The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 269: Peel a coconut peel ~

This year, Hongfeng Stadium hosted the peak night of the second season of "China's Good Voice". Not only did the security level of the neighborhood near the stadium improve, even the traffic police department also received a notice from the city government. Welcoming international friends safely, we must not discredit Hongfeng.

Traffic policeman Chen stopped the police car at the exit of the International Hall, turned off, pulled the handbrake, lit the flashing warning lights, and yawned against the headrest.

He is an old driver, and the task arranged for him today is very simple. The three nanny cars that escorted Enron Film and Television Entertainment picked up the city, and it is estimated that they will pick up two or three times.

I felt a shudder from the car body, a bit like a car shock, Lao Chen turned his head, and it turned out that he was a colleague Xiao Wang, this boy was wearing earplugs shaking his legs, half closed his eyes, and humming: "Cut a ~ coconut skin ~ Do you give him a pear ~ "

"Hey! This is OK during work!" Lao Chen reached out and patted Xiao Wang's shoulder to wake him up.

This little king, with a beautiful eyebrow and innocence, was ridiculed by the passing female driver as the most handsome traffic police on the first day of the internship. Everything is fine, but he doesn't look like a police officer, he is not murderous, if he is off the police Clothing, you can go directly to be a male group idol.

Xiao Wang took off an earplug and laughed: "Somehow, I was brainwashed by Yang Geer's magic sound. If I don't listen to a single cycle 10 times a day, people will feel uncomfortable. I always feel backache and leg cramps. But as long as I listened 10 times, there was no problem climbing to the fifth floor in one breath. "

Lao Chen knew that this guy didn't speak right. Hearing the noise outside, he saw a group of people rushing out of the exit. A large number of airport security guards and black men pulled the adult wall, escorting several foreigners. The men were tall, handsome, and women. The beautiful and **** look is a star, because that kind of fan can not come out of ordinary people.

"Arthur ~~ Arthur ~~ Arthur, don't you go?"

"Wipe mom! I love you, wipe mom!"

"My Arthur ..."

"Wipe mom ... wipe mom, can you look back at me?"

Many fans screamed, all of them dying, hitting the human wall desperately, but unfortunately, the level of brutal collision was slightly lower, and many little girls could not stand up to the strong security guards. They could only watch the idols go away, almost crying on the ground .

Lao Chen immediately started the car, sounded the alarm, rang the horn, and the red and blue lights flashed, which could give a little bit of warning to the fans.

The nanny car over the parking lot has already come, and there are two police motorcycles flashing the lights, Lao Chen does not understand who these fans are chasing, but Xiao Wang's eyes are bright, he has to open the door to go out .

"Boy Arthur! And Christina Aguilera! It was them!"

"You're crazy! What are you driving a policeman after driving? This woman's name is Momo? Doesn't she have a serious name?"

"Her name starts with CA, and domestic fans call her wiping mom! She should be similar to our domestic Mowen in the American music scene, super queen! It looks like tonight's good voice peak night, they should be on stage. Sing! "

"If you don't go on stage, sing or sing, it's not our business. We are responsible for picking them up. You are seated, how old are you, and the star chase is like this ..."

The police car escorted the two cars back to the city and took them to the Red Maple Stadium, which was naturally received by someone.

Before Lao Chen had a good rest, the order came again. The police car continued to return to the airport, or the exit of the International Department. Needless to say, it must be another big-name foreign star.

With Xiao Wang, a young policeman who likes to chase stars, Lao Chen can also figure out the names of several foreigners who pass each other, who they represent, and what honors they have probably won.

The second **** was a black-eyed peas combination, Lao Chen was surprised: "Black-eyed peas? Can a foreigner call a normal name?"

Xiao Wang mentioned this band and couldn't wait to say endlessly: "The name of another band is literally called this ..."

Lao Chen is seeing through, these foreign singers are too free and too personal, but because of this, the artistic cells in the body are expanding unbridled, and it is inevitable to achieve high achievements in music.

For example, the old wiping mom, Lao Chen didn't dare to think: "This woman is wearing a low-cut **** and a leopard short skirt. This is really the queen of the United States? I'm afraid there are only female stars on the red carpet in China. That's what it looks like! "

Xiao Wang nodded frequently: "She is really a queen, she has won awards for the 16th consecutive Grammy. This is an invincible result! Grammy, do you know? We also received a few nominations from Teacher Fei Jie in China. Won the prize! Of course, there are cultural differences between China and the West, as well as the special status of the Chinese music scene, and we do n’t talk about our own frustration. But I saw the news and said that domestic music critics have said, Yang Geer If you want to hit Grammy for the first time, you will probably win the prize! "

Old Chen said nothing: "I really don't understand you young people!"

After sending off Black Eyed Peas, I returned to the airport for the third time. This time, I waited for two hours. It is said that the flight from Australia and the transfer from China. The stars may be tired and famous. It's not particularly big, Yuji and fans are not as crazy as before.

"Martin! Martin!"

A fan yelled with a tweeter!

Xiao Wang was staring at this group of people carefully. After reading Martin twice, he suddenly realized: "Ricky Martin! I'll go! He can be invited over? This year's good voice must be invincible!"

Ricky Martin should be the most famous of these Australian stars, singing the World Cup theme song "Cup of Life" singer.

The police car escorted into the city. This time, Wang was really a fake public servant, and despite the objection of Lao Chen, he was mixed into the nanny's car and took the same car with Ricky Martin. The car was in the car for nearly an hour. After Feng Stadium, Xiao Wang was still thinking, with a smile on his face, got out of the messy police uniform, hugged farewell with Ricky Martin.

Being in the same car with the superstar idol, Xiao Wang felt no regrets in his life.

Waiting for Ricky Martin to bring two Australian companions into Yang An's reception room, where the enthusiastic singing comes, Zheng Hai is singing!

Yang An noticed the comer, smiled and waved, and shouted, "Hi Martin! Come-on!"

This familiar melody is exactly that "Sugar", which has been on the screen for more than a month, and no one present will not sing.

Ricky Martin has an nickname "Electric Butt Motor". He is a recognized **** icon in the world. This Latino star is best at dancing. He was called Come-on by Yang An. Naturally, he did n’t hesitate to go with the scene. World-class singers dance together.

The big-name singers invited today are all here. Arthur and Momo are the mentors of the first season of American Good Voices. The lead singer of Black Eyed Peas William is the mentor of the first season of British Good Voices, Ricky Martin, and The famous Australian female singer Kelly will host the good sound of Australia in the first season.

The visit of these people was not unexpected. When Yang An signed with the three national television stations of NBC, BBC, and ABC, he hoped to invite these famous singers to participate in the peak night.

The reason for everyone's high firewood is universal. For the three TV giants, China is a huge consumer market. For Yang An, taking this opportunity to make "" a world brand is good for everyone. .

What's more, Yang An wielded a checkbook with sincerity. His invitation list listed more than a dozen top stars. Today, half of them are considered over-completion.

Under the leadership of Fei Jie, these superstar singers began to talk about music-related things, skills, culture, inspiration, rhythm, and freewheeling.

On the Chinese side, Fei Jie is mainly speaking, and Yang An, who has only published a "Sugar," pretends to be profound.

However, Mo Wen and Mo Mom saw each other as they always did. They both had the kind of personality that said "the old lady sings well" as soon as they appeared on the stage, and the queens were very hot. They belonged to the type of scolding when they didn't agree. I was very happy to chat, and gestured when I couldn't understand the language, and I drew pictures when I couldn't. After the two people burst into laughter, Yang An glanced at the painting curiously and was stunned.

Mo Mo even drew a pair of camels, and the male camel lay on the back of the female camel.

Yang An was sweating in shock. Nima's Chinese exile met the American exile, and the gods couldn't stop it!

Looking at this, the boy Arthur is running Ricky Martin and asked what kind of man he likes, and William cheated Ricky Martin to see the Arthur boy, the boy Arthur said he likes the black-eyed peasant female singer Fergie.

Yang An secretly said: "Sure enough, the music circle is really messy ~ ~ No one is serious ... Thanks for not calling the Green Day Band, they don't agree, they will definitely hit the guitar on the spot!"

Noisy, noisy, money always has to do things.

These singers will sing songs in turn, one of their famous songs, and four good-voice trainees followed them on stage.

Arthur is a rap singer. He took Wang Yiyi to sing his apprentice Justin Bieber's famous song "Baby". Wang Yiyi was almost crazy and sang the fame song of her favorite little fresh meat idol. This is a strong proof that Yang An will push her to enter the international singing scene!

Momo sang one of her hottest inspirational song "Fighter" with Huang Qiong. Although Huang Qiong is a Tujia, she is also a professional singer who has been singing in Zhongjing for ten years. There is no problem with English songs. What's more, there is Mo Wen covering her, even if she sings in the face of a world-class queen, she is fine.

The Black Eyed Peas band's students are Yuan Yawei. Although the four of them are world-famous for hip-hop, rap, and other songs, their origin is soul music, jazz, and Latin style. They belong to cross-border bands. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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