The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 241: Daughter-in-law, I will relieve your fatigue (6 thousand characters)

"Manager, don't worry, I understand." Liu Jing was very calm and calm, even if Luo Xiyun had just picked out the next step for her promotion in her words, she was not overwhelmed.

She knew in her heart that she had to make achievements in the system. This was Luo Xiyun's test for her.

Luo Xiyun said: "After the new product launch conference is over, I will apply for the three-system certification in late September and strive to pass this year."

Liu Jing nodded her head, ‘um’, and said nothing.

Time goes by at a constant speed while busy or waiting.

After the girl and Tong Tong had had enough fun, they came to Xia Zekai's side. Tong Tong held her belly and pouted and shouted, "Dad, I'm hungry!"

"I'm hungry too!" The girl shouted with her belly in her arms.

"I'm all hungry, then I'll take you to eat delicious food, and remember to eat more later, okay?" Xia Zekai lowered his head and touched their little heads and asked.

There is a Brazilian barbecue on Wal-Mart, which ranks among the top three in Qicheng's buffet world.

Xia Zekai thought that he was just playing here, so he took them both up to have a meal, and didn't have to drive them around.

He took a little guy in one hand and took the elevator up to the second floor. When they walked to the entrance of the Brazilian barbecue restaurant and waited in line to buy tickets, Xia Zekai called his brother Xia Zejiang.

His brother quickly got on the phone, and Xia Zekai didn't have any ink marks, so he said directly to him: "Zejiang, I bought a ticket at Walmart Brazilian BBQ. If you two are finished shopping, hurry up and have lunch."

"Brother, let's not go there anymore." Xia Zejiang looked at the girlfriend Shen Jiayi on the opposite side who was waving his hand at him with a shy expression on his face. It was obvious that he was not embarrassed to pass.

But Xia Zekai was a straightforward person, and said directly: "I have paid the money. You two should take a taxi. I looked at the girl and Tong Tong. I won't talk to you for now. I'll hang up."

"..." Xia Zejiang was speechless looking at the hung up call. He asked his girlfriend, "Jiayi, shall we go over?"

"How did your brother know that I was here, and said, did you tell him?" Shen Jiayi deliberately turned off the subject and asked him staring.

She still can't adapt.

Even though I had seen it once in Jecheng last time, it was an accident. Now it was her boyfriend's family who decided to invite her to dinner, which made her feel weird.

Xia Zejiang felt that he had been wronged. He wrinkled his face and said, "My brother is too cunning. I took his ride in the morning and said he was going to the food court. He guessed it all at once. "

"Jiayi, what I said is true, don't look at my brother being dull, but he has a lot of attention." In order to get rid of himself, Xia Zejiang directly sold his brother cleanly.

All the pots were thrown away, and he had no problem anyway.

Shen Jiayi knew what was going on in her heart, so she said, "Explain so much what is going on, as if what I did to you."

After finishing speaking, he took a look at the time on the phone and said, “It’s getting late, let’s go quickly, don’t let your brother wait too long, that’s not good.”

Let her girlfriend say the good and the bad, what else can Xia Zejiang say, watching her girlfriend go to the roadside to take a taxi, Xia Zejiang hurriedly followed.

Today was still early, and Xia Zekai led the girl and Tong Tong along with the team, and it didn't take long for him to take his turn.

"Beauty, three adults and their children, less than one meter, is it free?" Xia Zekai glanced at the notice next to it, which was written above.

"Yes, sir, 53 yuan per adult, and the two cute ones are free. Chenghui's total is 159 yuan. Are you cash or credit card." The waiter in charge of reception at the door said with a solid smile on his face and said proficient words.

This is not the era of swiping the QR code. You have to remember the date of repayment when swiping a credit card. It's troublesome. Xia Zekai directly took out two 100 yuan in cash and handed it to her.

When the change was over, the waiter took their father three in, and the waiter asked, "Sir, where are the two other customers?"

"I'll make a reservation first. The two of them are already on the road, and they will come over in a while." Xia Zekai said.

When the girl and Tongtong saw the strange aunt following, the two of them got rid of the problem of tuberculosis and healed themselves.

The waiter led them to a table for six and sat down. She set the tableware and went away.

When the little sisters saw that there was no one else, they became cheerful again. They stood up and looked left and looked again. Tongtong smelled the strong fragrance of various ingredients in the store, and she swallowed. Said: "Dad, I saw the cake, it's so big, let's go buy it."

"You don’t need to buy it. Dad has paid the money. You can just take whatever you want to eat, but remember to take as much as you want. You can’t take more, and you can’t waste it. If it’s wasted, I’ll tell your mother when I go back. Already?" Xia Zekai taught them.

The girl and Tongtong wandered their small eyes, nodding their heads seemingly, "Dad, I remember."

Tongtong spread her legs and ran to the place where the cake was placed. She remembered it, but she was too short to reach her toes. In the end, Xia Zekai helped her cut a small piece and said to her: " Don’t eat more cakes. If you eat too much, your teeth will turn black and bugs will grow. You will have to pull out your teeth, which hurts."

When Tong Tong heard that she was about to pull her teeth, she was frightened. She looked at the cake with eagerness and a little timidity, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and finally shook her head and said, "Dad, I don't want to pull my teeth, I won't eat anymore."

Xia Zekai looked at the contradictory expression of his second child who wanted to eat but was scared. He regretted what he said just now, and then said, "If you just eat one piece, it will be fine."

When Tong Tong heard it, he was immediately happy again.

When the girl heard that it was okay to eat a piece, she also asked her father to cut a piece for her.

Then there was a very gratifying scene. Xia Zekai took two plates of cold dishes on the plate and walked in front of him. The little sisters were very careful with their hands holding a small plate of cakes, and walked full behind.

If Xia Zekai walked fast, the two of them would shout to make him walk slower.

After putting down the things, Xia Zekai also served two bowls of eight-treasure porridge and lotus leaf porridge for the girl. They were placed on the table to cool down, and then they would be drank later.

Xia Zekai is still considering whether to get some hot dishes. The little brother in dark red overalls is already holding freshly grilled steaks, beef tongues and other meat products.

"Sir, would you like some beef tongue and steak?" the waiter asked.

Xia Zekai hadn't spoken yet. After Tong Tong saw the meat, her eyes lit up. She stretched out her little finger and shouted at the barbecue: "Dad, I want to eat meat."

The girl was obviously not interested in the meat, she still lay on the table and ate the cake on her plate without looking up.

Waiting for the next waiter to come over with freshly roasted quail eggs and fruit corn, the girl became interested. She yelled to eat roasted corn.

Xia Zekai looked at his boss and sighed: "Girl, if you eat like this, we don't want to pay back."

"Dad, what are you talking about, I don't understand." The girl scratched his scalp and asked him.

"Uh, it's okay, you can eat it." Xia Zekai felt that his head was amused before discussing this issue with his daughter.

About twenty minutes later, Xia Zejiang called him: "Brother, we're at the door, and the waiter won't let us in. You have to come and pick us up."

Xia Zekai was looking at the two girls and couldn't get out.

He simply gave the two tickets to the waiter, described the two people outside to her, and asked her to help bring Xia Zejiang and Shen Jiayi at the door.

"elder brother!"

"Hello, big brother!" I knew it was Shen Jiayi. She also smiled and looked at the little sisters who were focusing on dealing with the bull tongue and the cake, and shouted with a smile: "Girl, Tongtong, you two are good too."

"Hello, auntie!" The girl looked up at her and remembered who it was after a little thought.

Tong Tong also focused on dealing with bull tongue with her head down. Her memory is not as good as that of her sister, but she is not so careless, and knows that she is right to yell with her sister.

After swallowing the meat in her mouth, she yelled, "Good aunt."

After speaking, he stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth.

These two little babies broke Shen Jiayi to Le.

Xia Zekai stretched out his hand to motion them to sit down, and said, "Zejiang, and Xiao Shen, see what you want to eat, just take it whatever you want."

He pretended to be so compelling.

Those who don't know will have to be surprised at Xia Zekai's pride, but here is a cafeteria, as long as you can finish eating, take as much as you like.

Shen Jiayi still couldn't let it go. For the first time, she went around and took a plate of fruits and a plate of cold ingredients.

Xia Zejiang was different. One plate was filled with pig's trotter, and the other plate was filled with pork head drenched in red chili oil. He mumbled: "I watched it a while, and these two just served it well. "

Xia Zekai took a look, nodded seriously, and said, "Well, you also know how to eat this. I really don't know how you got into the undergraduate course."

"Haha!" Shen Jiayi couldn't help but laughed while covering her mouth.

She thought, this ‘big brother’ is too funny.

Xia Zejiang has already adapted to this set. He didn't care at all and said: "I am not good at studying, but I can still get into an undergraduate course."



Xia Zekai felt that he shouldn't start this. The two brothers cut each other with knives here, so that other people watched the excitement and embarrassed them.

After Tongtong finished eating the beef tongue, she looked up and saw the pork knuckles cooked and steaming on the plate in front of her second uncle. With a little finger, she shouted: "Second uncle, I want to eat too. Pig's feet."

"Hey, Tongtong, I've got it all for you." Xia Zejiang was especially fond of his little niece who also likes to eat. Looking at the chubby Tong Tong, he thought that the child was more adorable like this.

He was very distressed for his thin niece, that a child such a small child knew how to be a vegetarian. What kind of evil did her parents do, and he had to let a child be vegetarian and accumulate virtue.

Xia Zekai didn't know that his brother was slandering him in his heart.

He couldn't drink while driving, so he asked his brother, Xia Zejiang wanted to drink, but considering that he had to accompany his girlfriend to other places in the afternoon, he didn't drink.

Three, two and five people were talking and laughing while eating. Before they were full, a waiter came over with five rectangular boxes.

She said, "Sir, this is the water cup we gave to you for the event in our store today. I put it here for you."

"Uh!" Xia Zekai saw the waiter put two of the water glasses in front of their girls, thinking about the white prostitutes and took gifts, this time the meal is really worth it!

"I remember, I will come back next time." Xia Zekai said very seriously.

The opposite Shen Jiayi smiled directly in disregard of her image.

After eating, Xia Zekai tidied up the leftovers on the table, greeted the aunt who cleaned up, and put them all in the trash can.

"Let's go." Xia Zekai said.

The girl and Tongtong couldn't stay for a long time. When they heard their father say to leave, they both immediately got up happily and said, "Dad, let's go to the slide again."

"Good!" Xia Zekai agreed.

Shen Jiayi reached out and pulled her boyfriend Xia Zejiang's hand. Xia Zejiang understood. He said, "Brother, we both went to another place."

"Go go, Zejiang, Xiao Shen, you two remember to come home for dinner in the evening."

"Brother, no, I have to go back to Zhoucheng in the afternoon." Shen Jiayi said quickly.

She can't wait to go back in the evening, her mother will be worried.

Xia Zekai took the girl and Tongtong to play outside until the evening before returning. Before leaving, Xia Zekai bought some ready-made cooked food here, and bought two kilograms of white meatballs, thinking about going back in the evening and pour some soup to heat it up. , And sprinkle some green coriander, the taste is really beautiful.

As soon as the three of them entered the door with their front feet, Luo Xiyun followed them with their back feet. She was very puzzled: "Ze Kai, are you just coming back?"

"Mom, Dad took me and Tongtong to the slide, and there are so many fun, I like to play." The girl said with a smile.

Luo Xiyun glanced at her husband and was surprised: "Ze Kai, you didn't go to the factory today."

"Go, after the meeting, I took the two of them to play for most of the day, and also invited Zejiang and his girlfriend to have a meal at noon." Speaking of this, Xia Zekai looked at his watch and said: "Zejiang I should be back."

Luo Xiyun complained about him: "Then don't you give me a call."

"You are still in a class, and you know you are busy, so I didn't bother you." Xia Zekai quickly found a perfect reason for his'negligence'.

Luo Xiyun actually believed, she squeezed her neck, rubbed her waist, and said, "I am exhausted today."

Xia Zekai's eyes lit up, and the opportunity to think about performance came. He said, "I bought some cooked food. Let's hurry up to eat later. After eating, I'll squeeze your neck."

Looking at the thought-provoking smirk on his face, Luo Xiyun knew that he was thinking of something nasty in his heart, and said: "It's not hard enough without you."

Before Xia Zekai finished cutting the cooked food he bought, his brother Xia Zejiang returned. As soon as he walked in, he saw Luo Xiyun playing with his two nieces in the living room: "Sister-in-law, you are off work."

"Zejiang, hurry up and wash your face, your brother will make dinner right away."

In the evening, we had cut cooked food, standing with a juice of soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, and sesame oil, drinking hot pork white meatball soup, and had a nice dinner.

The girl and Tongtong were probably too happy to play during the day. Not long after dinner, the two of them started to feel sleepy, and they kept saying to Luo Xiyun: "Mom, I'm so nap!"

Xia Zekai hurriedly said: "Just take a nap and go to sleep. Get up tomorrow morning. Dad will take you to move to Aunt Pan. Then you two can find Brother Chao to play."

"Sister Pan is moving?" Luo Xiyun just knew, she thought it was too fast.

Xia Zekai said: "When I went to pick them up on Friday, I ran into sister Pan and Brother Qu. Brother Qu said that he had enrolled his son at the elementary school at Century Garden. The other side of the school considered that there are still differences between them. I'm afraid that he won't be able to adapt at that time, so let him get used to it in advance."

"Oh, it's so fast!" Luo Xiyun sighed, and she asked: "Ze Kai, how long will our house be able to come down? When the time comes, I have to take the key and consider the renovation."

"You can also say that after the decoration is finished, it will be moved there." Xia Zekai couldn't wait to move there.

There are only two bedrooms in this house, and they can’t be opened anymore, and the girl is getting bigger, so I have to live in a room by myself.

Besides, at critical moments, it is also very inconvenient for the couple of them (-_-||)

"When does that have to be!" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai thought for a while, and said: "The decoration can be finished this year, but it has to be dried out. Don't even think about moving it over. It will be after the beginning of spring next year."

"It's still half a year, so slow!" Luo Xiyun said complainingly.

In the bedroom, after the girl and Tong Tong were asleep, Xia Zekai said to his wife: "You are lying on your stomach, I will squeeze your neck."

"I don't need you, I just lie down for a while." Luo Xiyun was not fooled, she looked at Xia Zekai with vigilant eyes to prevent him from suddenly messing up.

Xia Zekai said in his heart: "I don't need to blame it!"

But there was still a grin on his face, and he said, "Hurry up, I don't care about you very much. Tell me who you think of me as a person."

Luo Xiyun seemed to believe the reason for Xia Zekai’s mouthful. She was wearing a one-piece cotton pajamas and lying on the bed. The soft mattress was dented a little by her. Xia Zekai looked at the perfect arc from the side. Line, breathing has stopped.

"It's so beautiful!" Xia Zekai muttered in his heart.

At this moment, the other women and him are pink skulls, not worth a glance.

Seeing his wife's face facing the other side, Xia Zekai stretched out his hand and gestured with a small ball the size of an ordinary ball, covering it with his eyes.

Luo Xiyun suddenly said: "Ze Kai, my neck hurts, and my shoulders on both sides are also sore. Please help me squeeze it."

"Oh, good!" Xia Zekai was a guilty conscience, and quickly withdrew his hand. He was in a hurry, and his elbow almost hit his waist.

Fortunately, a false alarm saved the waist and kidney.

He caught her hand and pinched her neck, Xia Zekai asked her: "Your factory is all ready."

"Well, after the morning meeting today, we will check the sanitation again. President Qi is really crazy. Let's check the sanitation every day." Luo Xiyun kept complaining.

"Ze Kai, you go down and rub my waist again..."

Xia Zekai looked down her spine and took her hand from her neck to her waist. As soon as she put it on, the cotton pajamas were stuck to the skin, and when the wrist fell, it happened to be cushioned. The accumulation of muscle and fat is absolutely amazing!

At this time, Luo Xiyun also noticed the abnormal atmosphere, she didn't dare to speak anymore, her breathing was lightened subconsciously, her face was buried in the pillow, and she didn't know what it meant.

Xia Zekai didn't seem to know this, he put his hands completely relaxed, leaned his head to his wife's ear, and muttered in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, I will relieve your fatigue."


Luo Xiyun hadn't understood yet, but she didn't need to figure out what was going on next, and then she felt the familiar weight restrained her like the top of Mount Tai.

"You bastard!" Luo Xiyun started to scold him.

Xia Zekai didn't care at all, at this moment silence is better than sound.

At night, the air conditioner in the master bedroom was turned on, and the cold wind blew away, drying out the sweat stains on Xia Zekai's body, and the sound of the external main unit turning disturbed the insignificant sound.

The acquaintance's call seemed to be in harmony, and the sound was tactful and pleasant. I don’t know when, the subtle voice stopped, and the acquaintance's call seemed to disappear. Only the air-conditioning unit was still rotating and buzzing. sound.

"Ze Kai, this air conditioner is too messy, it's time to get a new one." Luo Xiyun sounded a little tired.

Xia Zekai’s breathing has only just stabilized, and he nodded: “It’s time to change, but we won’t be able to live for long. At that time, we will install central air conditioning in the new house, which is more comfortable than this.”

"Go to bed, or you won't get up tomorrow."

Luo Xiyun stretched out his hand and twisted the flesh on his waist, pouting and complaining: "It's not you yet, or I'll go to bed early."


The next morning, Luo Xiyun went out early, even if it was the weekend, she still couldn't stop her enthusiasm for going to work.

The leaders of the head office will take a private jet to reach Zhoucheng Airport tomorrow morning. They have reached an agreement with Zhoucheng Airport in advance and paid them an objective temporary parking fee.

Then Qicheng Aideli Co., Ltd. sent a car to pick up the head office and the leaders came directly to the and then visited the factory workshop......

Prior to this, there should be no problems in the factory. This is the same rhythm as the leaders above to inspect the company. The pure official style has formed a tacit understanding.

Xia Zejiang also went to work.

Xia Zekai and his three grandparents were left at home. They waited for their daughters and daughters to wake up naturally before they were braided, put on skirts, washed, and took them to the breakfast shop outside to drink a bowl of wontons. Just walked to Pan Qin's house not far from the north gate of Lin'ao Community.

When turning east from the North Gate, Xia Zekai took a special look at the small garage he used to open the shop. Now this garage and another garage have become the warehouses of the West Gate Store in Lin'ao District, but most of the time they are vacant. of.

The two garages were originally used as raw material warehouses for milk powder storage. Now, the raw materials are now pulled to the workshop and factory, and they are vacant here. Xia Zekai thought about a suitable opportunity and put it here. The two garage shots, by the way, the recovery of blood is also excellent.

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