The Great Writer of One Piece

Chapter 38: The first appearance of the camp

"Boss, take a look." It's the day when the newspaper will go on sale. However, today's Xinxiang looks a little bad. When he walked into the newspaper, he still had a newspaper in his hand.

"Didn't our newspaper just be sent to the Navy Headquarters? How come you have it?" Luo Hong, who took over the newspaper, thought it was his own weekly Chambord.

Xinxiang shook his head and said, "This is not our Chambord weekly newspaper, it's the newspaper of the Bubble Island Newspaper."

"Oh? Why did you buy his newspapers?" Luo Hong was a little puzzled, why did this guy from Xinxiang buy the newspapers of the enemy newspaper? Isn't this money for the enemy?

Huh? The age of small sailing? What the **** is this? As soon as I saw Luo Hong at the beginning, I was stunned. Isn't this the legendary plagiarism? I didn't expect that when I came to One Piece, I would encounter such a thing?

"They just released it today?" Luo Hong casually glanced at the contents of the newspaper and asked Xinxiang.

Xinxiang nodded and said: "Yes, this is only released by Bubble Island Newspaper today." "Oh, it's okay, don't be afraid, at this level, it's not our opponent at all." Although Luo Hong only swept a couple of times Eyes, but just based on these things like War God and Warring States, Valkyrie Karp catching pirates, how can it be compared to his own.

Since the opponent is so weak, let him toss himself.

"Is it really all right?" Xinxiang was still a little worried. Bubble Island Newspaper was so blatantly plagiarizing, why don't you show him some color?

"Don't worry about him, he will remove it himself." The era of great sailing has the advantage of being the first mover, and now that there is a platform as big as Newsbird, how can I go back and be afraid of a small Bubble Island Newspaper?

After finishing speaking, Luo Hongcai said again: "Morlia's news is also on the homepage, right?" "Yes, boss, it's under the homepage." Xinxiang replied.

Luo Hong still attaches great importance to this exclusive news. If he can always get the exclusive news in the future, the sales may increase by a lot.

"Well, that's fine, you go to work first."


"Mr. Zefa, this time it's A-level, it's much better than last time." Chadhu followed behind Zefa, looking at the familiar Golas on the picture, and said.

"Hey, it's actually this kid Golas? Steel Fist - Golas, that name is not bad." Zefa looked at Golas' handsome figure on the card and said with a smile.

He didn't know that this picture was drawn by Golas after begging Luo Hong for a few days. Moreover, Luo Hong was going to be grade B. With Golas' repeated insistence, the one in front of him was upgraded to A. class.

"Teacher, what level do you think you will be at?" Cha Dolphin sees that his senior brother can be A-level, so his teacher must be the same SSR as Whitebeard, right?

Zefa was also looking forward to it, but he was a little more modest towards his students, "Well, SR is probably not bad."

"Is it the same as Rayleigh? That's not too bad." Tea dolphin nodded. If it was the same as Rayleigh, the underworld king, it wasn't too bad.

After the release of the first phase, there are already many people looking forward to the second phase above the sea. And a lot of people who have collected money have changed their money and are going to buy a few copies when the news bird comes.

On the Moby Dick, it was still Marco who got the newspaper first. "Dad, that's how the card in the last issue was used, but your portrait is really good-looking, much better than the navy's bounty. However, you just added this beard."

"What? There were only two cards in the last issue of Rayleigh's card?" Seeing the introduction of the previous card in the new issue of the newspaper, Whitebeard directly ignored the news that Moria had become Shichibukai.

My ssr portrait was printed on the last page of this issue, and it was clearly written below that, in the last issue, there was only one ssr and two sr.

I thought that every newspaper sent a Rayleigh!

"Return!" In this issue, the card that Whitebeard got was just a low-level f-lancer armor.

Marko was taken aback for a moment, "Dad? We're not going." "No, it's not a big deal anyway. We'll go back to where we were last week." The bow of the ship sailed towards the previous sea area.

Zhepu, who had just entered the great route from Upside Down Mountain, also received a new issue of the Shampoo Diary Weekly.

Just now, the ssr that his subordinates took, has already been taken back by him because of the valuables being kept by the captain. Warm - Karp.

There is only one in the first issue! I got two! This is something that even the big pirates can't get! Maybe, when I go to the shampoo place, I can exchange for the golden ssr directly from Mr. Luo Hong! Hahaha.

This week, after taking the report paper from his subordinates and watching it again, he couldn't stop, and waited for a few days before the news bird arrived.

"Boss Zapp, I also bought a copy. Look, it's a B-class." The cadre who had been snatched from the SSR by Zapp also came over with a newspaper.

"You bought it anyway, isn't it a waste of money." Zapp was a little speechless, wouldn't it be good to buy a newspaper for each boat.

The cadre didn't care about continued: "Hey, the newspaper doesn't matter, but this card is really pretty. I don't know if I will appear in the future."

"Stop dreaming, little pirates like us, don't even think about entering the era of Mr. Luo Hong's great voyage. However, if you can enter the new world, maybe there is still a chance." Zhepp added a new ssr After putting it in his pocket, he read the article in the newspaper.

"Huh? Moria became Shichibukai?" After reading the first half of the novel, Zhep saw the news below.

This guy Moria is a big pirate in the new world, even if he is defeated by Kaido, how can he be a lackey of the navy?

why why why.

Why is it that I still have an E-class? It was already an E-class last time. In his office, Kizaru looked at the E-rank in his hand, Knight C, and was silent.


"Polusalino, what are you doing this time?" With a card in his hand, Garp pushed open the door and walked in. Aokiji was on a mission, so he had to ask Kizaru to ask.

Huang Yuan hurriedly shoved the newspaper under the desk and said, "I haven't bought it yet." "Oh? Yes, then we have to hurry. It seems that this time there is only one ssr and sr, and there are only three s. Much less than the last issue. I only got one s."

Garp said, and shook the card in front of Kizaru, and on it was the Heavenly Asking Sword - Flying Squirrel.


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