The Heaven’s Jailer

Chapter 320: Assassin

The meeting room of Xuyan Iron and Steel Headquarters.

Du Ruming was talking to the slides on the big screen.

The senior executives of Xuyan Iron and Steel listened attentively to Du Ruming's future plans for the company, not showing any signs of thought.

But Song Lala really couldn't listen to those professional terms, so she simply played with her mobile phone on her own. Occasionally, when I saw a photo of a beautiful woman, I would whisper a few words to Liu Lang next to me, asking Liu Lang to help me score.

Liu Lang was completely defeated by Song Lala's heartlessness.

However, he also knows that personality is not something that can be changed in a day or two. Song Lala has been spoiled by her father before. Huahua, now that she is involved in business operations management, it's no wonder she's interested.

If Song Lala was a man, he could definitely be described as a playboy.

While chatting with Song Lala, Liu Lang has been observing the expressions of the senior executives of Xuyan Iron and Steel.

After watching it for a while, he knew that Du Ruming, the president, hadn't run away, because these people were all fascinated by what he heard, and they were obviously overwhelmed by Du Ruming's advanced ideas.

It took nearly half an hour for Du Ruming to finish explaining his plan, and then looked at Song Lala who was sitting on the main seat, "President Song, I'm done."

"well said!"

Song Lala threw the phone away and took the lead in clapping.

Liu Lang suddenly had a black line on his forehead, and the reactions of those high-level executives were similar to Liu Lang's, because many people saw that Song Lala didn't listen carefully from the beginning to the end, and only cared about playing with her mobile phone, and even if Song Lala La listened carefully. With everyone's understanding of Song Lala, it was impossible for Song Lala to understand.

However, the big boss applauded. As his subordinates, everyone still had to show something. The meeting room immediately burst into thunderous applause.

Song Lala nodded in satisfaction, "Then let's vote with a show of hands. If you agree with Mr. Du Ruming as the president of Xuyan Steel, please raise your hand!"

Song Lala was the first to raise her hand.

Just when she thought that the unanimous vote would pass, she suddenly found that among the dozen or so high-level officials, eight or nine lowered their heads, and the rest looked left and right, seeing that no one else had raised their hands. , put it down again.

After waiting for nearly ten seconds,

Still no hands up.

Song Lala was suddenly embarrassed.

She is the boss. She took the lead in raising her hand, but she didn't even get a response. This is too embarrassing.

Du Ruming, who was originally full of confidence, was sweating on his forehead. When he talked about the plan just now, these high-level executives clearly agreed with him, but now they don't agree with him as the president. What does this mean?

Liu Lang didn't expect such a trouble to happen, and his expression suddenly became serious.


After the initial embarrassment, Song Lala immediately became angry, and she slapped her palm heavily on the conference table, making a loud noise.

This time, Song Lala slapped her hands red, but she didn't pay attention, but glanced at those high-level executives angrily, "Why don't you agree?"

However, there was silence in response to her.

"Mr. Pang, tell me!" Song Lala became even angrier when she saw that no one was blaming her. She pointed at the vice president in charge of finance and asked loudly.

After being called directly by name, Mr. Pang could only raise his head, held back for a long time, and then gritted his teeth and said, "I think Mr. Du's plan looks very good, but the risk is relatively high..."

"Risk?" Song Lala took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and then pointed to Mr. Sun next to Mr. Pang, "Say it!"

Mr. Sun swallowed a mouthful of spit, "I also think the risk is relatively high."

"Me too."

"Me too."

After asking four or five high-level officials in a row, these people all gave the same answer, as if they had been discussed in advance.

Song Lala really couldn't hold back her face. After dinner yesterday, she swore to Liu Lang that these high-level officials would definitely agree to Du Ruming's appointment. As a result, today, these high-level officials stabbed her in the back. The key point was that the stabbing was so cruel and merciless that no one raised her hand except herself.

"Risk? Is there no risk in doing business? Sitting at home, you might be killed by a meteorite!" Although Song Lala doesn't understand business management and development, she also understands that the reasons given by those high-level executives are all nonsense.

"Lala, sit down."

From the beginning to the end, Liu Lang remained silent. Seeing that Song Lala could no longer control the situation, he stood up, patted Song Lala on the shoulder, and smiled easily.

"Master..." Song Lala looked helpless, a big boss was left out by his subordinates, and there was no one left.

"There's me!" Liu Lang gave Song Lala an encouraging look.

Hearing Liu Lang's confident eyes, Song Lala relaxed. In her eyes, Liu Lang is an omnipotent god. Her life was saved by Liu Lang. Liu Lang will definitely help her solve the troubles in front of her.

"Mr. Kong, I don't know why you didn't raise your hand. Don't tell me. You also think Du Ruming's plan is risky?" During this time, Liu Lang has been observing those high-level people. When each high-level person speaks, he can't help it. Taking a quick look at Kong Zhenbo, Liu Lang immediately realized that Kong Zhenbo was probably responsible for today's situation.

The so-called capturing the thief first captured the king, he directly opened fire on Kong Zhenbo.

Kong Zhenbo smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Du's plan does have a lot of merit, but it is not very suitable for the current Xuyan Iron and Steel."

"I think it's not that the planning is not suitable, but that the people are not suitable?" Liu Lang snorted coldly. These people were so excited just now, but now they oppose Du Ruming's entry. Obviously, they don't want an outsider to lead them. Perhaps, before this, these high-level officials have reached an agreement, no matter what Du Ruming's plan is, they will find various reasons to deny it.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean?" The subtext in Liu Lang's words was so obvious that Kong Zhenbo's face sank instantly.

"It's nothing interesting. I think Du Ruming is the most suitable person to be the president. Maybe it's a mistake to choose to show his hands to vote." Liu Lang said lightly.

"This is an internal matter of Xuyan Iron and Steel. I'm afraid it's not Mr. Liu's turn to comment, right?" Kong Zhenbo stood up abruptly.

"Boss Liu, thank you, I'd better go!" Seeing that Liu Lang was about to fight with him, Du Ruming quickly stood up and said.

"Go? You don't have to go anywhere today. You are the president." Liu Lang's anger also rose. If Du Ruming was not capable, then he had nothing to say, but now, it is obvious that these high-level executives are doing it for themselves. interests, while giving up the interests of the entire enterprise.

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Mr. Liu Lang is right, Mr. Du Ruming, the result of the vote just now is invalid. Now, on behalf of Xuyan Iron and Steel, I formally appoint you as the president of Xuyan Iron and Steel Group!"

Seeing that Kong Zhenbo doubted Liu Lang's right to speak, Song Lala, who couldn't bear it anymore, directly released his trump card.

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