The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 250: I want this day, can't cover my eyes anymore!

Yang An and Ning Hao watched together, Guo Lei was very shy.

He watched the Golden Eagle Festival awards last night and found Yang An's "Goku" sounds good and touched. So he went to the China Music Association to try to find a non-destructive sound source. The sound source was not found, but he saw a comment from senior commentator Ma Kun. Excited, upload a few words from your text to Weibo.

What attracted Yang An's attention, that is, in the 20,000 words, the sentence he had already written: "I am a stone monkey, why do I live with me? Why are you born with me? Why did you not show me the way when you brought me? Maybe it's inherently unsettled, and it's inherently disturbing! "

Yang An was really interested, and this sentence vaguely appeared in the impression.

There is also internet literature in this world, but there is no such work as Wu Gong Biography. The 20,000 words written by Guo Lei are somewhat different from those in Yang An's memory, but they seem to have known each other. At least the origin is the same. He experienced reading Familiar taste in Goku's Biography.

After finishing the 20,000 words intensive reading, Yang An and Ning Hao breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the sparks of excitement that only insiders understood—the two should have picked up treasure!

Yang An smiled: "The text is very beautiful. I like your thoughts and writing. For example, I do n’t know why the gods like to use mountains to suppress people ..."

Guo Lei Shun mouthed: "The mountains are like tombstones, one is pressed against a once free soul ..."

These words are like poems, full of the sense of picture, full of emotions. Guo Lei is more like a talker, telling his own feelings to Yang An and Ning Hao. Fortunately, happily, the two listeners are deeply With the same feeling, the three resonated.

Yang An asked: "Have you heard of Goku?"

Guo Lei nodded: "Of course, I especially like your song. I also know that most netizens like it and are obsessed with searching for the deep meaning in the lyrics."

Overnight, the Golden Eagle Awards swept the entertainment industry. Which stars won the award again? Yang An made a big round and won the best male host. These regular news occupied most of the entertainment page.

But the one that attracted the most attention was the song "Goku" and some rumors in the domestic host circle. It seems that Xiao Cui and CCTV broke their faces and broke up. Yang An held a tribute to his song "Goku" and so on. Lace message.

Yang An took out her phone: "Come and listen, I have a lossless sound source here."

Guo Lei closed his eyes and listened attentively. When Yang An called out the "Buddha", Guo Lei shrank with sweat and sweat, only feeling scalp numb, comfortable from head to toe, although he didn't understand what opera singing was. But Yang An's voice seemed to be magical, and penetrated directly into his heart, making him a helpless monkey and assimilated.

At the end of the song, Yang An looked at Guo Lei's eyes and said firmly, "I don't want to be a god. I will split the day when the pressure is on, and I will break the ground when the ground is bound! Buddha? To maintain that order, not tolerate a trace of rebellion, everything that can't be controlled by me is called a demon! What about demon, even if it is sky-high? Keep me in control, fight the battle! I want This day, I can no longer cover my eyes! I want this place, and I can't bury my heart again! I want all sentient beings to know what I mean! I want all the Buddhas to be scattered! "

Yang An's remarks were like lightning strikes, and Guo Lei was so shocked that he couldn't speak!

Too brilliant!

So shocking!

He fully said what he wanted to say deep down, that was the emotion he couldn't condense in words. Only these words, Yang An who knew Goku best, could say these words!

Guo Lei didn't speak for a while. He sighed in his heart: "Am I stupid? How can a person who sings" Goku "be mortal? It seems that Yang Er's understanding is deeper than me ..."

Ning Hao said with emotion: "Yang An, this is the first time I heard you so impassioned."

Yang An smiled: "This is the idea that I just finished reading this Goku biography. I think in a sense, songs and books should have the same origin!"

Next, he turned his head and asked, "Guo Lei, I am calling you today to ask you, would you like to cooperate with me?"

Guo Lei's heartbeat accelerated: "How to cooperate?"

Yang An pointed to the laptop: "I like this book of Wukong very much. I have two proposals. First, I buy you this book from all channels at a price of 500 words, giving you half a year. It doesn't take much to write, about 150,000 words. Because it is a buyout, the royalties of physical publishing, online sales and other channels will not be given to you. "

Guo Lei quickly settled the account. He wrote 150,000 words in half a year, which was a little higher than the traditional publisher's price of 500 words, and he could get 75,000 yuan.

But is this over? This way of cooperating with money is too simple. Guo Lei managed to catch Yang An's line. He hoped that Yang An would not give a sum of money, but an opportunity.

Yang An continued: "The second option, you join my company, receive a fixed salary every month, and work in Hongfeng. As for" Goku Story ", I will arrange some screenwriters to cooperate with you, your main writer, others People are responsible for modification, packaging, and promotion. If the "Gokun Biography" can be published in the future, you can also get a little royalty, if you can adapt it into a movie, you can also get a box office dividend, and you can also be a screenwriter. "

Guo Lei did not hesitate: "I choose this plan!"

Yang An laughed: "You don't need to think about it, such as discussing with your family or something? If you want to move to Hongfeng to work, what should your girlfriend do?"

Guo Lei said confidently: "I will bring my girlfriend together. I believe that there is a lot of promise in working with President Yang. Even if my girlfriend is not working, I am confident to feed her and give her a good life! "

Yang An and Ning Hao laughed. The man's self-confidence does not come from the house, the car, but definitely from the social recognition of him. It is his career. This truth is always true.

Ning Hao sighed: "Congratulations, it ’s a wise decision to follow Yang An! It ’s a good idea that your girlfriend has been with you for a few years, and it ’s a good person! I wish you happiness and success. "Wu Gong Biography" is well written and fine, I will make a movie as soon as possible! What specialty did your girlfriend study? "

Guo Lei was overjoyed: "She manages the logistics of the enterprise."

Ning Hao nodded: "Let her go to Yang An to apply first. You can work together best."

Yang An laughed: "I thought your crew was willing to accept it, after all, I still have to solve it!"

Ning Hao laughed with his companion: "I'm an lonely and lonely man, isn't it? The crew was formed during the filming. Where do I come from now?"

After Yang An and Ning Hao left, Guo Lei failed to jump out of the excitement for a long time.

"Am I dreaming……"

He was still thinking about the scene just now. Yang An was talking funny and with humor, and sometimes he said some very philosophical words, which moved his heart and made him feel happy. Yang An was his best. Jia Zhiyin.

For example, "Goku", "Goku", and even all the western-style movies on the market, Yang An often came up with imaginative ideas that surprised him and Ning Hao. After careful consideration, they felt endless aftertastes. .

"How happy it is to be able to work with such a boss! God hasn't abandoned me, I will definitely seize the opportunity and get ahead!"

Guo Lei clenched his fist, encouraged himself, and then took out his mobile phone to dial his girlfriend over, excited to announce: "Juaner, I was accepted! Yang Geer accepted me, I really joined Enron, he let me continue writing The book also made me a screenwriter! I feel like I'm dreaming ... "

Liu Juan, who was on the other side of the phone, wept silently: "Congratulations, I know what you can do and never doubt it!"


The waste heat of the Golden Eagle Awards continues to evaporate, but Yang An has no time to deal with those reporters. The fourth issue of "The Great Challenge" will begin recording again. This time, six people will challenge business practitioners.

The black-hearted production team again made a negative move, so that these ordinary artists who have no worries about eating and drinking, never worry about income, never came in the wind, the rain went to the rain, only gave 1,000 yuan of startup capital, let them think of their own ways Make money, and ultimately earn more than anyone else!

In this issue, Black Heart Pd Sun Cannon made 18 sets of plans in advance. In a word, everyone can not disclose their star status ~ ~ The accompanying shooting team also disguised as a passerby or a fixed instrument, Men must not be allowed to make money comfortably.

For example, Ning Hao's ancestor is Xishan. He proposed the idea of ​​selling beef knives and noodles. However, he had no business place and could only rent an old husband and wife early.

Sun Cannon planned in advance and contacted the urban management patrol car in the relevant block, and rushed you once every three to five. Don't think you are a star. You can operate illegally with a camera. What kind of dispute will Ning Hao have with the urban management? Can small merchants earning money to support their families and urban law enforcement coexist peacefully? That's a big deal!

Then there is Zhou Jinci, earning money is too easy for him. His old business is playing clowns and distributing leaflets, and the cost is almost zero, so the point is that he is going to run a mall to play a clown. Do you get a fixed salary or do you want to be a masked lone knight and make money on the street?

Shabei's brain was wide open, and he was going to sell vegetables and fruits. Everyone agreed that the mind of this product must be the first to lose the principal.

The black heart production team did not prompt anything. It only gave 1,000 yuan to start the fund. When recording the program, Sabine hired a car to spend 200 and went to the farmers to collect vegetables and pick fruits. The cost was 600. He stupidly let the driver drive to the wholesale market and the entrance fee Another 50, temporary booth fee of 50, seeing that the wholesale price of similar vegetables and fruits in the wholesale market is lower than their own price, Shabei is dumbfounded!

What Sapei couldn't bear was that he didn't choose the right source of food, the quality of the dishes was not high, and the fruits were not delicious. There were no small vendors at the wholesale market to find him!

Shabei stood in front of the back of the car, looking at the fruits and vegetables of the half car, and wanted to cry without tears. He never thought that making money was so difficult. For the first time, he had serious doubts about himself and was hit hard!

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