The Green Monster: Starting To Be Crazy Since Meeting Ronaldo!

Chapter 291 Destroyed on the fourth line and won five crowns!

Monaco, Stade Louis II.

The European Super Cup between Inter Milan and Rome is coming as scheduled.

Perhaps it was because they came to Monaco from Italy. Although the atmosphere of the stadium was frenzied, the momentum of confrontation has dropped a lot.

The Inter Milan players looked quite heavy when they came out.

Thinking about the pressure of public opinion after the start of the new season, they were devastated. Maybe some players were physically and mentally exhausted after returning from a summer.

Ranieri enabled Borriello starting today.

Borriello is a very good Italian striker, and he hugged Totti as soon as he came to Rome.

From time to time, he would make remarks such as "Totti inspired Rome and benefited a lot from Totti's side".

Such players have not been uncommon in Rome for many years.

When you come to the Roman Wharf, of course you have to worship the most authoritative one.

Totti's age naturally pays special attention to teammates of the "little fan" type.

As long as he can publicly support him, he will also give corresponding care and support.

Just looking at the usual training exchanges, Shen Feng felt that Totti treated Borriello with more enthusiasm than he had treated him in the past year.

But he doesn't care.

If he minded, there would be a kind of weirdness that seemed to be competing for favor, which made him sick.

After the European Super Cup started, Inter Milan became more cautious.

Roma still launched an oppressive attack, but Borriello's greedy behavior on the front line caused Shen Feng's dissatisfaction.

After working with Vucinic for a year, I really don't think there is anything wrong with Vucinic.

But Borriello scored four shots himself in the first 15 minutes and gave Totti twice.

I don't know if it's a problem of ability or a problem of mentality, anyway, I didn't play for Shen Feng.

Shen Feng couldn't afford to get angry with the other party.

Compared with Dortmund, he has a much more mature mentality.

Moreover, Borriello's greed for performance is also because he has a certain strength.

Even though it failed to send the ball into the goal, it was still very effective to contain the attention of Inter Milan's defense.

Roma may not be in much better condition than Inter Milan, but when the overall condition of Inter Milan makes Shen Feng feel that they are a bit sluggish, then Shen Feng will naturally focus on exerting his strength.

With Borriello in front to contain the deep space.

Totti was willing to cooperate with Borriello before advancing, and Shen Feng led the artillery company to bombard the perimeter from a long distance.

Perotta and Taddei made a false alarm for Inter Milan's defense with one long shot.

In the 29th minute of the game, Shen Feng responded to Riise's pass in the left area in front of the penalty area, and drove the ball forward to drive Cambiasso back, but he pulled the ball and turned around to quickly cross the ball.

The opponent's state was sluggish, making Shen Feng seem to be much faster and more flexible.

He shot from the edge of the penalty area.

The football shot from the inner instep drew an inner arc and fell into the upper right corner of the goal!

The cheers of the Roma fans made the Inter Milan fans feel very harsh.

Benitez is incomprehensible.

Inter Milan seems to be preoccupied.

What kind of mental baggage is there?

Is it because their hero daddy Mourinho abandoned them?

Or did he become famous after winning the Champions League, so the fighting spirit was discouraged, and the veteran's state began to decline rapidly?

Zanetti, 37, can understand.

The 30-year-old Cambiasso has also declined significantly. What the hell?

Could it be that he was afraid of being cast out of the shadow by Shen Feng?

Anyway, Benitez thinks that if Mourinho takes the current Inter Milan to replay the Champions League last season, he will pack up and go home without mentioning the group stage, but it is absolutely impossible to beat Barcelona!

The overall state of Rome is also average.

The two teams failed to play a particularly exciting cooperation in the offensive and defensive confrontation.

Seeing this, Shen Feng actively played for his teammates, hoping that everyone can improve their status through active linkage.

At the same time, he was ready to go again.

When the game came to the second half and approached 60 minutes, a wonderful scene that did not match the rhythm suddenly appeared in the stalemate game.

Shen Feng teamed up with Rise to beat Maicon, and then responded in the penalty area. He pulled the ball, turned around and stepped on his bicycle to swing past Samuel, and blasted the ball into the lower right corner of the goal with a strong shot!

Cesar has no love left!

Even the hatred towards Shen Feng completely disappeared.


Roma fans once again sang praises for Shen Feng.

"Do you have a feeling? Shen Feng seems to be stronger than at the end of last season!"

"He is constantly improving the efficiency of personal threats!"

"In the case of the overall performance of the team, he scored 6 goals in 3 games!"

"No matter who the outside world says is the leader of Rome, as long as you are not blind, you will know who can lead Rome to victory!"

Benitez was expressionless, and only now did he feel how difficult it is to lead a championship team.

It has extremely high requirements for the record.

At the same time, the locker room may not listen to him.

If the generals are not on the same page, it is naturally difficult to lead the team.

No matter what he wants Inter Milan to play, Inter Milan wants to play Mourinho.

And once the emperor and the courtiers, the new coach will of course have to play something different from his predecessor.

Otherwise, you will only live in the shadow of your predecessor.

The difficulty is that Inter Milan's predecessor was too dazzling, bringing this team to the highest position in European football.

It is also in line with an iron law in football: the winning team does not change.

I fully understand the reason why Inter Milan's dressing room does not want to change. They are the champions of the Champions League, so is there any need to mess around?

The championship was won last season, and even if the players' status and team combat effectiveness are still the same group, there are more or less gaps every season.

When the game reached 70 minutes, Ranieri replaced Shen Feng.

Totti was also replaced.

Two more midfielders were added to strengthen defensive control.

Due to the task of the Champions League in the new season, he needs to emphasize the importance of defense to the team.

Sitting on the bench to rest, Shen Feng was suddenly asked by Totti: "What do you think of Borriello?"

After thinking for a while, Shen Feng said lightly: "It's not as good as Vucinic, the Champions League is about to start, and he needs more time to get used to it."

The comparison of players' personal abilities is actually of little significance.

Unless the two have the same time and have the same style of play, the specific gap can be seen.

Borriello doesn't belong to the kind of plug-and-play top striker who can pass the running-in period as quickly as possible, and then bring improvement to the team's combat effectiveness.

Vucinic is obviously better than him just because he needs to run in.

Totti was silent when he heard the words.

Roma retreated cautiously, and Inter Milan's counterattack was thunderous and rainy.

The fact that they haven't been able to make much of a threat reveals that their state is indeed worrying.

The final whistle blew.

In the new season, Roma faced Inter Milan twice in 11 days and won two victories. After winning the Italian Super Cup, they won the European Super Cup!

In 2010, Rome won 5 crowns!

The European media directly labeled Inter Milan as "falling at the speed of light"!

Milan media: Inter Milan can't lift its head in front of Rome!

Rome media: Rome defeated Inter Milan in the fourth line and achieved five crowns!

Triumph of Rome.

It disbanded when it landed in Rome.

September FIFA match day arrives.

The international players in the team went to the national team.

De Rossi teased Shen Feng that he was going to college to experience life.

When Shen Feng showed up at the University of Rome to join the economics major, the Italian media reported heavily after discovering it.

Rome Media: The University of Rome welcomes a special freshman, the Ninth Emperor of Rome!

Shen Feng created a sensation on campus on the first day of school.

He took a group photo with hundreds of classmates.

I was also asked for contact information by many bold and hot female students.

In the past year, I also reviewed my homework in my spare time.

He started to go to school, but he was very familiar with learning.

As for some people ridiculing him for pretending to mix up his academic qualifications.

His classmates saw him listening to the class seriously, but they didn't have this idea.

Compared to the relaxed state of some college students, Shen Feng listened carefully to the lectures, wrote notes vigorously, and seemed to be thinking from time to time, not at all pretending.

He certainly has a lot to think about.

Where should the money go?

Is it physical or financial?

Is it to preserve value against inflation or to expect long-term investment to bring appreciation benefits?

The more money you have, the less you can put all your eggs in one basket.

Expansion of investment scope, multi-standard portfolio and so on.

Many female students asked him to hang out under the banner of exchanging learning experience.

If he had enough time, he would not refuse.

But most of the time he is one person against a group of people.

It is also lively when more people eat together.

Sitting in the bar chatting and playing small games is also a kind of leisure pastime.

As for some people who have known each other for a few days, they go straight to the point of wanting some rough and intense primitive romance, but Shen Feng has always kept himself clean.

The main thing is that I can't see it.

From Katalin to Anna to Valentina.

He was never a picky eater.

FIFA match day is over.

As Roma prepared, De Rossi kept asking him how it was going to be at university.

Shen Feng said that his experience was not complete.

After all, university is not just a place to study. He has no time and energy to participate in many colorful campus activities.

So the experience is very one-sided.

However, compared with Germany and the Netherlands, the history and scale of the University of Rome has enabled it to have more alumni, and he has more female students to exchange learning experience.

On a whim, De Rossi said that he would also go to college.

Shen Feng welcomed with both hands.

Anyway, according to their study progress, they should not be in the same grade.

I'm not afraid that De Rossi will disturb him by peddling dog meat.

De Rossi thought about it, but finally gave up this impulsive and absurd idea.

On September 11, Rome went to an away game to challenge Cagliari.

The bad news after the FIFA match day was that Vucinic was injured.

Borriello became the team's starting striker.

In this case, Ranieri still did not put Adriano on the bench.

Adriano's performance in the Italian Super Cup was too scary.

Ranieri believes he needs to be given more time.

But recently the Roman media began to report that a man who looked like King Meazza appeared in a nightclub in Rome.

Roma, who played away, suffered heavy losses before entering the state.

Cagliari scored in the first 8 minutes.

In response to Rome's oppressive style of play, the Serie A team will naturally make more targeted deployments.

Offensive advances can be bolder and riskier.

Crossed the blockade of Rome's midfield.

Try your luck with the striker pushing forward more firmly.

If the state is good, it can form the ultimate threat!

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