"Are you sure Lanyu Anhua cares about your aunt?" She asked Lanyu Lingyin coldly.

"I..." Lan Yu Lingyin was stunned by her question, and didn't know how to answer.

Can she say that since she can remember, she can only hear a word or two of the word father from her aunt?

Even if she saw her father, it was at the grandest family banquet. She stood far away, where only common sons and daughters could stand, and saw a vague figure of her father from a distance.

She even met her father for the first time when Lanyu Weiyin proposed to let her enter Shengyun College.

"Master, father won't care, but Lanyu Weiyin knows, Lanyu Weiyin won't let Auntie go, that's how she threatens her disciples." She turned the topic to Lanyu Weiyin again.

It was Lanyu Weiyin, everything was because of Lanyu Weiyin, if it wasn't for her, she and her aunt would be living well because of Lanyu Weiyin!

She remembered very well that when she was young, every time my aunt tried to show her face in front of her father, she would be destroyed by Lanyu Weiyin, without exception.

Although she didn't see it, there was nothing wrong with what Auntie said.

"Lanyu Weiyin." Sheng Chuxin frowned.

Why did the topic turn to Lanyu Weiyin again? How much does this Lanyu Lingyin hate Lanyu Weiyin, just want her to kill Lanyu Weiyin so much?

Three sentences are inseparable from Lan language.

"Lanyu Lingyin, don't you believe in my sage's ability? I said that no one from the Lanyu clan will find your aunt, so I will." She said to Lanyu Lingyin.

"Disciple..." Lan Yu Lingyin paused.

She already knew in her heart that Sheng Chuxin would not use Lan Yuweiyin first, otherwise, after she said so much, Lanyu Weiyin wanted to use the entire family to fight Sheng Chuxin, if Sheng Chuxin really had the heart If you wanted to move Lanyu Weiyin, you would have done so long ago.

"It's not that the disciple doesn't want to take Auntie away, but Auntie... her father is Auntie's man, the person Auntie has recognized in her life. It is probably impossible for Auntie to leave her father."

She lowered her head and said in a low voice.

How could Auntie leave the Lanyu family? This is completely impossible. Auntie sent her a letter a few days ago, saying that she has attracted the attention of her father, and it is hoped that she will be favored again.

How could my aunt leave her father at this time?

Even she herself secretly hoped that Auntie could regain her father's heart, so that her status in the Lanyu family would be raised to a higher level.

"Even so, it's hard for me to persuade you." Sheng Chuxin didn't say much after hearing her words.

"Just one thing, I must warn you that there is no room for trivial things in my thousand-step hall. Once discovered, I will not show mercy. No matter which family is behind that person, even if it is the ghost king, I will not show mercy." I won't give half a point of face!"

she warned.

"Yes, Master." Lan Yu Lingyin answered with her head lowered.

Sheng Chuxin said this to her, and she couldn't pretend that she couldn't hear anything.

It is impossible to do something on Ming Bufan now, and Sheng Chuxin will not allow it. Even if she succeeds, it is not certain whether she will be able to leave Qianbudian alive.

It seems that we can only work hard on Lanyu Weiyin.

"You go down. As for your aunt, if she wants to leave the Lanyu family, I still have enough words. I can help." Sheng Chuxin waved at her.

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