The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 217: Alto without windshield

Ning Hao supported the lengthened Hummer's hood and pointed at Alto, bending over with a smile.

Zhou Jinci went to the three of Yang An and patted their shoulders one by one: "Sorrow and sorrow change ... lucky is really not by your side, you recognize it today ..."

Zhou Jinci laughed and opened the door of Hummer: "Wow! Wow ~~ wow ~~ wow ~~"

Ning Hao and Li Jingtian followed the car, followed by the camera. The luxurious interior, as well as the bar, were filled with a variety of fresh fruits, as well as various wine bottles, luxury TVs, comfortable leather sofas, and the three were extremely satisfied. Then, flew directly on the sofa, shouting loudly.

The three of them were speechless outside, and the three of them walked to Alto, you look at me, I look at you.

"Yang brother, what b do you choose?" Shabe still complained.

Yang An was weird: "What I choose doesn't matter to you? Anyway, you chose b at the beginning, you are destined to ride this car!"

Shabei was about to cry: "It was you who brought the bad luck ..."

Xiaodongbei said to Sun Pd: "Can I add another piece of clothing? It seems that two pills are not enough. Take a bottle!"

The three finally wrapped up in the thickest clothes and sat in Alto without a windshield, while the other three gloated, opened the windows and waved to them, and the two cars left the parking lot one after the other.

"Ah! It's so cold!"

"I'm going to freeze ~~~"

"I hate you, Brother Yang! Sure enough, there is nothing good about participating in your show!"

"Don't call me Xiaodongbei! I'm the worst, I've been out of luck since 6 o'clock, none of these questions were answered correctly!"

It was Shabei who drove. He didn't worry about Yang An driving. Xiaobeidong and Yang An were sitting in the back row. The three of them shrank coldly, and the cold wind and rain blew into Alto with no windshield.

Icy winter!

Calling misery is not the essence of a variety show. Midway through Yang An, he said, "Just call the misfortune, let ’s just have fun, tell jokes, sing, and urinate, you can grab the camera! I tell you, they are very Comfortable, but if they sleep in it, eat, listen to songs, there is absolutely no chance to show up! "

Xiaodongbei sucked his nose and said, "Will I and you sing for two?"

Yang An shook his head: "I won't ... Sabbe, otherwise you will remember your love with Ziyi at this time, just compose a story and say that you two drove in the rain in a convertible ..."

Sabe angered: "Who still opens the hood in rainy days?"

After saying this, it was less than a minute before a BMW Z4 overtaken from the left side, it was really a convertible state. A little couple wearing a baseball cap was almost frozen into a fool!

Obviously, the camera fleet attracted the attention of other vehicles. When this z4 passed Alto, it frequently turned back and slowed down: "You are also very miserable! Are you recording the program?"

Xiaodongbei wrapped his coat, shook the window, and stretched out his head: "Brother! Let's go for a ride? Let's talk to each other, let's talk?"

Everyone's speed slowed down, BMW switched to the innermost lane, the two cars maintained a speed of about 15 yards, the camera car pressed against the speed, and shot in front of BMW.

The co-pilot's woman shouted, "Is it Xiaodong Northeast?"

Xiaodongbei burst into tears: "It's me! I'm driving Shabe! Sitting next to me is Yang An ..."

Both of them were happy, and they greeted all three of them. They are all comedians who like it!

Then talking about her own affairs, the girl was in a state of fire: "This broken car, the ceiling cannot be saved!"

Shabe shouted, "Why don't you wait for the rain to stop?"

The boy driver replied loudly, "The car is rented! There is still half an hour to pay! The overtime penalty is more than 1,000!"

Yang An moved her body, changed places with Xiaodongbei, and shouted: "Everyone is so pathetic, I suddenly want to sing a song for you two! Also for the poor us ...

The cold freezing rain patted on his face,

Warm tears mixed with cold rain,

The colors in front of me are suddenly hidden,

Your shadow relentlessly lingers around,

You betrayed me like an executioner,

My heart seemed to be severely slaughtered by a guillotine,

Love on the cliff,

Who will accept the most painful accident

... "

A song by Andy Lau, regardless of whether it is suitable or not, anyway, Yang An sang, and the young couple who opened z4 laughed happily: "Yang Geer, remember to upload the non-destructive sound source back! Also note, This is a song for us. My name is Li Jingjing, and his name is Ouyang Ming! "

Yang An shouted, "No problem! I wish you happiness!"

In this episode, everyone was giggling, and unknowingly snatched another ten minutes of footage.

Waiting for everyone to separate, the car calmed down, and Shabe asked, "Well, I ask you, are these two actors an actor invited by the production team?"

Yang An tightened her coat and asked with a grin, "What do you think?"

Shabei said, "Isn't there such a stupid person? It's raining in the winter, driving a roadster, and just can't close the roof."

Xiaodongbei said, "I did see it last year. It was in our city. One of my buddies could n’t open the hood. It was raining that day. There was water in and out of his car. He also raised an umbrella and held it up. Waiting for the red light there, the passer-by did not dare to ask him, otherwise he would definitely call you what? "

Yang Andao: "Yes, as long as it is broadcast on TV, the clips of Xiaodongbei said in the social news are played out and it proves that this is true, and the audience will not think it is too fake."

Sabe still didn't believe it: "I still think it's a coincidence."

Yang An laughed: "Art comes from life. You do n’t care if we happen to happen. In short, the three of you and I grabbed the picture. I also sang the song of the scene to bring laughter to the audience. If it is false, my first one is false. This is my show. Let me go to the rain at 6 o'clock. The production team does n’t want to work. It ’s crazy! If the audience really wants to pay attention to these details, then the show is impossible. Look!"

Shabei and Xiaodongbei suddenly realized that they were wondering again and again: "Wow, you are doing variety shows, you really do everything you can!"

Yang An laughed: "Of course! Let's talk about these two people just now. I really don't know if they were invited by the production team. If they are invited, I will tell you a solution. Let's record the program today. It only took one week to play. Tonight I can arrange for the two people, together with the car rental company and BMW 4s shop, to jointly create a z4 button failure, the hood can't be closed, the interior is soaked in water, the customer has a cold bottle and got acute pneumonia. In order to compensate for the differences, the various parties quarreled the news. By the way, when the z4 was raining, it happened to be at the recording site of "Great Challenge", did this become true? Please do not use the water. Please You, me and three of you reposted on Weibo, guaranteed to make headlines tomorrow, and the fakes became true! "

Xiaodongbei was dumbfounded: "You have a bad stomach!"

Sabe also sighed: "I admire your hype ..."

The three had fun and talked a lot. Of course, there are magical editors in these video materials. They will never enter the audience's sight. The audience need not understand these. Just watch the show with joy.

The vehicle arrived at the GM 4s store. The sponsorship of the "Great Challenge" was GM, and Hummer was also responsible for their after-sales. This extended Hummer was the only concierge car of Red Maple, which was specially used to welcome VIPs, and was recruited by the crew.

After entering the 4s shop, the frozen chicken trio hurried into the shop and came to the customer lounge to sit down and blow on the heating, not to mention much comfort.

The other three people, holding the VIP card on the horse, came in with a shake and a pendulum. The two sides met, like enemies, and were extremely jealous!

Sha Pei asked the manager impatiently: "What about hot milk and coffee? What about exquisite snacks? Come on!"

The manager of the suit and leather smiled, "Please don't worry, guys, make your choice first, a-or-b?"

Choose again!

There is a shadow in the jelly threesome, and I dare not make a decision easily.

The trio of good luck hurriedly asked the manager, "Can you reveal something?"

"Which task?"

The manager was instructed by Sun Dabao and said, "If you want to get it, you have to pay first. The hardest job in our shop is the car wash in winter. You have the opportunity to experience this type of work, and you can get good food after the experience."

The significance of celebrity professional experience is here. The number of car owners in the society is getting larger and larger, ranging from 20-50 yuan for a car wash. Many people think this is a huge profit, but they do n’t know that the car washers ’mobility is very large, and many They are all rural women who do n’t have much knowledge. They have become purely manual work. The commission for washing a car ranges from 2-10 yuan. Tips given by the guests have to be paid. The car washer is soaked in water and bath fluid every day. Time No one can bear it when they grow up. It is a very hard job.

Some of these stars have never washed a car in person, but have seen a car wash, and occasionally have washed a car by themselves. They also think that car washing has no technical content, and everyone agrees.

This time Yang An learned to be smart, he said first: "You guys have a good trio."

Everyone laughed, and Ning Hao said, "You have become smart! Do you want to touch our good luck?"

Sha Pei shouted, "Do you think we are stupid? Choose quickly!"

Zhou Jinci, an honest child, chose a, and the other two also stood by.

Alas, the three group of chickens followed, and all six chose a, no one chose b!

Shabe asked, "Director, can you choose this way?"

Sun Dabao said, "Yes! But you really don't change your decision?"

Shabe shouted: "No change! Brothers ~ ~ We will enjoy the blessing together, endure the tribulations together, and accept the challenges together!"

"well said!"

Everyone applauded, Shabei triumphantly, alas, the trio of good luck instantly rebelled and went to the b option.

Uh ...

Xiaodongbei laughed, Yang An also pointed at them and shook his head: "You have no righteousness! You're holding a small group, right? We are the same!"

Xiaodongbei called: "Yes! No change! Jinci, come here!"

Xiaodongbei made a finger, Zhou Jinci hesitated, but came over again. Four of them chose a, Ning Hao and Li Jingtian chose b.

The answer is not changed. Sun Daqiao turned over the question board, a is "sit in the car and watch someone wash it", b is "hand-wash the car by yourself"!


The chicken freeze trio clapped high five and hugged Zhou Jinci. The trio finally came over! (To be continued.)

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