The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 231: Anxious students, shit!

If an artist star wants to become famous, he must be gifted with a unique name, a high-profile appearance, a superb figure, a natural sense of humor, and a good singing voice. In short, there must be an advantage in all aspects, which is stronger than ordinary people.

Then Yang An said to Li Dongze, shameless, be good at grabbing the camera, make a difference, and constantly strengthen his own characteristics.

In the first program, the chicken jelly trio took over half of the drama. Even if the three were broken apart later, they were all rhythmic people. Without them, the show is not funny.

During the second phase of recording, after ten days of thinking, Zhou Jinci, Ning Hao, and Li Jingtian all became enlightened. Today's performance is particularly active. In the coconut forest and beeyard, they will actively ask for cameras to shoot.

This evening I was shooting a side event, and there were no outsiders. Everyone was playing happily, anyway, the discordant footage would not be broadcast.

Even the old man, director Ning Da, is having fun. Mature, middle-aged men have strong muscles, dancing with their **** wives wearing tempting straw skirts, shocking everyone's eyes, and giving a little freshness to envy, all envious and Drool.

Tian Liang was persuaded by Yang An that he wanted to leave the sports world and enter the entertainment industry. He and his girlfriend made their first public appearance today and danced hotly. This is a breaking news that has never been known to the public. If it goes out, it will definitely enter entertainment tomorrow. News headlines.

The single male Zhou Jinci is also familiar with everyone. He is good at imitating MJ. It happened that a female guest of Dongshan Satellite TV was also a master dancer. The two cooperated with each other, and they could not understand the tacit understanding. They danced two songs, and the hands they held were unwilling Let go, with sparks in his eyes and mutual affection.

Of course, the most popular are Yang An, Shabei, Xiaobeidong, who are famous and comedians. They have a halo of joy, especially Shabei, and he counts on "Great Challenge" as his greatest opportunity for transformation. He is so smart that he naturally knows what to do.

There was nothing to laugh all night. The next morning, the two crews met in the lobby again. Some staff members greeted each other familiarly. This made Zhu Xiaoming feel embarrassed. He could only meet Yang An with a smile. Meet each other.

"Yo, guide Zhu, do you start work so early?"

"Yeah, we're on the last day, we can't do it without time!"

Last night, several other stars played with each other. They took the initiative to repost, and were reluctant to leave. They revealed the inside story of the production team of "Star Challenge Show" and complained again and again. Already.

Yang An asked, "I heard you were filming snorkeling and surfing this morning?"

Zhu Xiaoming scolded the traitor who disclosed the news, and said, "Yes, Yang leads you ..."

Yang An laughed and patted Zhu Xiaoming's arm: "We also have a diving experience class! Let's take care of everyone!"

Zhu Xiaoming wailed in his heart, taking care of a woolen yarn, taking care of it, am I familiar with you? It's not a show group. What together?

Within a few minutes, more than a dozen people came in and talked and laughed. It was obvious that they knew each other. From their outfits and clothes logos, this was the largest and most professional diving club instructor in Sanya.

But when these instructors saw Yang An and Zhu Xiaoming, the crowd broke up automatically. There were only two people standing on Zhu Xiaoming's side, and ten on Yang An's side!

Shouldn't it be so exaggerated, isn't it just a snorkel? It ’s enough to hire two instructors. You Yang An is so rich. What do you mean by ten people? Are you proud? Zhu Xiaoming didn't want to say a word of depression.

An instructor greeted Zhu Xiaoming: "Guide Zhu is here, yo, it is Yang An, Yang Yang, long and long!"

The head of Yang An's side also laughed: "Haha, how are the two directors together? Guide Yang, diving instructor and equipment are ready!"

Yang An smiled and pulled Zhu Xiaoming: "Let's go, Zhu Dao, check the goods together!"

Zhu Xiaoming couldn't scream in his heart. Sure enough, Yang An pulled him out. There were two pickups parked in front of the hotel. The back compartment was full of diving equipment, wire ropes, winches, heavy wetsuits, and oxygen cylinders. Everything was professional. Tall, here is Yang An's team!

And the diving instructor he invited pointed at the ATV parked in the corner: "Guide Zhu, we have everything!"

Zhu Xiaoming noticed that there was a small tablet dragged behind the beach buggy, and there were only a few piles in it. He didn't even have the desire to talk. It was a shame!

"Guide Yang, my stomach hurts a bit. I won't be with you for the first time, sorry, sorry!" Zhu Xiaoming's not knowing what to do.

"Okay, everyone, let's go to the dock. Today's filming starts!"

Yang An laughed twice, his muscles were already showing, and he was too lazy to look at it again, waving his hand to signal the start of the production team, Sun Cannon arranged, and the third day of shooting began.


There are three groups of people here. Xiaodongbei and Zhou Jinci, who are afraid of water disease, follow to learn snorkeling. In the snorkeling safe area below 5 meters, Sun Yang and professional swimming instructors will accompany them to swim and snorkel. If you can overcome the fear as soon as possible, don't think about going out to sea in the last few days.

Ning Hao is not afraid of water, but he also needs to strengthen training in swimming. He also accompanied Xiaodongbei and Zhou Jinci to encourage the two of them to strengthen their exercises in groups of three.

Shababe acted alone. The unlucky child chose noodles and fried fish on the first day of the buffet.

Jumping fish belongs to the family Gobyidae, amphibians, and is about the same as the common loach, more than ten centimeters long, living in the muddy soil near the beach on the coast, burrowing animals, crawling and bouncing on the beach, the speed is very fast "China" is introduced), especially difficult to catch.

Since Shabe had chosen, he had to catch it by hand. The production team found him a fishing master to teach him. The 60-year-old father Peng, a native of Sanya, had a long boom toss it away. As easy as eating.

But for Shabei, it ’s bitter. He ca n’t cheat. Expecting to dig mud caves is a dream. He can only use a five-meter boom to catch jumping fish!

Staring at the target, swinging the bar, and pulling fiercely, Sabbe repeated this action hundreds of times, without exception, all hooked back a mess of mud and residue, he was about to collapse ...

"The word of misfortune must be described by me, no, it is misfortune!"

Shabe, wearing a sunscreen bucket, was covered in mud, and said to the camera miserably, "I just see jumping fish is rare ... I just can't control this mouth ... Your production team still has No humanity? Can you replace it with loach ... "

Shabey fully demonstrated her variety talents. She still did not forget to make fun and was funny.

His follow-up team is happy and painful. Happiness is never short of jokes. For example, now that Sabbe sees a jumping fish cave three meters away, he shouts to dig regardless of the image, but he does not stand firm and communicate. Fluttering in the mud, the whole person was soaked in mud.

The pain is that Sabe's thinking jumps very fast and the action is exaggerated. The photographer just planned to follow closely and was splashed with mud, and even the lens was almost confused!

The last group is Yang An and Li Jingtian. They are good at water. They follow professional diving teams, experts from Sanya ’s local fish husbandry and maritime bureaus, and a large number of follow-up photographers. They take speedboats to the deep sea, a few kilometers from the coastline. , Find the most suitable place, do post-programming arrangement in advance.

At the dock, Yang An looked at his fleet, four speedboats, two rescue boats, and one fishing boat that was not docked, waiting for the fishing boat in the sea ahead, shouting excitedly: "Go to the sea!"

The speedboat motor sounds and the journey begins!

Sitting on a speedboat, Yang An and Li Jingtian first sailed to the fishing boat, and then, following the explanations of professional marine experts, followed the chart.

For security reasons, the production team selected a location on the edge of an island five nautical miles from the coastline, where there is a large area of ​​marine fishing grounds, a trench with a depth of more than 40 meters, and the current hedging situation is relatively stable. There are also no tornadoes and high and low pressures, so recording a program should be fine.

After the island docked for supplies, both rescue boats and speedboats drove out. Yang An and Li Jingtian were blowing the sea breeze, feeling extremely happy.

Li Jingtian came together and asked, "Yang brother, what are you doing here? Shellfish and lobsters from deep dive fishing grounds?"

Yang An pointed to the equipment bag next to the seat: "Put on the equipment, let's go play together!"

The speedboat in front stopped slowly, Sun Daoqiao threw down the life-saving raft, and several frogman instructors on the boat jumped into the water with scuba gear, exposed the water, and greeted Yang An.

Yang An changed her bathing suit and face mask and said, "I said before that I practiced swimming for seven or eight years. That's from the age of ten. I've been in the swimming pool, at most, by the bank of the river. I have never entered the ocean. , Also the first challenge. "

Li Jingtian was surprised and looked back at the camera that followed him: "Ah? Is this all started?"

Yang An laughed: "Not yet, let's try it today. It's okay to take a shot!"

The two dived in turn, and the photographer jumped down with the waterproof equipment. The three of them swam forward towards the yellow life-saving floating raft.

"Hi Lisa!"

Yang An greeted Coach Frogman, an experienced female coach.

Lisa double-checked their equipment, diving watch, breathing mask, diving goggles, light signal stick, flippers, and made a few diving gestures. Both Yang An and Li Jingtian answered correctly ~ ~ She felt fine.

But she was more worried about the photographer who followed, pointing at the lens floating not far away and asking, "Does the person carrying the machine also follow the dive? How many people?"

Sun Cannon, a speedboat next to him, explained aloud: "We plan to arrange three professional photographers for snorkeling. I also want to ask your frogmen to take a deep dive and take two."

Yang An asked, "Where is the ship?"

Sun Dabao shouted: "Three entertainers are on the speedboat, one is a lifeboat, and the other is a fishing boat."

Yang An counted the number, and it was almost the same. Not all photographers dare to come to the sea to shoot. HD cameras are also extremely expensive. In case of loss of one, it will hurt him.

Li Jingtian first encountered behind-the-scenes productions and heard these conversations, his face was a little white: "So many deep dive photographers! Are you really playing?"

Yang An laughed: "Lisa, are you ready? Drag this kid below ten meters!"

…… (To be continued.)

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