The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 228: The task is too difficult, silly!

Yang An took the question board and saw the content written on it, the smile on her face was frozen: "Look at it for yourself!"

I saw on the question board: "All the ingredients you have eaten, you must get it yourself."

Ding Ding Ding ...

The knife, fork and spoon fell to the ground, and all six were dumbfounded!

Xiaodongbei asked indeterminately, "Did we find it ourselves, right? Is this honey pumpkin cake to get honey, pumpkin, wheat, eggs?"

Sun Cannon tip: "Cakes are easy to get, you just need to get honey back, so you have to go to the hive."


Xiaodongbei was depressed, and Yang An was the same. He chose honey grapefruit tea, Li Jingtian chose honey eel, and they went to the hive!

Sabay asked with a terrier neck, "What about lobster and salmon? You won't let me go to sea, right?"

Sun Cannon shrugged: "Right!"

Is there anything wrong! Still going to sea?

With a mournful sound, Li Jingtian had no desire to eat and pointed at the plate in front of himself: "I also chose grouper soup! Did you let me fish?"

Ning Hao pointed at the mustard conch, cried and laughed: "I still have conch! Do I have to dive for fishing?"

Yang An grinned and pointed at everyone ’s plate: "You also took crab legs, grilled eel, abalone juice, you guys eat and see what you have done? All the expensive dishes you want to take Am I cheap? Have you tasted the bitter fruit now? "

Everyone looked down to see what dishes they had taken, one after another mourning.

Zhou Jinci pointed at Shabei's unfinished jumping fish: "What the **** is this?"

Shabe was terrified: "It's terrible! This is a jumping fish. This thing is the most difficult fish to catch in history. Why am I so mean and take this!"

Everyone laughed. After counting the statistics, there is no need to say all kinds of seafood. It is definitely necessary to go to salvage, but don't think about salmon. The production team can barely agree to go fishing once to replace the fish.

Then dive, but also deep dive. Most of the conch and sea cucumbers are attached to the seabed reefs. Although there is artificial farming, the production team has no sympathy, saying that you did not make an exception once you did not go to Norway to fish for salmon. You do n’t even want to dive deep do? No!

Everyone was speechless, all sitting in their seats.

There are coconut juice, honey, chicken, various vegetarian dishes, and vegetables on the land. It ’s easy to say that coconut juice needs to climb coconut trees, or train monkeys, and cut with long rods. You will definitely choose the hardest method and challenge climbing trees!

Coconut is okay. What about honey? Think about going to the hive, challenging the career of a beekeeper, surrounded by bees flying around, what would it feel like?

Shabei leaned heavily on the back of the chair and sighed: "This game can't be played! You lied to me and said that the second phase will come to Sanya to eat seafood, enjoy the sun and the beach, and watch the beautiful women in bikinis ... I have all the shorts ready It's up! "

Shabei is just a teaser. After saying this, she jumped up and deliberately lifted the flowering shirt to reveal the eight-pack abs.

Xiaodongbei grabbed his hair: "It's an ocean trip. I'm the most afraid of water. You also let me go fishing in the sea, and as a fisherman, let me dive ... kill me ..."

Zhou Jinci and Ning Hao also said they couldn't accept it: "What if I can't swim?"

Yang An asked Li Jingtian: "Jingtian, have you ever practiced water sports?"

Li Jingtian nodded: "I have practiced swimming for twelve years."

Yang An said: "I have also practiced for seven or eight years. It seems that we can only carry the beam?"

Li Jingtian smiled bitterly: "What is the resistance? There is deep diving, do you know what is deep diving? 40 meters is called deep diving! If you want to dive, you must obtain a deep diving license. After a year, I can only dive within 18 meters! I can see it through, Yang, your shows are all pits! "

Yang An couldn't laugh or cry, Sun Dabao said: "It doesn't matter. We have ten days to train here, swim, dive, fish, climb trees, and go fishing. There will be professionals to teach you."

Everyone looked at each other, and the production team had planned numbers. How could they resist?

Forget it, let's admit it, who told us that our show is "Amazing Challenge"!

The theme of the second phase has been determined. It is related to the ocean and water. Once it comes, everyone will be safe. After eating buffet, they will wait to accept the task.

Zhu Xiaoming watched as the six people gathered and shouted. He also wanted to get closer and pretend that he was a diner. He walked over with a plate and wanted to learn to take it.

"Mr. Sorry, these are not available. Please go there for buffet meals."

Zhu Xiaoming was stopped by the waiter, and he was particularly angry: "Why? Didn't they take it here just now?"

The waiter smiled, "I'm sorry sir, this is the arrangement of the hotel, you can go there ..."

Zhu Xiaoming left indignantly, and kept turning back. When he saw six people left after eating, other staff members and artist agents stepped forward to divide the things in the special buffet area without any waste.

Zhu Xiaoming was really very upset. He just gave a thousand dollars to the young girl at the front desk. He also promised to give her a half-minute interview shot during the two days of filming, in exchange for the hotel and the production team of "Great Challenge". protocol.

Sanya Hotel turned out to be free!

"The hotel is doing special treatment? Why is the CCTV production team free? Our Dongshan Satellite TV only has a 40% discount? They have hundreds of people, and we have less than forty. Why is it so bad? Oh, give it back You offer a free buffet! "

Zhu Xiaoming couldn't eat after thinking about it. He ate it casually and went back to the house to discuss it.

He wants to finish shooting soon and leave this ghost place as soon as possible. He doesn't want to see Yang An!


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhu Xiaoming was having a meeting with the production team. The knocking of the door rang, the assistant opened the door, and three actresses in bikinis and bath towels dazzled everyone.

"Guide Zhu, are they too much? They are also driving people!"

"This is bullying! CCTV can catch people, right?"

"The hotel side is not a good thing either! The hotel is cleared just after ten minutes of swimming! Too much!"

Yingying Yanyan complained around Zhu Xiaoming. Zhu Xiaoming finally understood it. The production team of "The Great Challenge" requisitioned the hotel pool. It is estimated that it is shooting a program and needs to be cleared. Of course, other guests will be persuaded, but what can he say ?

"Okay, aunts and grandma, hotel swimming pool is the hotel industry, who they want to use, we can't interfere, right? You want to swim, right, Xiao Li, take the three beauties to the hotel next door!"

"No! I'm going to swim here!"

"Zhu Zhu, you go and talk to Yang An, let him agree that we can go in, we just look at it, absolutely not grab the camera!"

"Did Zhu Zhu know Yang Yang very well ~~ Would you please? Everyone is traveling ~"

Zhu Xiaoming's head was about to explode, and he wanted to spray in particular: "Go with your fellows! Swim with your sister!"

In fact, he sent his knees to lick these female artists: "Okay, okay, let me ask, now, let me explain, the show crew generally clears the scene when shooting, and we will not let others People are watching, so do n’t have great hope. "


Just after Zhu Xiaoming finished speaking, several male stars rushed over the door and excitedly said, "Guide Zhu, I saw them at the pool side, and Sun Yang, it seems to be the swimming team of the General Administration of Sports! Is it you? Come for a special guest to interact with us? "

Not me! Who invited it? It's Yang An again!

Zhu Xiaoming has no good mood, what else does he ask?

At four in the afternoon, Tian Liang, Sun Yang and other Olympic stars appeared in the lobby of the Sanya Hotel, which caused a lot of star-traveling passengers. The crowd gathered to ask for autographs and group photos. After learning that they were participating in the recording of "The Great Challenge", the passengers Even more excited!

After finally getting out, Tian Liang and Sun Yang came to the swimming pool, put on their bathing suits, doing warm-up exercises, and soon saw the men in swimming trunks helping the six people get together.

"Wow! Who did I see? The diving prince's volume! The flying man Sun Yang!"

"Oh my god! Brother Yang, are we our swimming and diving instructors?"

"I also, the production team is really great! Please ask the Olympic champion to teach us!"

A group of people yelled at ~ ~ like the star chaser, in fact they are stars, but adhering to the concept of "stars are ordinary people, ordinary people are stars", they still maintain a strong interest in sports stars, chase What's wrong with chasing? People have reasons to chase!

Yang An was standing by the pool, beckoning to the two in the pool. Unexpectedly, Shabey stomped behind him, turned his back, shoved his butt, and bumped Yang An into the pool with a big splash.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Shabei stood on top, pointing at Yang An and laughing, others were also laughing, helpless to the strange Shabei.

Yang An floated from the water, wiped her face, and shouted at Shabe, "What are you waiting for? Drop him!"


The other four were happy, and quickly surrounded Shabei, like an eagle grabbing a chick. Then they grabbed one arm and leg, raised him, and threw it back and forth twice: "Go!"

Shabe screamed, "I was wrong, I was wrong!"


Shabei was thrown flat into the pool, splashing everyone's face.

Yang An would still be polite. Anyway, Shabei would also be watery. He thrashed, and together with Tian Liang and Sun Yang, he tortured Shabei enough and kept asking for mercy before letting go.

After everyone went ashore, Yang An introduced: "In the next ten days, Sun Yang will serve as our swimming instructor and Tian Liang will serve as a diving instructor. Of the six of us, the best water is Jingtian, and then I and Sha Bei, so Sun Yang will intensively train the other three people. It ’s a rare opportunity for the world champion to teach swimming himself. Brother Hao, Jinci, Xiaodongbei, you must seize the opportunity! "(To be continued.)

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