The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 268: Entrepreneurship?

As Xia Zekai was talking, he glanced at the roof.

Regardless of how much money could be raised in the end, he still felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart whether this matter was done.

Luo Xiyun couldn't understand his proud appearance, and slapped him on his back with a slap, and said, "Look at the one who slapped you, do you want to go to heaven?"

"How come, I have to take you with me if I want to go up there, stay and fly!" Xia Zekai's witty remarks caused Luo Xiyun's eyes to roll.

"Fuck off!" Luo Xiyun couldn't say to him, turned around and went out to play with the two girls.

Xia Zekai was happy for a while, and after browsing the content in the comment area for a while, she turned off the computer and went to take a shower.

When he came back from the wash, Luo Xiyun told him: "Ze Kai, Editor-in-Chief Yu called you just now."

"What's wrong?" Xia Zekai asked her.

Luo Xiyun shook his head: "I didn't answer the phone, so I don't know what he is looking for, you can call him and ask him."

"Well, I'm going to make a call." Xia Zekai went to the second bedroom and took his cell phone. He saw two missed calls on the cell phone, both of Yu Shuping's. He wondered why Yu Shuping was looking for him at night.

Unexpectedly, Xia Zekai still pressed call back.

Yu Shuping quickly answered the phone, and Xia Zekai said, "Editor-in-chief Yu, I went to wash up just now. You are not here in Qicheng, right?"

"Mr. Xia joked, I have something to discuss with you." Yu Shuping said directly.

He came up and said, "The 10,000 yuan you lent to Yang Huihui's house, how long can you get back?"

Xia Zekai was stunned for a moment, not understanding how Yu Shuping asked about this.

He said: "Editor-in-chief Yu, to be honest, I didn't plan to ask for the ten thousand, but if he gives it, I will keep it."

"In this case, I have an idea." Yu Shuping said his purpose.

"Mr. Xia, it's better to count this money to Jingtong Food Factory. The right is to be a donation made in the name of the enterprise. When I post the donation list to the public, I will put it on the head. It can be regarded as a free promotion for Jingtong Food Factory. What do you think?" Yu Shuping asked him.

He always felt that Xia Zekai gave him a great favor, and he has been thinking about how to return it these days.

To tell the truth, as for the family situation of Yang Huihui and her father, even if they are discharged from the hospital after this treatment, they will definitely have to take medicine to maintain them. For them, their lives will not be much improved, and it is difficult to say in the later period. Know when to save this 10,000 yuan.

In this case, it's better to simply donate it neatly, and by the way, when the donation list is announced, make an advertisement for "Jingtong Food Factory".

Moreover, this incident is theoretically the first major event on Sina Weibo to target'global Chinese' through It is a public welfare event of great commemorative significance. He now has no doubt that this matter will finally be done. Beautiful.

The value of this advertisement is definitely far more than N ten thousand dollars.

Yu Shuping thought in his heart that he would have paid the favor of Xia Zekai through this incident.

Xia Zekai is not a pedantic person, he quickly figured out the truth, and then he nodded happily and agreed: "Yes, then I will ask the editor-in-chief Yu."

"Mr. Xia, let's not thank anyone. If this matter weren't for Mr. Xia's righteousness, I wouldn't have my turn to pick the ready-made benefits. By the way, I owe Mr. Xia more..."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiyun saw Xia Zekai coming out of the second bedroom and asked him: "Ze Kai, editor Yu is calling you at this point. Is there anything important?"

Xia Zekai nodded: "Lao Yu discussed with me, thinking that I would use the 10,000 yuan that my dad lent to Yang Huihui's family as a donation, and then hang the name of Jingtong Food Factory and take the opportunity to make a wave for Jingtong Food Factory. Propaganda, neither of us owes anyone anymore."

"You people have made everything so complicated. No one else is as tired as you." Luo Xiyun curled his lips.

Xia Zekai smiled: "You will understand later."

This sentence irritated Luo Xiyun, and she immediately rushed over, opening her hand to grab Xia Zekai's ears and scratch his face.

In the dumbfounding of the girl and the little sisters Tong Tong, Luo Xiyun, who had a disheveled hair, finally twisted Xia Zekai's ears and asked him if he was not convinced.

At this moment, she didn't look like a mother, she was just a shrew.


On Saturday morning, the mother did not have to go to work or school. Luo Xiyun was not in a hurry to get up to make breakfast this time. Xia Zekai thought about going out and buying something ready-made.

After coming out of the house, Xia Zekai called his dad with his mobile phone.

Xia Weicheng had already gotten up there, and was about to take his old father's temperature, urinate and defecate, and after he was busy with this, his eldest brother Xia Weiguo would look at the old father, and he would go down to buy breakfast.

When I was busy, I received a call from his son.

Hearing what his son said on the phone, Xia Weicheng glanced at the hospital bed by the window for no less than three times. He didn't expect his son to think about it this way. The more so he felt ashamed.

Thinking back to what happened that day, it was mainly because of his peer Yang Changlin's kneeling that caused him too much shock. In addition, the old father had the same disease, and he knew the torture of this disease to the patient.

At that time, his heart felt soft, his head was hot, and he subconsciously felt that his son didn't need money, so he did this kind of mess.

"Ze Kai, I was..."

"Dad, it's all over. Don't think about anything. This is only good for my factory, there is no harm. Besides, I am confident that I can earn more from him, and that money should be paid." Xia Zekai took the initiative The subject changed: "Dad, how is my grandfather these past two days."

"Your grandfather is fine. He feels that he is getting lighter day by day. I'm thinking about getting radiotherapy for another month, maybe it will be fine."

Xia Zekai can hardly say that his father's ideas are too naive. If it were that simple, cancer would not be cancer.

But his father was willing to think so, and Xia Zekai wouldn't pierce him.

"Dad, that's it, you take the time to tell them separately, that money is donated by my factory." Xia Zekai said like this.

At the end of August, the morning in Qicheng was also extremely hot. After buying breakfast on the street in the north of the community, Xia Zekai hurriedly slid home.

As soon as he entered the house, Xia Zekai found his wife was talking on the phone in the living room, bluffing, looking very angry.

Xia Zekai was puzzled, and after listening for a while, he knew that his brother-in-law Luo Xincheng was on the other side, but he still didn't understand what was going on.

"I don't care what you think, and I don't care how carefully you study, you hurry up and get back to me, or be careful that I break your leg." Luo Xiyun came out angrily.

Xia Zekai was shocked, what the kid said that made his wife so angry.

Waiting for his wife Luo Xiyun to hang up and threw the phone directly on the sofa. People also sat down angrily. Xia Zekai asked her, "Daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you? What happened to Xincheng?"

"Nothing. He called me just now and said that he didn't want to come back. He wants to stay in Sioux City and start a business. Isn't this nonsense? He knows how to do yoga."

Xia Zekai also nodded his head after listening, and this kid was still as uneasy as ever.

"What did he say?" Xia Zekai asked.

Luo Xiyun gritted his teeth and said: "He just asked me to borrow money, I told him no, there was no money, let him roll back quickly, and then go to trouble, I will go to Sucheng to break his leg today."

"Didn't he come back to do sales before, why did he change his mind again?" Xia Zekai wondered, did this idea become so fast?

Luo Xiyun was very irritable, and she threw it out: "I don't know, forget it, don't care about him, eat first before talking, I'm starving to death."

The girl and the little sister Tongtong were still asleep. Xia Zekai went to the kitchen and took out four bowls and put the bought fresh meat wontons in the bowl. The couple had a bowl for each person, plus a steamed bun, and ate it. A breakfast.

After the meal, Luo Xiyun asked him: "Ze Kai, are you doing anything today?"

"No, I'm almost done with what should be busy, and the rest is not done. I can't do it on Saturday and weekend. When the two of them get up, I will take you out."

"Well, I heard that there is also a water rafting in Zicheng. It is more than two kilometers long and can slide down the mountain. The comments on the Internet are quite good. Let's go there too." Luo Xiyun mentioned Suggestions.

Xia Zekai directly agreed.


At the same time, Luo Xincheng in Sioux City felt very shameless. He was also very upset when he failed to'borrow' money from his sister.

"Old Gao, let's just go back, go to Weicheng to find a sales job, make some money first, and then start your own business later." This is Luo Xincheng's thoughts.

Opposite him, a boy who was of medium stature but less than one meter tall glanced at him: "Go back and go back by yourself. I won't leave anyway."

His name is Gao Chengxiang, Luo Xincheng’s university classmate, and the two of them came to Sucheng from Weicheng to work together. They have indeed made money in this month and a half, but they are still far from the first pot of gold in their whim "entrepreneurship". .

For this reason, both of them should ask the family for money together, and count as much as they can get. In the end, the yoga studio will be opened according to the amount of capital invested.

This is a project set up by Gao Chengxiang on several "investigations" for more than a month. He found that many women of different ages would come to practice yoga. They not only exercised their bodies, gained health, but also maintained their bodies. At that time, we will find a yoga teacher to take the practice, and then apply for a recharged membership card, and make money later. "Gao Chengxiang said.

Luo Xincheng helplessly spread his hands: "But my sister won't give me money, my mother doesn't have much money, and you didn't ask for money from home. We can't even solve the rent now, so let's forget it. "

"Forget it, let's go back. When I get rich in the future, don't say that I didn't call you to make a fortune." Gao Chengxiang said with an annoyed look.

Luo Xincheng sighed: "I'm leaving, I wish you rich here!"

After talking, Luo Xincheng walked forward without looking back. He was going to go back and pack his luggage, and then immediately buy a ticket back to Weicheng, and let's do the sales according to the original plan.

Let's talk about earning a few years ago.

After he calmed down, after thinking about it, he felt that this "entrepreneurship" was a bit reckless, and it was not very reliable at all!

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