Bo left with confidence, asked all the way, found Yang An's greenhouse, and giggled at the door.

After Yang An met, of course, it was another joke between adults. Not to mention this, both of them actually knew that bad things can sometimes become good things, depending on how they did it.

At around 3:45 in the afternoon, instructions came from the walkie-talkie. Everyone gathered at the house of Fangcun No. 3 before 4 o'clock, and the second task came.

The children who have taken a nap are obviously much better, but the fathers with their daughters are miserable. The messy head of the daughter means that the father is unqualified, and pigtails are a technical job. Well, Xiaoyin ’s braids are fast and beautiful. Huang Bo and Tian Liang are envious of them. Do n’t they know that, since a few months ago, Yang An has consciously learned how to take care of children.

Zhang Jia translated: "Second task, today's dinner will be done by the fathers themselves."


The fathers all applauded and laughed.

Lin Zhiying said with a smile: "Before attending the show, they asked me what are you most worried about, and my answer is to cook!"

"It's the same, oh my god, let us cook, I've never done it!"

"I would just go down and beat the eggs."

"I can't even get underneath, is there instant noodles?"

Everyone was joking, only Tian Liang was full of confidence: "I believe that I bring children and do not do worse than Ye Yiqian, including cooking!"

Everyone else was excited now: "The chef tonight is you!"

Tian Liang raised his hand: "No problem! Wrap it on me!"

Zhang Jia translated: "Don't rush to assign tasks first, the fathers are cooking, but the children must find the ingredients, and the fathers will stay here to rest and cannot be accompanied."


This is another test of the children's arrival. Obviously, this is an investigation of independent communication skills.

Dads are still very satisfied with this setting. This is a rural area, there is no danger, and the villagers are also very hospitable. Besides, there are vj followers and walkie-talkies to communicate at any time, everyone is assured.

It's an interesting phenomenon. The three parents with their sons were the first to support them. Guo Tao and Lin Zhiying encouraged their sons, and Yang An did the same, telling them to act together and help each other.

But like Tian Liang and Huang Bo, they are both daughters of class pets. They are worried about whether their daughters can talk to strangers. They have never experienced these in the city. Anything is done by their parents. There are so many, I can't wait to be with my daughter and do it for me.

The children said that when you start, you should start, and you must be fast. The night in the north is very early, and it is dark after 5 o'clock.

Six children put on thick down jackets, holding cartoon hand-drawn maps, and left the village chief's house with confidence, but as soon as they came out of the gate, differences arose.

Stone wants to go with Xiaoyin Xiaole, and Kimi also wants to go with them, but Stone doesn't agree. Mori likes Kimi, and Yoyo also thinks that Kimi is too small, and in a mess.

The children ’s fun can only be felt by looking at it. The 4g signal here is barely okay. Five dads chat at the village chief ’s house, exchange parenting experience, and watch the 4g video uploaded by the monitor when they are free.

The chat was more open when the dads were alone, and Zhang Jia translated, "Well, let's evaluate each other first. Who are the worst performers of our five dads?"


Everyone was interested, Tian Liang said: "It's definitely not me, I think I'm doing very well, I choose Tao brother!"

Guo Taoha laughed: "Why me?"

Tian Liangdao: "Look at you, what kind of lesson have you learned from the stones? You dare not resist every instruction you have, are you too strict?"

Guo Tao laughed loudly and protested: "Don't dare to resist? Whose idea is it to change to Room 2, you say?"

This is a matter of taking the initiative to ask for a house change, which is Guo Tao's greatest pride today!

Hearing this, Yang An couldn't help but deliberately misinterpreted the meaning and questioned Tian Liang: "Who's the idea of ​​changing Room 2? You say!"

Lin Zhiying smiled at Fu'er, and also asked, "Which idea is it to change to Room 2, Huang Bo?"

Everyone in the house laughed, and Huang Bo became the target of criticism and was left by other people. This incident seemed to become the stain of his life.

Guo Taochi smiled and patted Huang Bo's shoulder and said, "Xiao Bo, who is bad for you, Brother Yang, you can hang him in room 2 and you wait. For example, let's It ’s too early for the end of the season, and I will have your troubles later! "

Yang An also cursed with a smile: "Brother Huang, I said before, you must cooperate with each other like last time in the running man, we have mutual trust, and you pit me in front of you ..."

Huang Bo stalked his neck and said, "When you were a spy, were there fewer people?"

Yang An laughed and couldn't refute. Yang Tian sighed, and the others laughed and applauded. Huang Bo was so hard!

"Well, you two hurt each other!"

Tian Liang first played a round game, then suddenly mysteriously said, "Bo, Huang Huang, don't you worry that after this season's recording ~ ~ Yang Geer will not ask you for other variety shows in the future?"

Huang Bo froze, quickly got up, then knelt down in front of Yang An, holding his leg and crying, "Yang brother, I was wrong ... forgive me ... I will give you room 3 good or not?"

This guy who doesn't have a lot of fun knows why now?

Yang An laughed and stretched her legs, knocked Huang Bo away, and the audience laughed!

Xiaoyin Xiaole and the stone go east, and Yoyo Mori and kimi go west. Every household in the village is greeted in advance by the production team. As long as there is a place to live, the owner is basically responsive.

Xiaoyin and Xiaole held hands, bouncing all the way, cheering and laughing, as the only child, Stone is very envious of them, the child still has a companion, he usually feels a bit lonely, after walking for a while, he finally can not bear Hold on, holding Xiaoyin's right hand with his left hand.

Why not lead Xiaole? The 6-year-old boy already has a different sense of gender. He instinctively is closer to the girl, Xiao Le is more naughty. He is **** with plaster in his right hand and feels ho1d can't help it.

The performance of the children is like this. The adults always feel that they have no rules and no purpose. They are too arbitrary. Several dads saw the little guys in the house to feed the sheep and graze, and almost forgot to find the food. All complained.

Yang An asked: "Why don't we think from another angle? The nature of children is like this. In the process of achieving a goal, they have enjoyed all kinds of beautiful scenery, but our adults are just staring at the goal and thinking about how Finishing it quickly and ignoring the process. Is this an important reason why we always find life boring? "

Huang Bo applauded immediately, thumbs up: "Yang Geer said so well!"

Everyone laughed and cursed, "You ass!"

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