The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 220: Lamb flavor, crunchy!

Sha Shabe was not wearing rubber gloves and was rinsed with tap water for five minutes. His hands became flushed and red. He asked, "Ma'am, you don't use hot water to wash dishes here?"

Aunt 动作 's hand moves quickly, answering questions without delaying things, she smiled and said, "Do you still want to wash in hot water?"

"You guys want to be beautiful! Don't pay for hot water?"

"The last cleaning, you can use a little hot water to oil slick! There is no hot water to wash dishes!"

The aunts said very easily, as if cold water was used to them. Sabbe felt that something was wrong, so she reached out, forcibly stopped an aunt, gently took off the rubber gloves she was wearing, and found the frostbite on the back of her hand. , And some slimy stuff.

Aunt was embarrassed, she just had to retract her hand, and dodged the camera to prevent it from shooting: "Why did you apply antifreeze ... 唉 Can you not take this one? Our boss saw it and would blame us ..."

Su Ninghao pulled Shabei: "Okay Xiaosha, come back, don't delay your aunt's work."

Shabei was in a very complicated mood. She let go of her aunt and sat back on her bench. She didn't talk for a long time. The aunt also seemed to have lost her interest in chatting. She kept her head down and worked diligently, and continued to wash the dishes. .

Ning Hao comforted: "This is the case in the catering industry. It is impossible to serve hot water, and it is impossible to have all kinds of high-end equipment in the dishwasher and disinfection cabinet. Please come to wash the dishes and provide you as an uncle. .When I was working in Zhongjing more than ten years ago, I washed the dishes for one year and cut the potato radish for two years. At that time, the conditions were not good here, not even the pair of rubber gloves. "

Shabe sighed and looked up: "If you talk too much, it's tears. Which industry is not hard? Brother, wash the dishes!"

What else can Ning Hao say? He is the director himself, and he expects that this episode will be broadcast, and those who have experienced similar experiences will definitely see red eyes and sigh.

The dishwasher profession is really not that easy to do. They only have a pair of rubber gloves. Now they are working together to complete the task. So one of them wears a cold hand that hurts. He can only hold his hand and hold his teeth. .

When did the celebrities suffer this kind of suffering? The audience all saw Shabe in a straight suit, sitting in the live news room, and solemnly hosting the legal program.

And Ning Hao, even if he has had experience working and earning money, after he became a director, do you think he washes the dishes?

Shabei said well, it is not easy for any one of them, especially the bottom-level occupation, which needs people to pay more attention to. This bowl of thick chicken soup has been designed by the directors, and the interview shots of the two are added later Even after preparing the lines, I saw that Yang Anzhan was not allowed to play.

The two men finished the dishes and completed the task, and were finally taken back to the hall.

Beauty Manager came out again: "The two have completed their professional tasks and can now order food. Should I choose the classic package or the special package?"

Wu Ninghao asked, "Did you really eat this time?"

Beauty Manager smiled and nodded: "Yes, you can eat."

The two discussed for a while, and Ning Hao said, "I choose the classic package, then Xiaosha is the special package."

"No change?"

Shabe insisted: "No change!"

"These two please follow me."

The beauty manager led the two to the lobby. At this time, the restaurant was full of food. The beauty manager walked in front of the guests at the table next to the wall and said to Ning Hao: "Here is the classic package. sit!"

The guests all laughed. This is a six-person table. Only five adults are seated. There is still an empty seat waiting for the chef to send the roast lamb!

"Come here! Please sit down! Come and eat together!" The guests were very kind and took Ning Hao to sit down together.

Tong Ninghao expressed his thanks with a smile on his face and turned back to the scene to ask PD: "Can I sit?"

PD nodded and Shabe asked, "What about me? Am I a seater?"

Beauty manager came next door: "Sit here with special packages!"

Shabe almost looked faint!

三个 There are three children sitting at this table, one of them is wearing a birthday hat, and there is a little cake on the table, obviously it is with five adults next to it!

Shabe protested: "I sit with the children? The children's package will not be on, will they?"

Beauty Manager explained with a smile: "Our chef at the Beihu Villa Parhatim personally prepared a roast lamb set for the two, please enjoy it slowly!"

Being close to the audience is the core idea of ​​Yang An's explanation. The production team faithfully fulfilled this and did a good job.

Shabe teased the children at the children's table, joked, and said Happy Birthday to Xiao Shouxing in five languages, took photos with each child, made funny expressions, and gained a lot of skills.

Wu Ninghao became very talkative in front of ordinary people. When talking about movies and art, he was even more eloquent. He talked very well with five people at the same table, and often burst into laughter.

哈 Parhatim came with the assistant chef, and the classic roasted whole lamb on the adults' table was also served. The children's table also brought a lot of delicious food.

Parhatim said: "Let's eat the first dish I prepared carefully for you, crispy lamb ribs!"

The chef personally cut the lamb ribs from the grill, carefully decorated the plate, and brought it to Ning Hao. The rest was given to other adults.

Ning Hao disregarded the image, put on the gloves and grabbed it directly. He took a bite while it was hot. The crispy taste stimulated his taste buds. He closed his eyes and chewed, his face was quite enjoyable: "It's delicious! "

After saying four words, Ning Hao just ate and praised.

Shabe swallowed: "What about mine?"

哈 Parhatim took a cap plate from the assistant's hand: "Please taste, crispy lamb ribs!"

Shabe claps her hands, smashes her mouth, sticks out her tongue and licks her lips: "I'm welcome!"

Opened the cap and stared at Ning Hao, who laughed wildly: "Ha ha ha ha!"

Some other diners also saw it, and they all trembled with laughter. The laughter in this corner attracted the attention of many diners in the hall. I wanted to come and see the lively, but I was kindly persuaded by the staff and could only give up.

Shabe slumped on his back, with a look of being hit hard.

Indeed looks like crispy lamb ribs. This is a wavy crispy noodle, cut into long strips of lamb ribs, sprinkle with a little seasoning powder, and served with two red and green pieces of decorative dishes.

有 What is the difference between this Nima and a baby raccoon?

Tong Ninghao got another real rib, and deliberately reached Shabei's mouth: "Want to eat? Not for you!"

Shabe gnashes his teeth and eats crispy noodles, but also makes a delicious expression: "mutton flavor, crunchy and crisp! Really delicious ~"

哈 Parhatim took two plates from the assistant and gave them to each of them: "Please enjoy the second course!"

Wu Ninghao swallowed and drooled: "Okay! Xiaosha, do you think there will be a reversal of the plot?"

Shabe put her face on the round cover in front of herself, feeling no heat, and depressed: "What's the opposite? I'm cold!"

Wu Ninghao touched: "Ha! I'm hot! Let's call for one, two, three, drive together! One, two, three!"

Oh ha ha ha ha!

Almost everyone was staring at Shabe's dinner plate, and saw a lamb-shaped toast standing there, a large animal cracker!

In front of Ning Hao, lettuce was used as a base, and six skewers roasted were delicious and unknown at a glance. If you love this, you will understand it at a glance-roasted lamb white waist, commonly known as roasted lamb egg, sheep treasure.

Sheep waist usually refers to the kidney, and also the red waist of the sheep, while the white waist of the sheep is the sheep's high play. This thing has a very fishy taste. It must be sliced ​​and grilled for processing. It looks like a sliced ​​lamb. Fang Fang, but larger than the average lamb skewers.

Those who knew the goods smiled and didn't speak, and Ning Hao's eyes lit up: "This waist is delicious! Come on, everyone is a bunch!"

The scene PD was instructed. In this scene, the post-production will prompt the name of the dish, using the name "roasted sheep white waist", people who do not understand naturally think that it is roasted waist, and those who know it will understand without prompting, because this It's CCTV broadcast, PD is worried about touching the red line, so be careful.

PD kept watching, and then whispered something to Chef Parhatim. The chef nodded and served the third dish, but instead of saying it was the third, he said, "Please enjoy the next dish! "

Ning Hao is not teasing this time, and refreshedly: "Xiaosha, you can't come back, see what I am? Haha! The best sheep miscellaneous soup!"

Thick white mutton soup, piled with sharp mutton ingredients, a little bit of spring onion, and it was hot after it was uncovered. Ning Hao picked up a spoon, filled a spoonful, and gently blow, smelling the smell, small mouth Squeeze in, eyes light up, and drink a dry spoon.

"Exquisitely delicious! Too pure! I have never had such a delicious mutton soup!"

Yuning Hao is so satisfied ~ ~ He praised so much, and took the initiative to share with the five people next to him.

Shabei really didn't have the courage to reveal himself. He kept turning his head to look at Ning Hao's sheep miscellaneous soup, raised his neck, looked straight, his mouth was slightly open, his throat was still moving, and he didn't know how many tons had flowed It's up!

He could not hide in front of him. Under the eyes of everyone, Shabey opened his bowl lid and coughed.

Take a small cup of hot goat's milk, the size is estimated to be a test drink, and beside it is a small happy sheep model, which is like laughing at Shabe.

Drink 呗!

In the ridicule of everyone, this dinner was finally eaten. Ning Hao was very happy. Shabe wanted to eat but couldn't eat it. He couldn't break the rules and just watched.

Beauty manager came again and handed over two cash registers: "please pay after eating!"

Shabe stretched out his hand: "Come here!"

Su Ninghao was full of meat, and rubbed his **** and asked, "Is there a difference?"

Beauty manager nodded: "One pay, one free."

Shabe's fighting flames burned on his body, hesitated, he stood up, spit and clapped his hands: "Come! Fight fast! Fight with destiny and have fun!" (To be continued.)

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