The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 406: : Yes, but not completely!

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Li Wei was at a high altitude, turned his head to look at the half-length female who slowly emerged, and found that the strange smile on her face had softened a bit, and then rubbed his hands to form a square bag.

The bread was caught by Li Wei, then stuffed it into his clothes to digest it, then pinched the half-length woman's face, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "I want me to make bread, not you~!"

The half-length girl whose face was pinched still didn't respond, and floated in the sky in a daze, but in general, Li Wei would acquiesce that she understood.

So, after letting go of the bust, Li Wei concentrated on generating an evil orc's brain on his head, and began to hold back his strength, rubbing the air with both hands, trying to turn carbon dioxide into starch, and then starch into bread.

"Bread! Come!"

no response……

"Huh?!" Li Wei was shocked, completely disbelieving the fact that he couldn't cast magic, something must be wrong!

After disguising himself as a fear demon with disguise, Li Wei raised his hands high, imitating all the feelings of the fear demon, trying to attract a meteorite from the sky and summon hellfire.

But after holding it for a long time, there is still no movement in the sky!

Then he cast his suspicious eyes on the half-length woman and said, "You try?"

The half-length female heard the words and slowly raised her slender hands. After a little preparation, her hands suddenly burst into a green light!

Li Wei was taken aback, and subconsciously exclaimed, "What the hell?! You! Really used it!"

Under his astonished gaze, a green meteorite fell from the sky, passed by him, and crashed into the woods below.

A crater was smashed out of the woods. In a familiar change, a hellfire with a height of more than five meters and burning green flames climbed up from the crater, then raised its head and looked at the sky...

If Hellfire had intelligence, it might wonder, there is no enemy, why call me?

"Remove it..." After being surprised, Li Wei fell into deep thought.

What he thought was to learn magic by himself, but now he can't, the half-length girl who absorbed those demon souls has learned it, so now is he able to magic or not?

The half-length girl belongs to him, and the half-length girl knows it, doesn't rounding mean he knows it!

Yes, but not quite!

Staying in place and trying a dozen times like a convulsion, I made sure that I couldn't use all the magic of the evil orcs and the fearful demon, but the half-girl could use all the magic of the evil orc and the fearful demon.

Now he can't tell whether it's good or bad, but the half-length girl can be trusted. This is confirmed by facts and feelings, and it is absolutely reliable.


Starting again, this time Li Wei's destination is the demon army assembled at the old site of Silent Hill.

Even the junior cadres at the bottom of the Burning Legion team didn't know why they came to this world. The only information in their minds was the memory of being yelled at by their superiors and jumping off the portal.

As for why the portal was created, and who first discovered the portal, these evil orcs and fearful demons have no idea.

Hundreds of tentacle monsters and three infective elite goblins who did not lose their ability to infect were also reached the site of Silent Hill before Li Wei.

These little ghosts haven't lost their ability to fly, and when they returned to the army, they didn't even cause the demons to be too alert.

After all, there are too many strange creatures among the demons, and the distortion of these elite little devils is at best a little strange in their eyes.

On the contrary, the hundreds of menacing tentacle monsters were ordered to annihilate by the abyss lord, and were besieged by thousands of elite goblins and gargoyles. There were still many mages and archers on the ground attacking tentacle monsters.

These hundreds of tentacle monsters did not sit still. The ends of dozens of tentacles sprayed out a variety of completely different rays. The power of a tentacle monster dancing wildly was almost comparable to the lethality of thirty demon mages.

Nearly 400 small tentacle monsters fired with all their strength, and the energy network formed directly stunned the demons. What is this chaotic attack that completely turned over the law of life?

The huge abyss lord resisted all the attacks with his body, and there were only a few cuts of different depths on his body, most of which were left by radiant rays with strong penetrating power, and it was not a big problem.

But after the first round of energy network swept the demon army, the abyss lord was completely shocked!

Glancing at the group of subordinates he brought, he found that after the overwhelming sweep just now, at least one-fifth of the demons died, and the number of miscellaneous soldiers killed was even more uncountable.

Ordinary demons are ordinary demons, and cannon fodders are cannon fodder. There is a big difference between the two in the eyes of the abyss lord.

This... what a powerful creature this is!

There are still beings in the world that are stronger than the devil! How many demons were killed in that instant attack!

The abyss lord was not surprised but rejoiced. After waving the two blades in his hand, he excitedly pointed to the tentacle monster in the sky that began to enter a state of melee combat, and ordered loudly: "Catch all of them alive! I want the legion to have such a powerful creature!"

After the order was given, the demons who were not afraid of death began to try to capture the small tentacle monsters. Without the long-range attack, the small tentacle monsters simply relied on hand-to-hand combat. Although their strength was not bad, the demons were not completely brainless. They Chains and nets were found.

In the case of a huge disparity in number, many small tentacle monsters were indeed captured, but the tentacle monsters were flexible enough. After the air and water were replenished, the biological reactor ran again, and the nets and chains that bound their bodies were given to cut.

The warlocks tried to control the tentacle monsters by hypnosis and mind control, but all failed without exception. In the end, they used freezing and crystallizing magic, but the result was still the same as before, and the demons suffered heavy casualties for a while.

The abyss lord saw that those tentacle monsters were so difficult to deal with and killed so many of his subordinates, but he was still indifferent. If he could bring these creatures back to accept the baptism of fel energy and become part of the Burning Legion, the credit would be huge!

He admires the killing ability of these monsters. Compared with those low-level cannon fodder, it is more worthy of what humans say: Born to kill!

"How long will it take for the portal to be built?" The Abyss Lord turned his head to look at his Chief Mage, a Fel Lord of the same race as the Demon Guard.

Demons who can be called fel lords naturally have no shortage of skills.

Although the magic power that can be felt in this world is very low, and the signal connecting the Burning Legion is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, it is difficult to locate, but with the help of his profound attainments and the portal that has already built most of them, he still managed to catch another The element information of a portal, but this information seems a bit strange, and it is not the same as the ones he has received before...

"It's ready, as long as the portal is built, I can activate the portal immediately and let the army wipe out the world!" The Fel Lord cast aside the strange feeling and laughed excitedly.

"Very good!" The abyss lord was also very happy, just about to look up to the sky to laugh a few times, but found that there was some disturbance in the demon's team.

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