The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 207: Rich, willful

The sudden spike of Chi Jun made Shabei confused: "What happened to Guidao?"

"You don't know yet? You watch it online!"

Toot ...

Shabey was hung up somehow, and he could only take out his mobile phone to access the Internet. What he was most worried about was the official Weibo of "Singing the Divine Land". As soon as he entered, the screen was swiped!

Yang An participated in the election and was fermented by the elimination of five mentors!

"Shabe and Yang An have eaten yakitori together, and they say it doesn't matter in private?"

"Good friends, together! Good friends, together!"

"Sabbie, don't host this broken show, hurry up and go to Brother Yang," I'm a singer "is just the host!"

"At this moment, I can only say that some official program groups are really cheating. It ’s the king to separate the broadcast and broadcast like Yang Geer! Take a look at Yang Geer's program. Every detail is considered for our audience. Then look at this broken "Singing China". It is all flashy gimmicks, and there are shady scenes, and the instructor posing for the show, it is really disgusting! "

Shabei also noticed the photos forwarded by netizens, and couldn't help crying.

This is a photo of a few fans taking photos with him at the barbecue restaurant last night. There are also Yang An's shots inside.

Shabei clicked into the source address. The original blogger just showed off a photo with Shabei and Yang An among friends, but was captured by some interested people, then zoomed in infinitely, and then speculated. Hype is said to be Shabei and Yang. An Lian joined hands, and the show crew of "Singing the Divine Land" was insanely hyped!

Looking at his personal Weibo with Yang An, all netizens asked: "Is Shabe going to join Enron Film and Entertainment?"

"Is it true that the instructors of" Singing the Divine Land "eliminated Yang An?"

Shabei really has a headache this time.

The leader said that he was not allowed to go back. It was all irritation. Shabei rushed back to Zhongjing at noon, attended a conference in the afternoon, and came out two hours later.

The stage announced that "Singing the Divine Land" was temporarily suspended. When will it be rebroadcasted?

Shabei called Yang An to inform him of the news.

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Isn't it possible? Is there any chance of recovery?"

Sabe was tired and said on the phone: "You haven't seen the scene of the leadership debate above. Now you pay attention to public opinion and the media. You can cut your footage or drag it to the last issue to play your footage. Appropriately, the Taiwanese leaders would rather handle the matter coldly, without giving them a chance to ferment, and even stop the show directly ... "

Yang An is ashamed: "I can only say that the self-made show stops casually, is rich, and wayward!"

Shabei said: "It's just a show, haha, they said so well ..." The stage and equipment can be used for other shows, and students who have already invited can continue to record the program, and return to their original places after the recording, waiting for notification, hundreds What is Wan ’s loss? CCTV can afford it, forget it, what am I complaining about? Are these things still rare for so many years? "

Yang An said, "The show has stopped. What about your work?"

Shabei said: "The legal program is still going on, and I am very busy."

Yang An laughed: "Just come here to help me, look at my work style, feel the working atmosphere of Enron Film and Television Entertainment, and then I have a new program to discuss with you, yes, it is you and me new program Let's go together! "

Shabe finally felt better. He looked back at the CCTV building. When he gritted his teeth, he really took out his mobile phone and called the assistant to book a ticket to Hongfeng!


Yang An couldn't control CCTV's non-stop, so he could only manage his own business. On September 27, the second episode of "I'm a Singer" was broadcast on time, and it was unhurried.

Wang Xiaoyi has been in a bad mood lately. She attended Hongfeng No. 1 Middle School and High School. She did not allow her parents to pay a penny for school fees and sponsorship fees. She was admitted entirely by her skills. However, Pharaoh was not happy all day long. When I saw her, I was sighing and sighing. The gods kept mumbling and no one knew what he was musing.

"Parents 'quarrel is the most annoying thing for every child! Can't you stop arguing in front of me ..." Whenever Wang Xiaoyi thinks about this, she feels aggrieved. She can't control her parents' affairs and can only cover her ears. As an ostrich, he carried his schoolbag, put on headphones, and knocked the door.

"Wang Xiaoyi, where are you going!" A mother's shout came from behind, and the door was opened again, questioning again.

Wang Xiaoyi stood at the door of the elevator and said coldly, "Go to fellow scholars to do your homework! Keep arguing!"

Pharaoh also leaned out and was about to yell and scold. At this time, the elevator stopped and three people came out of it. They were Yang An and a short man. Pharaoh just swallowed the scolding sound that came to his mouth. Pointing at the man stuttered, "He is ... he is CCTV ..."

"Shabey!" Pharaoh's wife cried out in surprise, despite arguing with Pharaoh, quickly ran out to meet the star.

Wang Xiaoyi was also surprised. He took two steps and stared at the three.

Yang An laughed: "Yo? Are you going out?"

Wang Xiaoyi suddenly came up with an idea and turned her head and said, "Mom, I want to ask Teacher Sha how to take Peking University, can you? He is Peking University Bully!"

Shabei was unknown, but the little girl kept blinking for help, and he could only humblely said, "I'm not a hegemony."

Yang An said in a timely manner: "This is a couple of Pharaohs next door, Wang Xiaoyi, reading a freshman."

Pharaoh was embarrassed to explode his ugliness in front of an outsider, not to mention facing several big stars and famous hosts, he became the flattery of the little people without knowing it.

Wang Xiaoyi took Rong Feifei's arm, took the opportunity to walk there with a smile, and slipped into Yang An's house.

Ms. Yang An was at home and waited for everyone to come in, and took Wang Xiaoyi pitifully: "How are your parents arguing lately? The voice is so loud, I heard it next door ..."

As soon as Wang Xiaoyi heard it, he felt wronged and said, "I don't know ... since the last time the name of the journal was opened, I and Zheng Shuangshuang have been assigned to the same class. They are still at the same table. Uncle Zheng and my father found the class teacher together. I want to separate my position from Zheng Shuangshuang, and also go to the director to make a shift and lose my life ... "

Mom sighed: "They are really good friends for so many years, who are usually as close as a family. How can you turn your face when you turn your face? Besides, even if adults have conflicts, the children are all noisy in front of the children. Innocent!"

Wang Xiaoyi grieved again and hid in her mother's arms, naturally getting everyone's comfort.

Yang An came back after eating. He and Shabe were sitting on the sofa, drinking tea and chatting, and watching TV by the way.

Rong Feifei talked to his mother about the child, and Wang Xiaoyi raised his ears to inquire about the small news among the adults.

The second episode of "I'm a Singer" has begun to play, and everyone is watching and chatting.

Rong Fei Fei Jiao struck Yang An with a punch: "You don't know. I notified the song change three days in advance. I almost collapsed at the time. Yang An, this bad guy, didn't even tell my wife in advance!"

Everyone laughed, Wang Xiaoyi asked, "Sister Feifei, has he changed the song for you?"

Rong Feifei yelled: "I sing Sister Han Hong's" Mount Everest ", how can he help me change it? If Director Liang was not familiar with my voice, I wouldn't be able to pass this level."

After Lin Qing finished singing, the second turn was Rong Feifei. Fortunately, Liang Xu and Li Jun were talented. They changed the song amazingly. Rong Feifei sang very well without Yang An this time.

All the players performed very well, until the end, Li Xintong came on.

Yang An asked: "Brother Sha, after watching Li Xintong's singing, help make an overall comment."

Shabei nodded. He watched Yang An's recording scene all the way. At this moment, he looked at the TV program in comparison. It felt really different. He had a lot of things in his heart to say.

Wang Xiaoyi rejoices: "Sister Xin Tong is my idol! Ah, she is the second idol, and the first idol is Sister Fifi!"

Rong Feifei likes this cute girl so much that she smiles and pinches her little nose.

On TV, Li Xintong stepped onto the stage. She changed her previous relaxed lady's dress to a metal-style outfit, tied her ponytail, wore a small leather coat with a navel, and a small skirt in tiger skin and leopard print. Holes in stockings covered leggings, half-slope high-heeled boots on the feet, glittery bracelets and necklaces everywhere.

What surprised the audience was not only the appearance but also the song itself.

In order to sing a different style, the genre turned out to be the beginning of jazz!

"Give me your hands and your waist,

Let's melt in this rhythm,

Do n’t worry about yesterday ’s sad episode,

Ignore those promises that have not been fulfilled,

Let's swing together,

Swing together

Forget all the pain,

Swing together

... "

This style of music is really amazing!

"Am I right? Is this sister Xin Tong singing?"

"Look at her dance, this is the R & amp; B style!"

"My gosh," Swing Together "has been changed to this style, which is completely different from Yang An's singing!"

Many viewers in front of the TV think they have heard it wrong, rubbing their eyes and looking at it, yes, Li Xintong seems to be a bar dancer, listening to jazz music, shaking it there gently, using her gentle and funny voice, Take the guests to shake the body.

Where is this rock song? Is there no rock style at all?

Because everyone remembers that whether it is Yang An or Huang Xiao, they are all lively band accompaniments, especially Huang Xiao. They always shout the names of fans in the interlude, stir up the emotions of the fans, and follow him. Jumping up together and hi.

And Li Xintong continued to the interlude, always maintaining that casual jazz style.

Suddenly, the accompaniment became fierce. After the end of the interlude, Li Xintong's voice style changed greatly, and the soft voice that he had been holding suddenly suddenly thickened ~ ~ rubbing and tearing the vocal cords, creating a kind of beating It was too long, and the shouts burst out!


Let's swing together!

Swing together

... "

Li Xintong's violent burst of voice completely subverted the thinking of all listeners!

Genre suddenly changed from jazz R & amp; B to rock!

This is the outbreak!

After a long time of depression, the outbreak was so refreshing!

The audience at the scene got up instantly, and couldn't help but stand up with Li Xintong's singing, whistling and cheering, the applause never stopped!


PS: Zhang Yao version of "Swing Together" (To be continued.)

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