The Great Writer of One Piece

: Finish this testimonial

It's over, as you can see later, it's really not good. So, be prepared to pay some attention in the next book.

Some other things that are not covered in this book will be updated as a side story, and you hope that Robin Nicole, Devil Fruit Pokemon, Digimon, etc., will be updated later.

Here, I would like to thank you all for your support to Luo Ji, and we have come together so far.

And then I would like to thank Ruo Ye, my editor in charge. I have given many recommendations for the new book period, and I also boarded Sanjiang. Thank you very much. Mungdou, the editor-in-chief of the second dimension, is also very good, and friends who want to write books can also come to the second dimension to post~

The next book is still going to re-write a Pirate. I was going to open an original one, but I want to write a better version of Pirate, so the new book is still a fan, and it has been submitted for review. The title of the book is "Pirates". "Card System", friends who also like to watch pirates can join the bookshelf.

The chapter of perfect anti-theft, please use the search engine to search for keywords (cloud+lai+ge), all kinds of novels for you to watch

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