The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 341: : intervene

A week later, all the attacking teams of the Na'vi have advanced!

A total of fifteen Na'vi tribes were assembled, and the final number was nearly 30,000, and 30,000 Na'vi warriors were used to attack a semi-military facility with modern weapons.

Forced impact, battle damage is absolutely terrifying!

The skin of the Na'vi can't withstand the attack of two bullets. The power of modern weapons is powerful, and the cavity effect produced by several types of bullets can definitely kill many Na'vi who have not had time to treat.

Jack has already explained the consequences to the chiefs of those tribes. The chiefs of the tribes who saw the destruction of the Holy Land were very angry, and they all said that even if they died, they would fight the Skymen to the death.

Being willing to sacrifice does not mean that he cannot bear the consequences of the war.

As the decisive battle approached, Jack became confused again. He didn't know what he was doing or why he was doing it.

Taking the Na'vi to foolishly attack the former kind, saying that the reason is that the Na'vi will not be persecuted by humans is not a bit ridiculous. From now on, he can feel a sense of belonging, only Natalie who has rolled with him once...

Maybe it's the courage that Natalie brought him? !

Confused Jack turned his head and saw the seeds of the soul tree flying in the sky. Suddenly, he remembered all kinds of things with Natalie, and strengthened his belief.

The general attack...begin!

The mighty Na'vi army centered on the gate of **** and completely surrounded the base of the gate of hell. As long as the horn sounded, nearly 30,000 Na'vi warriors would travel in five directions from east, west, north and south to the gate of hell. The base attacked.

Jack didn't have many options. They had to destroy the Hell's Gate base all at once. The 30,000 Na'vi warriors didn't have much rations.

And the Hell's Gate base, which had only been replenished with five-year supplies not long ago, couldn't afford it at all. Once the people were scattered for hunting, they might be attacked by rockets.

Siege but not attack requires the support of a strong logistics system. The Na'vi people who rely on forests for food do not have such a strong logistics replenishment ability, and breaking through in one fell swoop is the best choice.

Jack, who was riding on Toluc's neck, looked at the weather and nodded earnestly to a large group of Na'vi sitting on the Ikaran flying dragon nearby.

Then, in the voice of the password, thousands of flying dragon knights stretched out everywhere to control the flying dragon to take off.

Under the claws of the flying dragon, they all held a tree vine, and a four-to-five-ton boulder was tied under the tree vine, and ten flying dragon knights pulled one piece.

Countless huge stones lifted off and flew towards the base of Hell's Gate, and there were also some flying dragon knights who were responsible for cover.

Drones at Hell's Gate Base had already detected these Na'vi movements, and machine guns and anti-aircraft fire were waiting for the roar.

At this time, the Na'vi troops on the ground suddenly began to attack. The charging cavalry rushed out with spears and bows and arrows, and the sky and the ground attacked together.

The base that sensed the intentions of the Na'vi no longer hesitated. With an order from Colonel Miles, a round of bursts began. Except for the machine gun, each soldier could only use three bursts of bursts against one Na'vi.

Still, the gunfire continued, and the soldiers hiding behind the iron-pillared wall fired their rifles at the charging Na'vi.

Da da da!

The Na'vi who launched the cavalry charge were hit by the metal storm, the size of their bodies and their horses became a deadly place, and the bullets slammed into the Na'vi's bodies or their horses under their crotch. .

This group of Na'vi screamed in pain. They were either hit by bullets or shredded by machine guns, and some Na'vi fell back to the messy ground traps and were killed by the bullets flying from behind.

It is not a sensible thing to hit the human firearm defense line head-on, but the Na'vi people can only continue to rush forward despite a slight panic.

The corpse of a transnational companion uses his own body to block the attack of the companion behind.

Thanks to their sacrifice, the air force finally arrived. Hundreds of boulders were standing by. The anti-aircraft firepower was too stretched to deal with such a dense group of flying dragons. Also difficult to win.

But Colonel Miles took into account what the situation was, and immediately ordered to avoid it and detonate the explosives at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

A circle of explosive flames emerged from around the base. Two hundred Na'vi died in such a wide-ranging explosion, and some Na'vi just above the explosives were directly blown to the sky.

The boulders in the air were thrown down and slammed into the base, and one of the four sentry towers was smashed.

Colonel Miles, who was sitting in the command room, continued to arrange in an orderly manner: "Pay attention to the air, prepare for the second round of detonation, and let the car drive out!"

As the order was issued, the heavy forklifts and trucks parked in the mine started to move along the road left before, preparing to use these heavy industrial equipment to crush the flesh and blood troops of the Na'vi people.

Although they are very slow, absolutely no Na'vi dare to stand in front of them!


Jack in the sky also saw the heavy forklifts, and immediately let the sky force dive, quickly eliminating the soldiers who were hiding.

After the dive began, a large number of rocket launchers were immediately launched from the base, and the missiles shot into the sky from the dozen or so disassembled launchers.


Although Jack tried his best to remind, many people in the crowded team were hit by missiles.

Missile bursts, metal shards and area damage from fire killed many dragon riders!

In just two minutes, the casualties on the Na'vi side were close to a thousand!

The horrific casualty terrified all the Na'vi, and made a watching being unable to sit still.

Li Wei was still watching, but it was Eva who couldn't sit still.

In addition to the flying dragon knight who is in the sky, countless birds suddenly flew from the sky, and the Na'vi troops hiding in the forest also noticed the abnormality behind, and when they turned around, they found various Animals rushed to Hell's Gate base in droves.

The animals also deliberately bypassed the Na'vi, as if they were only interested in the gates of hell.

It is the hammer-headed beast that leads the charge. These huge "land tanks" weigh as much as four or five tons, with flexible movements, and the cones on their heads are extremely hard. harm.

With hundreds of hammerheads leading the charge, all the Na'vi came up with a name, Eva!

Eva shows up! Eva is protecting them!

"For the homeland! For Eva!" Fifteen tribes begged the chiefs to shout in unison, and finally launched the final charge. Thousands of Na'vi warriors on horses all rushed out of the woods, and the general attack began!

The firepower of Hell's Gate soldiers gradually showed a decline. The second round of explosives detonated. More than a thousand Na'vi warriors and countless animals died on the spot. A mixed indigenous army with a fearless charge.

Li Wei was suspended high in the air, and his body color changed to an imperceptible blue and white. From the beginning of the battle to the present, he has been paying attention to all of them.

The elements collected by the key are stuck at 99%. I don't know what is going on. It may take the end of this war to reach the full value.

But he wanted to intervene, very much!

Then he raised his hand and shot the spikes with virus at the violent animals controlled by Eva...

Puff puff!

After more than 100 puffs, the originally violent hammer beast fell down a lot, and then when no one cared, it completed the transformation of its form, and nearly a hundred four-handed fighting beasts were on the battlefield with bloodthirsty roars. Announced their involvement!

Hundreds of fighting beasts have flexible movements, sharp claws, and extremely burly bodies.

After these monsters gained the ability to move freely, they immediately killed the animals under control. With a single hand, they could lift up an equally huge hammer-headed beast. Their sharp claws pierced into the skin, which was impenetrable by bullets, and cut them open. the abdomen.

The four sturdy arms waved wildly, like a meat grinder, frantically strangling the charging animals!

The rampant body was constantly disrupting the charge of the Na'vi and the animals. At a distance of more than 1,000 meters, after the army rushed under the wall, there was not much actual damage.

Few Na'vi could attack against the rising paved wall of fire.

Colonel Miles, who was in command, saw the changes on the battlefield, and his eyes widened. He just saw clearly, those hammer-headed beasts suddenly fell to the ground, and then at an unbelievable speed, they quickly transformed into A terrifying and weird **** monster!

"What the **** are these?!"

His doubts could not be answered, but the originally precarious front was reluctantly stabilized at this time, which is undoubtedly surprising!

The four forklifts continued to drive randomly on the battlefield, and the Na'vi and the charging animals were continuously rolled into the chassis and crushed to death. The sufficient rocket reserves also made the flying dragon knights who wanted to dive in the air torn apart.

Several times they jumped into the base from the sky with spears, and dozens of battle armors reinforced with glass panels will also teach these natives what the power of technology is!

The loss is increasing, the slaughter efficiency of more than 100 fighting beasts is too high, and did not deliberately target the Na'vi people, Li Wei was just preventing Eva from intervening in the battle.

Jack in the sky was flustered. When he saw those fighting beasts, the first thing he thought of was that mysterious man.

Seeing the fighting beasts killing those animals, Liefen roared in a private message: "No!!!"

Suddenly, Toluc Flying Dragon roared angrily, and a spiraling missile suddenly hit Toluc Flying Dragon's chest.

The flying monster representing the peak of Pandora's combat power died instantly, and Jack was also stunned and fell from the sky.

At this time, no one cared about Jack, because there were too many dead Na'vi and the battlefield was too chaotic. The untrained Na'vi would just bury their heads and rush forward without any command.

In the battlefield where life can be lost at any time, the life of the companion is not the most important.

No one cared about Jack's death, but the fall of the phantom knight who symbolized justice and greatly stimulated all Na'vi people.

The orange-red Toluc is too obvious, the falling figures are like their mood, gradually falling to the bottom!

Phantom Knight is dead!

When they reacted from the hot blood above, all they could see was blood and minced meat, and every time they took a breath of air, they seemed to be able to smell their companion's constantly mourning soul...

Finally, someone Na'vi couldn't hold on, and ran back in collapse.

The chiefs, who had no experience in battlefield command, saw the clansmen running back and didn't know what to do, so they could only continue to rush forward, set an example, and hoped that the frightened clansmen would come back to continue the fight.

The trend of rout has been formed, and there are not many Na'vi who can continue to fight.

In the end, the chiefs of several tribes were killed by bullets fired from nowhere.


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