The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 274: Lonely man and widow

Old Cui hasn't explained it yet, Sister Wang spoke with help: "There are so many people like this. If you don't believe it, ask Yuxi. Yuxi, have you inquired about his true situation?"

Liu Yuxi really inquired: "Since the last time I met the man from China Construction, I have been more cautious, tossing around to find out about his school. He is actually a contract worker at a local non-211 and 985 university. He said that he teaches at a university, earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and has enough money at home, but it's all false. "

"Look, am I right?"

Lao Cui and Teacher Huang both exploded, filled with indignation, and were really hit by them both!

Yang An was a little angry, and asked, "You didn't let your classmates inquire about each other clearly? Introducing such people to you, your classmate is not a good person!"

Liu Yuxi was helpless: "My classmates are kind. Not long ago, her boyfriend classmates met. She mentioned me, and the guy was very excited when she heard it. She said that she was a fan and wanted to associate with me ... My classmate also said ... ... the man sent me home, and when he looked back, he was very proud, saying in the classmate group that he was after me ... "

Lying down!

Yang An almost scolded, this man is too unreliable, Lao Cui was right, this man's absolute Luther, expecting to eat a woman's soft rice for a lifetime.

Oh, just after a meal, it ’s polite to take someone home, should a man do it?

This turn was so much fanfare to say, in case he really got on, he would definitely be proud to post photos in the circle of friends, saying "the female star who seems to be high above is nothing more than this, not yet obediently kneeling and saying lick Just lick, let the anger go, "for this kind of scumbag, to be able to catch up with the female star is the capital they show off in the circle. In the whole process, he didn't bring a trace of emotion in it.

"This bastard!"

Sister Wang scolded, "Do you remember Lao Cui? That's what the scumbag introduced to Huihui six years ago."

Lao Cui remembered it, and was very angry: "Why don't you remember? I almost faced my friend who had faced for many years! That grandson is from Shanghai, but also indigenous, and a bastard! I really found out that such a big front line The risk of interaction between cities, foreigners and indigenous people is really high! The indigenous people only need one sentence, my local account, can I make various requirements? "

Liu Yuxi choked up with grievances, and Mr. Huang advised: "As a visitor, I would like to persuade someone who is as good as you to stop looking for locals. Of course, you cannot kill all locals with one stick, but it ’s true The locals who have to go to the blind date step are very good. It is a very realistic place, whether it is in Beijing or Shanghai. Young and beautiful girls are like Jiang Zhiqing, and they are thrown away when they are used as fast-moving consumer goods. Ha ha!"

Huang Jianxiang's words were too ruthless and cold-blooded, which made people shiver.

Yang An also felt that the matter was serious and said, "Yi Xi, how many more have you seen later? Tell them all, we're in charge of this matter!"

If Liu Yuxi's blind date is described in one sentence, it is bumpy.

A 26-year-old girl shouldn't be forced into a blind date, but parents have their own ideas, so it is not surprising to make such a move.

After meeting the two unreliable blind dates, Liu Yuxi's heart faded. She began to think about herself, and at the same time made her own demands on her parents. Don't arrange a blind date for her casually.

The parents promised to go down for two days and introduced the third, the entrepreneur.

Speaking of this person, Liu Yuxi was indignant and somewhat indifferent: "My parents said that this person is from southern Fujian. He is 35 years old and 18 years old and came to Zhongjing to do business. He started his own business and opened three furniture foundry factories. The two furniture brands, online direct sales of similar products ranked first. These are all data that can be checked. There are more than one billion sales in a year ... "

After hearing this, everyone was speechless. Don't even think about it, this will definitely fail.

Age, education, occupation, the gap between the two is too big, there is no common language at all, it is impossible to talk about going together. The so-called improper door, the household is wrong, that is the case, no amount of money can fill the gap between the two. !!

Old Cui asked: "What did he say?"

After a long while, Liu Yu Xiguo hesitated and said quietly: "Meeting him, he said bluntly that I should not go to work, threw me a set of keys, said that he has a newly renovated house in a community in the Fourth Ring Road, let me He will move out tomorrow, and he also said that I feel too thin, so I can raise a little ... "

The four heard it in anger, and Lao Cui interrupted her: "You don't need to say anything, we all know. Don't listen to your parents arranging a blind date for you. Who are these people? This is my daughter Push it in the fire pit! Brother Yang, we are at the end of this trip to Yungui, should we return? "

Yang An nodded: "You have to go back, and be regretful. Don't promise anything, don't go out for a blind date, and we'll talk about it when we come back."

A few more words were ordered, and Lao Cui hung up the phone and cursed: "What big **** boss? This is looking for a bubble friend! Also raise your body, this is the idea of ​​giving birth when you are pregnant! Fight for it What's so terrible about money? "

Sister Wang was very excited: "Why a good girl, how can you meet these men without a reliable one? What kind of mentality is this?"

Mr. Huang is the calmest: "Do n’t be too excited, there are thousands of people in the world, there are all kinds of wonders, there are more than one billion people in China. What kind of people are not? There are more wonderful people than these just now!"

Yang An said coldly, "That's why I want to do a blind date variety show, Lao Cui, your" Marriage Story ", unveiled the black heart marriage agency, right?"

Lao Cui nodded: "I also specially sent the following female editors to the undercover of the matchmaking agency, and had a lot of valuable first-hand information, too dark, too shameless, too embarrassing!"

Yang Andao: "I am willing to use the format of the program to give these outstanding single men and women in China, older women left men, because the circle is small and can not find the other half of high-quality men and women for a long time, to create a chance for them to hold hands. "On China" will continue to be filmed, but this blind date show can't wait any longer. When we went back, we called people together and discussed how to get together! "

Sister Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at the three men filled with indignation.

The cruel social reality has stimulated the three of them, and now they have something to do. In her opinion, the blind date program cannot be made in the form of twelve episodes a year, then it must be broadcast two times a week. Three times, broadcast all year round, as long as the ratings are not low, you can do it for five years and ten years without any problems.

As long as a man has something to do, he doesn't have to worry about depression. Old Cui's condition is much better than before, just because Yang An has given him specific things to do, and there is a big expectation in the future. He, so Sister Wang could not say enough about Yang An's gratitude for three days and three nights.

A few days later, the tour convoy moved to the Tibetan area, the other members of the production team continued to look for program materials, and the four returned to Zhongjing by air.

After picking up to meet for dinner, Shabey settled in a private restaurant in an old alley in advance. The main thing is to eat privately, not wanting to be known by too many people.

Yang An and his party were picked up by Ning Hao. Don't look at Ning Hao who is not too tall. The car he drove was a Land Rover. Four of them were installed. There were also several large suitcases. When the accelerator was stepped on, the roar rushed. Out.

Ning Hao was also anxious. When I heard that Liu Yuxi was frustrated, he also deliberately rang the old Liu's house next door and asked what was going on.

Old Liu also wondered. He was actually Liu's cousin, and the relationship was not too close. Although everyone lived in the same neighborhood, he didn't even know it.

In short, this matter cannot be left alone. Ning Hao drove the car and said, "We can't control it if we change to other people, but since we are friends, we should help."

Lao Cui asked with a smile: "How do you want to help? Do you have a suitable person to introduce?"

Ning Hao laughed, and was very proud: "I really have an excellent young man who treats her girlfriend and can introduce her to her at any time!"

Yang An said: "It still depends on her own meaning. I feel that this may be a blow to her. If the situation is wrong later, don't mention her, let's say our own program."

Everyone agreed that when the bus line arrived at the destination, everyone got off the bus, reported the name of the private room to the waiter, and pushed in. Only Liu Yuxi was waiting alone.

"Where is Shabe?" Yang An asked curiously.

Liu Yuxi smiled and said, "Go pick up the big beautiful woman! He is the most active!"

Soon after she sat down, Shabei brought the beautiful lady Gao Yuanyuan: "I don't need to introduce me? The goddess of the country, the most popular actress!"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and greeted everyone one by one. In the end, Jiao deliberately hugged Yang An as much as she could, and let Shabe envy the drool. She had to hug her once again, but she did not expect to get Gao Yuanyuan's white eyes and make everyone laugh.

Yang An signaled the three women to sit together, ordered the waiter after ordering food, and then used the excuse to give Liu Yuxi a gift from Yungui ~ ~ asked Ning Hao for the car key, beckoned, and signaled Liu Yuxi to keep up .

Everyone was very cooperative, knowing that Yang An had something to say in private, and didn't show any doubt, and continued to talk about the fun of everyone traveling all the way.

Liu Yuxi was a little hesitant. He followed Yang An and came to the car. He sat down without a word.

Yang An smiled and said, "What are you doing so nervous?"

Liu Yuxi seemed to blame: "I can't be nervous if I ride in the same car with lonely man and widow?"

Yang An laughed straightly: "Forget it, ask you business, are you really in a hurry to get married? Why did you suddenly get to the blind date, you are still a few years away from the older women!"

Liu Yuxi sighed: "Every family has a hard story, we are busy in the performing arts business, how can we have time to make friends, it will not be the end of time, so what about blind dates now, anyway, sooner or later To this point. "

As soon as I heard this, what Yang An had planned to say didn't even utter a word at the mouth! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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