The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 219: Depressed Wang Xing

After returning from the island, Zhang Yong returned to his home and continued to live a leisurely life every day. Now, the entire company has entered the formal stage. As long as he guides the aircraft carrier of the Yongchang Group at a critical moment, it is enough. The daily detailed work does not particularly require him to be busy and direct.

Wang Xing was very depressed. In the past, his Renren Technology was the two most profitable platforms in the entire Yongchang system, along with Hammer Technology. However, when the mall, wallet, and financial management under Renren Technology have all been operated by Alibaba, his life has completely changed.

Wang Xing's original intention was to build a website suitable for social networking among students in colleges and universities, which was the intranet at that time. At the beginning of the development of the intranet, there was not much funding, so at that time, his intranet recruited Zhang Yong, who was just a little famous at the time, for the first financing.

Later, Renren was developed from the school network, and then Weibo, instant pass, online shopping mall, online finance, and many new businesses have been developed from his original company. Although Wang Xing can make more money, his work has also become very complicated, especially for the operation of the mall, his preparation is really insufficient, and he was caught off guard by Ma Yun.

Now, except for the initial online social networking business, all other businesses of Renren Technology are run by Ma Yun and his Alibaba. At this time, Wang Xing should have returned to his original heart and was serious about being a media person, but at this time Wang Xing found out that he has been in the financial industry for two years, and now he really calms down and manages It has Renrentong and Renrenwang, but he is a little bit restless!

Originally, Renren Technology could make billions of dollars in a month; but now, if he is only in the media industry alone, no matter how hard Wang Xing works, he can only make hundreds of millions of dollars in a month. That's it! And these money are basically earned through social games and website advertising. Although Renren’s website itself has a lot of traffic, it is very difficult to convert traffic into money!

According to the information Zhang Yong received from Li Li, now Wang Xing seems to be smoking pack after pack of cigarettes every day, and his work is no longer exciting. He even has few hairs on his head. It's almost gone. If it goes on like this, it is estimated that Wang Xing will become a big bald head just like the famous director Xu Zheng!

Zhang Yong felt that this seemed to be quite joyful! It seems that if they become bald, the appearance of Wang Xing and Xu Zheng will not be much different!

But seeing Wang Xing like this, Zhang Yong still couldn't bear it. Born out of trouble and died in peace, when Wang Xing and Ma Yun faced off, Wang Xing was very motivated, but when Ma Yun had given in and Ma Huateng had given up on the development of e-commerce, Wang Xing had become very happy , but it was precisely because of this comfort that Wang Xing became melancholy. Zhang Yong thought about it, but he still had to find something for Wang Xing to do.

It seems that Meituan should have been established this year, right? And it seems that Meituan should have been established by Wang Xing? But looking at Wang Xing's hair now, it is estimated that he has not come up with this business idea, so Zhang Yong told Wang Xing this idea.

Good wine is also afraid of life in the alley. Many small businesses often do not have good publicity channels, and there is no good price and quality comparison. Even if there are many praises, the way to praise is not very smooth, and can only pass word of mouth. Efficiency is very low. Meituan attracts new customers to taste it through coupons. At the same time, it publishes positive reviews on the Internet, so that those really good businesses can be quickly accepted by everyone.

The network traffic of the Renren system is very high, but the network traffic itself is not real money, and these traffic can only be realized by thinking of some other business channels. The Meituan product that Zhang Yong asked Wang Xing to develop is just such a business approach. "Everything is available for food, drink and entertainment" and "Meituan is beautiful at a time". Let's just use these two Meituan slogans as the service tenet.

Wang Xing is very interested in the Meituan project that Zhang Yong gets along with. Everyone has to eat every day. Meituan makes a lot of money by selling coupons to earn the difference! However, just selling food is not enough, right? Simply add the movie tickets and performance tickets purchased by Meituan. Anyway, the relationship between the company and Wang Jianlin is very harmonious, and there are a lot of movie tickets and performance tickets at Wanda!

Zhang Yong just put forward Meituan's suggestion. I didn't expect Wang Xing to even come up with Meituan movie tickets. Simply, Zhang Yong took Meituan a step further and started the advanced mode directly. Therefore, Zhang Yong suggested that Meituan products should not only be used by foodies looking for stores, but also that Meituan could recruit a lot of Meituan to deliver delicious food directly to the homes of those nerds and nerds. !

Wang Xing thought, this idea is awesome, not only can you make money by being a traffic platform, but you can even make another money by running takeaway! Large stores may have their own takeaway riders, but for the stores that raise their own riders, their riders are only busy during a certain period of time, but not at other times; most of the small shops do not have their own riders. of. Therefore, if Wang Xing's Meituan established a unified rider, it would be easy to make money through the scale effect.

Once Wang Xing started to do something again, his enthusiasm was aroused again.

Renren Technology started out as a campus dating site. Now launching Meituan products, for Wang Xing, is no less than another startup. He started to publicize on campus again through the channels he was most familiar with.

The final exam is coming, and you have to study hard in the library without even having a chance to eat? It doesn't matter, turn on your phone, click on Meituan, place an order right away, and have a delicious takeaway delivered to your library seat right away.

Addicted to online games, staying in the dormitory to surf the Internet every day, even to the point of "forgetting food and sleep"? Ugh, as a college student, it's not good to be addicted to the Internet! But if you really want to play games, the body is the capital of the revolution, come to Meituan takeout.

The Meituan group buying method is actually not particularly innovative, but the traffic of Renren Technology is unmatched by any other group buying website; and centralized food delivery is an innovation and a blank field, occupying this field. , Wang Xing is very confident.

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