The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 235: Beauty anchor Squid Liu

Yang An can't control how others do the show, he can do it himself.

What needs to consider the social impact is the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Yang An believes that CCTV will never sit idly by.

Yang An laughed: "If Dongshan Satellite TV dared to do so, without me speaking, CCTV would have shot it. This is a discredited word for" challenging. "You haven't seen our second episode of the program, which airs the day after tomorrow, and we must Will tell the people, what is called a "challenge"! "

He estimated that nothing was wrong. CCTV was furious. As soon as the CCTV and the head of the filming group went back, Ai Wendi angered and found Ye Zhixiang, the director of the film review department.

"Director Ye, Dongshan Satellite TV will surely continue to sell meat vulgarly, and follow the trend of Ziyi TV, Blue Ocean TV, and Shenzhen City TV, and they will surely find a way to play the side ball! If you do n’t give opinions to it, the reality show This industry has been suffocated by these people. This is a sign that ruins us! "

Ivandi's anger was mainly due to the production team of "Great Challenge".

Everyone came and went in the wind, worked **** the show, challenged all kinds of impossibility, got hurt, suffered, shed tears, and almost lost their lives. Six men showed what is courage and faith to audiences across the country. Brotherhood, work together.

As a result, several bad things that stole chickens and dogs stood by the side, playing "Coke and Cola", "Kang Shuaifu", and even tricks like "Jin Yong's new book" to guide the audience to divert, reduce the viewing experience of the audience, and ruin it. Challenge signboard.

Who can bear it?

Ye Zhixiang also knows how difficult it is to build a brand, soothing: "Xiao Ai, you have been working hard all the way, Dongshan Satellite TV has really done a little over there, I will protest against the General Administration. Oh yes, your food How about the program materials? Did Yang An have any intentions? "

Ai Wendi casually perfunctory, although he is a CCTV person, but after filming with Yang An, he had a deep feeling for this production team, and sincerely did not want Yang An's hard work to be ruined by crude spam programs.

It is okay to follow suit, but would you please use snacks? Don't ruin my reputation!

On Sunday, the much anticipated second issue of "The Great Challenge" aired in two weeks!

The brand phenomenon created by CCTV is gradually transforming the senses of ordinary people.

First of all, on the broadcast day of "The Great Challenge", the in-depth interview rate in the evening inexplicably increased by 0.5%. The closer to 8 pm, the higher the ratings. CCTV's summary is the "old hen phenomenon". Leaders New requirements were raised in the production group of "Focus Interview". Every time the old hen is broadcast, the interview content should be closer to the people's livelihood, such as interviews with cross talk art, excellent TV shows, etc., and strive to collaborate with Yang An or five other MCs. Related.

Then on the Internet, the video site headed by Tomato Video Network took the initiative to purchase CCTV network broadcast rights, and CCTV also agreed. After all, the viewing experience of CCTV Video's official website is really bad. It is all about expanding influence. .

The barrage community headed by ab two stations is also close behind. Previously, it was stealing the chain, and now it is a bright chain. Young otakus love to watch videos online and send barrage, they just do not want to enter the living room. Watching TV, in order to compete for these types of users, the two stations tried their best to win over and couldn't compete.

The influence of the CCTV platform is large enough, and the programs produced by Yang An are good-looking and they have joined forces to achieve this phenomenal variety show.

There is a newly-opened Xingyue Community next to the Zhongjing Film Academy. Ning Hao came to the newly renovated new home. The old man in the family was the supervisor. When Ning Hao recorded the show, the old man and his wife were running here every day. Adding things is very dedicated.

"Ning Hao, don't touch this, you have worked hard to record the show, just sit there and rest!"

Mother-in-law distressed son-in-law. The day before yesterday, Ning Hao returned, her skin was tanned, she fell asleep, tired to the point where she was not awake by lightning, and looked at the distressed.

Today, the daughter of elementary school was also resting. She hugged her thighs intimately next to Ning Hao. After Dad sat down, he climbed behind him to help him carry his back, so that Ning Hao hummed comfortably, and sighed that her daughter was an intimate little jacket.

The new house has been renovated since November. Now that the ventilation is almost the same, the home improvement company has monitored it with a formaldehyde tester and can live in. As the final step, workers move furniture and can move in at any time.

"Is the cable TV installed?" Ning Hao asked.

Lao Zhangren said: "Pretend, next door Lao Liu opened the service for us yesterday. By the way, I have your show today!"

Today, the second issue of "The Great Challenge" aired. Mother-in-law is still complaining that everyone has forgotten. In fact, Ning Hao's wife and daughter have never forgotten their father's efforts. Cable TV is installed only after they are constantly urged. Ning Hao saw his starring show for the first time in his new home.

The familiar theme song rang, and this promotional video was changed to another group. Basically, they were all wonderful lens collections of this show. Everyone put their hands down and sat around the sofa watching TV.

"Hey! So many people, very lively, watching TV!"

Lao Liu leaned out next door and smiled and said, "I heard you move and come over to see. Yo, Ning Dao is back?"

Ning Hao quickly shook hands with Old Liu, a retired old professor at the Film Academy, who had previously dealt with Ning Hao.

Seeing that everyone was reluctant to remove his eyes, Lao Liu glanced at the TV and realized: "Yeah, the show has begun! Come, come, regret, come in, and say hello to everyone, this is Ningdao!"

A beautiful and pretty little girl walked in from the outside, and Lao Liu quickly introduced: "My little nephew Liu Yuxi, come here, watch TV first, watch and talk!"

Liu Yuxi, a beautiful student, greeted everyone and sat neatly beside him. Old Liu was pulled by his father-in-law, and he sat on the sofa.

On TV, it was an impossible task from the beginning. Six men ordered a dish each, but they did n’t expect all the ingredients to be obtained by themselves. Six dejected expressions made the audience in front of the TV laugh haha laughing out loud.

"Husband, your production team are all from the city, they really play!"

"I really admire the directors of Enron Film and Entertainment, and they are so creative in playing games!"

"That is, last week, I watched the" Star Challenge Show "by Dongshan Satellite TV, and those projects were coming and going, and they were too vulgar!"

"Ning Dao, the six of you are household names!"

Ning Hao said, "Bo Liu, just call me Xiao Ning. Ning Dao Ning Dao is too talented. I am not a leader!"

Hahahaha ~

The whole room laughed, and the old Liu called Ning Dao must have had a good intention. He also deliberately brought Liu Yu to regret it. Everyone knew it and waited for the old Liu to speak.

On TV, men helped to separate tasks, swim, climb trees, dive, keep bees, keep laughing, and have fun. On the one hand, people watched the ziplines of the stars, and on the other hand, they learned knowledge.

The old Liu finally found the entry point: "Many of you are all sports, my niece, Liu Yuxi, she is now the host of the CCTV Sports Channel," National Fitness "," nba Frontline ", all have her!"

Ning Hao laughed: "I know, the most beautiful anchor in the history of CCTV Sports Channel! What nickname did you have last year?"

The old Liu laughed, "Squid Liu!"

Liu Yuxi pouted and laughed: "Oh, some netizens talked blindly!"

What does squid Liu mean?

During the World Cup last year, Liu Yuxi served as an understanding and said that the beauty anchor is definitely better than Duan Xuan, Huang Jianxiang and others. The protagonist is not her. She can only be a vase. She wears a team jersey in each issue. In the camera, as a result, she wore a jersey who lost. This magic skill made her respected as a squid Liu, and a fight with octopus Paul!

Ning Hao smiled: "With this magic skill, I don't have to worry about eating in the future. When the World Cup is a few years away, I must ask you first when buying a ball."

Liu Yuxi continued to laugh, and the old Liu took the opportunity to ask, "Xiao Ning, is your production team worthy of a special guest or something?"

Ning Hao said, "I'm really sorry for Liu Bo, I can't control this, it's all Yang Da said ..."

Old Liu did not ask any more and continued to watch TV.

The most disturbing first difficult challenge of this episode ~ ~ The meter diving relay has begun.

The professional camera team created a tense and dangerous atmosphere from the beginning. The sea showed her crazy and terrible side. The waves, undercurrents, dangerous fish, and finally the diving sports precautions for non-professionals.

The living room became tense, and no one spoke, not even Liu Yuxi, biting his lower lip to look at the picture. For this moment, the six men who were laughing and talking were worried.

When Yang An first dived, everyone was amazed and praised his courage. Everyone was relieved when they saw him dive 6.5 meters.

But Xiaodongbei escaped, Zhou Jinci took over but only dived for more than 3 meters. The deliberate post-production added dignity became a huge pressure, which forced the audience in front of the TV to feel breathlessness and uneasy.

Liu Yuxi knew that this was a good show. Although she was the host of CCTV's sports channel, she had worked in other TV stations before coming to CCTV.

She has been paying attention to Yang An from "Jiang Hu Xiao Tan". Until now, it can be said that she is a true fan of Yang An. When Yang An announced her marriage, she cried all night at home. The next day, nothing happened. CCTV went to work. She never told anyone about this secret.

On television, Yang An encouraged Zhou Jinci to appease Xiaodongbei, calmly arranged after seeing Ning Hao lmc, and brought the rhythm very well, whether it was the other five people in the show, or the audience, seeing his figure and hearing his words , Will feel secure, as if everything is in his grasp, especially relieved.

Ning Hao's lmc really frightened everyone, everyone was asking him, and the sudden outbreak of Xiaodongbei once again attracted everyone's attention.

This show is really an ups and downs. No viewers are willing to change channels, and all of them are extremely worried! (To be continued.)

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