EP.41 – 40. Master handled it quickly

Valen, the emperor’s knight, was the same knight who had brought Sera, the candidate for the brave, to Jade. And the knight was looking for Jade again. If it was to take Sera back then, this time it was the opposite. It was to bring Jade to the imperial family. To be more precise, it was ‘abduction’.

‘The warrior candidate Sera has eliminated the shadow of the imperial family.’

【Medusa】, I never thought it was the imperial family that was behind that group of assassins… . The important thing is that the hero candidate Sera destroyed [Medusa]. And the emperor said ‘Ah! That’s what happened!’ There was no way I could accept it. For the emperor, it was a secret organization created by investing a huge amount of slush funds. The damage was also a loss, but it was no wonder that the emperor’s eyes turned back in that he had lost the means to reliably suppress the high-ranking nobles.

There was no way that an emperor who thought of sacrificing children by naming them as warrior candidates because he thought he was in danger would live with such things as karma and retribution in his head.

The emperor was in a very bad mood. However, it was not possible to openly take issue with it. It was because if they openly made a problem here and now, it would be an act no different than openly advertising that there was an imperial family behind [Medusa]. And it was to the high-ranking nobles who had been terrified by the ‘Imperial Messenger’ for a long time, ‘Hey! The time for retribution has now come!’ So, I couldn’t act hastily.

In addition, there was another problem, and it was ‘Sera, the candidate for the warrior’.

The hero candidate plan was close to committing and seeing it because it felt like it was urgent to do something. In other words, even though it was something done in the imperial family, they didn’t expect it to have a really great effect. It’s a relief if a hero actually appears in it, but there’s nothing I can do about it if it doesn’t. It was at that level.

However, Sera, a candidate for the hero, appeared in the world too quickly and was active very quickly, absorbing all public sentiment. As a result, public sentiment toward the candidate for the hero was growing, and it soon reached the level of trying to reverse the imperial family.

It really happened in an instant. If left as it is, the flow of the empire was changing drastically around Sera, the candidate for the hero, to the extent that it would not be strange if the imperial family was shaken by a single statement from the candidate Sera.

In the end, the imperial family had nothing to do with Sera, the candidate for the hero, but even so, it became a situation where they could not be left alone. That’s why what the imperial family thought was a very common pattern.

It was just an afterthought.

I can’t do anything directly to the hero candidate Sera. If that’s the case, you can aim for a person who is far away from Sera, the candidate for the hero. That was Jade, the teacher of Sera, the candidate for the hero.

The imperial family looked at Jade with ease. It was because looking at the keywords of A-class mercenaries and master ranks, it wasn’t that great from the point of view of the imperial family. It was because if he was in the ranks of a master, he could have dealt with an imperial knight.

If there was a problem, it was a situation in which the core power of the imperial family could not be removed at will. It was because it was in a situation where it was unknown what kind of movement the high-ranking aristocrats, who had accumulated a lot in the meantime, would show after noticing that the ‘Imperial Messenger’ and [Medusa] had disappeared. That’s why the imperial family sent Valen, a knight of the imperial family, who was in the ranks of a master and knew Jade because he had brought Sera to Jade, as suitable for this job, and secretly sent him with a secret order.

“This must also be for the empire.”

The center of the empire is the imperial family, so what the imperial family wants to do must have a righteous will for the empire. Valen did not doubt that and accepted the secret order. As a knight of the imperial family, he shouldn’t have had the right to refuse an imperial order, but he never doubted it. Absolute allegiance, without the slightest personal opinion, he did not find it strange. The imperial knight was the sword of the imperial family, and it was strange to question the sword, and he just stopped thinking about it.

He just needs to realize the justice of the imperial family as the sword of the imperial family.

He thought so simply, to the point of futility, and believed so wholeheartedly.

That’s why, even when he was ordered to kidnap Sera’s mentor, he didn’t think it was wrong in the slightest. This will all be for the imperial family, and what is for the imperial family will soon be for the empire and nation. That is why he was about to commit an evil deed without the slightest suspicion. The common sense that evil deeds cannot be cleansed under any cause was completely unaware of this imperial knight, and he did not even notice.

‘… I can’t break in.’

I couldn’t enter the mountain where Jade’s hideout was. It was because the road was blocked by all sorts of traps and magic. It wasn’t something I could do alone. But even so, requesting support was impossible. I had been secretly told that this was something I had to do alone and secretly. That’s why he chose to wait rather than forcefully break through.

No matter how secluded you are, you will always have what you need to live. Eventually, when the time comes, there is no choice but to come out. Calmly and cautiously, he calculated that Jade would come out of her hiding place and head for a nearby village, so she positioned herself to hide.

fight against time

However, with a sense of mission to complete the mission given to him, Valen overcame it.

And finally, Jade appeared.


if there is a problem… .

He realized that Jade appeared as having been attacked by him.


Ballen was hit in the right arm by an arrow that flew from an exquisite direction that could not be confirmed with the naked eye when and where it was shot.


Valen pulled out the arrow without hesitation. As a result, blood flowed from his right arm, but he didn’t care. It was just stopping the bleeding with an aura.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, and I didn’t expect you to attack me.”

“Because it looked like it was aiming for me.”

“I am an Imperial Knight. Don’t you know what this means?”

“I know very well that you are the dog of the imperial family.”

“… Are you going to challenge the imperial family?”

“Is there a challenge? In a situation where we don’t know what will happen to the world because of the demon king, what meaning and value do those two letters mean for the imperial family?”

Valen wasn’t just talking. It was because it was the standard way to track the location of the enemy through the reaction of the opponent, whether talking to or provoking in a situation where the enemy’s location was unknown. However, the pursuit ended in failure because the direction and location of Jade’s voice were completely different.


Another arrow came from an unexpected direction, but Valen calmly responded. He was also a master in the ranks of masters, he gave up his first move, but he was not at a level that was easy enough to keep getting beaten.

“My order is to take you to the imperial family without harming your body as much as possible. Won’t you cooperate?”

“If people are so kind that they worry about the body of the person they want to kidnap, they won’t kidnap them in the first place… . I must have judged that I was worth quite a bit as a hostage. So, is the imperial family trying to use my apprentice as their dog by taking me as a hostage? It’s exhausting to have excellent students, isn’t it?”

“… … .”

Balen said ‘Oops!’ and kept his mouth shut when the remarks he had made to give a warning turned out to be information. Indeed, in that terrible mercenary world, he is a person who has risen to the level of an A-class mercenary. Valen had to admit that the skill that comes from accumulated experience is really unusual.

“Even if you run away from me, nothing will change. They will only come with the support of more imperial knights.”

“ha ha ha. Lies too! Do you think I didn’t work with the imperial family during my active duty days? The imperial family doesn’t like to do things twice. In the first place, he did not even think that what he was doing would fail. Even though they thought about kidnapping me because I have value as a hostage, the fact that they sent a master, not a superhuman, in itself means that the situation in the imperial family is not going well, right? Do you think the imperial family is shaking quite a bit? A crisis is coming to the empire, but it must be rather strange that it does not waver.”

“… … .”

Valen decided to correct his thoughts. Ignored as a mercenary. Of course, since he was an A-class mercenary, I thought he would be quite good at it, but I didn’t think he would be able to penetrate so skillfully and delicately. The preconceived notion that he would be ignorant because he was a mercenary gave birth to his carelessness, and because of that, he handed over all information without even knowing it. As an imperial knight, I couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

“okay. I thought you were a mercenary and looked down on you. Talking about it any more would be like giving you information.”

“Rather than me being great, it’s just that you give out information too easily.”

“Do you think that a provocation like that will sway me?”

“I was born into a good family and had a talent for swordsmanship, so I trained well in swordsmanship to become a knight in the imperial family and even become a master. Just because it’s provocative and doesn’t work on the opponent doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. Even when I provoke, there is a certain kind of joy that I feel when the other person just holds back and listens. It’s the young master, so it’s nothing strange, even if you don’t know much about it.”

As soon as he finished his words, arrows flew.


This time, Valen didn’t just narrowly block it, but accurately blocked it. As if he knew it would fly from there.

It was not easy to track by voice, so he was releasing his aura into the air. By releasing the aura in the air like that, he was expanding the area that could be detected. Because of that, the aura was quickly consumed, but I decided it was worth it.

‘According to the information, ‘Jade of Steel’ uses a sword. However, it is highly likely that he deliberately kept his distance and insisted on archery, which he had not used well, because he had a problem that made it difficult for him to wage an all-out war. Therefore, it is such a fight whether I can quickly locate him or he can kill me before then.’

With that thought in mind, Valen was generously releasing auras into the air and expanding his detection range. That’s why he quickly identified the arrow caught in the detection area and swung his sword to block it.

That was the moment.

To de de de de deuk!


approached quickly.

It’s not like an arrow.

A person with a sword is rapidly approaching him at super-high speed!

Chae Ae Ae!!!


Valen couldn’t help but panic. I analyzed that there was some problem and insisted on archery, but Jade calmly drew her sword and quickly rushed in and swung at herself. In addition, the strange power contained in it! It wasn’t an aura, but an energy that had a density comparable to an aura hit her.

‘But! Imperial swordsmanship is the strongest in close combat! you are… !’

“I made the worst mistake!”

Shouting so, Valen tried to subdue him in an instant with the imperial swordsmanship that the Imperial Knights boasted.

The moment you take the position of the first type of imperial swordsmanship for him

hooked! Whoaaagh!

“… … !”

“If a guy who insists on long distance attacks at close range, you should be alert and say, ‘There’s something!’, young boy.”

“radish. what… !”

I blocked.

It must have blocked Jade’s sword!

But why is his own throat being cut and blood pouring out like crazy? Why am I dying?! Why?!!


In the end, the man who lived on the pride of being a knight of the imperial family and had only that and believed that he was justice collapsed in an instant.


“Dogs only look forward and run. I don’t know how to think deeply. In that sense, you were truly like a dog in the imperial family.”

“me… . don’t insult… . Cool!’

“I believe in the imperial family as unconditional justice, and I do not try to look at it objectively at all, and I believe that performing the duties of the imperial family is unconditionally just. Because of that, he couldn’t even properly think about what he was actually doing, and he was just self-righteous… . I don’t know if there is such a thing as honor to be insulted by such a man.”

“Kill me… . It’ll just end… . Do you think?”

“Think Contrary to what you believe, the imperial family is not such a clean place. If you think you’ll have to take more damage than you thought, you can treat at least one knight as missing while on a mission. It’s a common occurrence. I have no doubt that such a place is justice, and I am very sad that you died because of it. That is the conclusion of your life.”

“Are mercenaries insulting the imperial family…? !!!!!!”


“It was the most trivial of the last words I ever heard.”

Thus, the imperial knight, Valen, met his end.

“I’ll have to clean it up without leaving any traces.”

Although she killed the imperial knight, Jade remained calm. After analyzing the situation of the recent power flow in the empire, the fact that the imperial family made up their mind to kidnap them, but sent only one high-ranking knight, and the information obtained through the imperial dog, the imperial family was in no mood to care about themselves. It was because it was not difficult to analyze without difficulty.

I couldn’t help but kill this article. Even if they were holding on for nothing, the imperial family could have given them a justification for accusing them of wrongdoing, saying that they imprisoned the knight on the contrary, and even if they sent him back, there was nothing particularly good. Because the knight’s mouth could have been all kinds of fabrications as proof, and he could have been unilaterally driven to blame. It was the most certain thing to just kill it and get rid of even the traces.

Useless sympathy and hesitation only hamper Sera’s ankles. That alone was the worst result that a teacher should avoid.

“In the first place, the imperial family would have done this behind the scenes.”

Couldn’t the imperial family have publicly ordered the abduction of imperial persons and left such evidence? As everything happened secretly, on the contrary, the imperial family couldn’t make it a problem even if they wanted to.

He wanted to retaliate by sending out superhumans, the core force of the imperial family, but the world’s greatest coward, who was trying to send children to the battlefield with the plausible name of hero candidates, saying that the demon king might appear and kill him, couldn’t have the courage to do that. .

So, he looked at Balen, who was wide-eyed, thinking that all he had to do was clean up this corpse.

“Don’t think too badly of it. The only thing that a mercenary and a knight have in common is that you never know when or where you’ll get stabbed once you’ve chosen that path. Since you decided to become a knight, wouldn’t you have been prepared to die? If you hadn’t… . It is unavoidable.”

The reality was that the result had already been like this, so I couldn’t help it no matter what I wanted to do.

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