The Great Writer of One Piece

Chapter 133: non-European

"Isn't this Laqilu?" The person Luo Hong saw was Laqilu of the Red-haired Pirates? Why did this guy come to Chambord by himself?

Luo Hong took a closer look. Not only was Laqilu an acquaintance off the court, but there were also a lot of people from the new world?

This makes Luo Hong even more difficult to handle. If these people are not satisfied, it will not be an easy matter. Then don't impulsively tear down your own auction house.

"What do you think of borrowing a video bug for the Navy?" Luo Hong thought of a solution. Shampoo land also has a large screen, so borrowing a video bug can be used directly.

"Imaging bug? Yes, but it's a little too late for you, right?" Image worm Pulitzer still knows, but although the Navy Headquarters is not far from Chambord, it is also a distance away, less than two hours. , how could it be shipped to Chambord.

Luo Hong glanced at the Pulitzer and said, "You are stupid, don't you have a news bird? Go to Xinxiang and ask him to contact the Navy Headquarters to see if he can borrow an image bug."

"Okay, I'll go right now." Pulitzer was also concerned and messed up, forgetting the big killer of the newsbird.

If there are video worms, it should be no problem to get a screen in the square in front and synchronize with it. But the people below are not easy to handle now. Although they use video worms, they also need time. It seems that they have to go down.

If you don't go down to comfort yourself, it seems that these people will not be satisfied. Although Luo Hong saw Garp beat him up just now, it was quiet for a while, but when Garp came in, these people would definitely make trouble again.

Just leave, Luo Hong doesn't want the newly opened auction house to be smashed.

"Ibuki, it's just right, you ask someone to fetch the newspaper's cards, remember to take all A cards, and get two thousand." When going downstairs, Luo Hong happened to meet Ibuki who was wandering around and instructed him.

"Boss, what are you going to get the cards for?" Ibuki was taken aback, isn't it auctioning gold cards today, what are you doing with some A cards? No one can take pictures of this.

Luo Hong didn't have time to explain to this guy, so he said as he walked, "Go when you are told, take it directly to the door and send it to these people." While speaking, the two had already walked into the hall, and Luo Hong pointed his finger at A group of people outside the door gestured to Ibuki.

"Give it to them?" Ibuki was stunned, the boss is not crazy, this is 2,000 A-cards, if you sell it, it will cost a lot of money.

"You have a lot of things to do. It's a gift for the opening of the auction house today. Come on, don't stand here." Luo Hong patted Ibuki on the shoulder and urged, to appease these people, it must be right to use these things, for the SSR gold card I came here to collect cards.

Seeing that the boss was so determined, Ibuki had no choice but to copy and head towards the newspaper office. The auction house and the newspaper office are on the same street, not too far away, so Ibuki won't take too much time.

"Boss, you're here." Grace at the door greeted him when he saw Luo Hong walking to the door.

"Well, how's it going?" Luo Hong asked Grace.

Grace looked at the people who had been quiet for a lot, and said, "It's much better. Lieutenant General Garp just made them calm down a lot. But depending on what they mean, I still don't want to leave."

"Luo Hong, what are you going to do?" At the door, Grace's immediate boss, Rayleigh, also arrived, standing beside Grace, and said to Luo Hong.

"I've already asked Ibuki to prepare things. It shouldn't be a problem. I'll tell these people first." After speaking, Luo Hong climbed up to the table by the door without waiting for Reilly and Grace to react.

"Everyone, be quiet, I'm Luo Hong, the owner of the Chambord Newspaper and the Chambord Auction House." After climbing on the table, Luo Hong began to introduce himself.

Luo Hong on the table bowed his hands to the crowd and said, "I really didn't expect so many people to join us today, so the auction house is a bit underprepared, please forgive me."

"This is Luo Hong, the boss of Chambord Newspaper?" In the crowd, they began to talk about Luo Honglai.

A pirate with golden teeth flashing in his mouth, with golden light in his eyes: "I heard that he is a rich man."

"Is he still the author of the Great Voyage Age? This guy, but the Great Voyage Age is over, and I haven't asked him to settle the account." A man in naval attire is gearing up.

"Cough cough, the auction house is already preparing. After a while, a big screen will be put up in the square. You can also bid on the auction items here, and you will definitely not let you come here in vain." Luo Hong said about himself solution.

"That's fine."

"As long as you can bid!"

Everyone heard that they could also bid on the auction items, so they didn't resist much, it was similar inside and outside. Most of the pirates don't like to be well-mannered, and they may suffer more in it.

"For everyone's support, our newspaper office also prepared an A card for everyone, and our staff will send it soon." In the end, Luo Hong used a big move to send out 2,000 A cards.

"Boss Luo Hong, is this true? I haven't seen a B-rank card or above this year." This was the voice of a purebred African.

However, there are still people who disdain this card. Of course, Europeans don't care about an A card: "What's so good about an A card, I have SR."

But after finished speaking, this person could feel the hot eyes around him.

"You, what's the matter with you?" The pirate with braids in the sky was frightened by the sudden gaze. What's the situation? A card is not very simple? Look at the expressions of these people, don't they all?


The sky braid who mocked A card just now has been knocked to the ground by the surrounding Africans.

"Cough, everyone should pay attention to the order, the auction will start in a while." Luo Hong shrank his head when he saw the sky braids being cleaned up by a group of people, and he must not do this, especially taunting Africans...

Just in time, Ibuki also came here with several newspaper staff, one of whom was carrying a large bag.

"Okay, the cards have arrived, everyone pay attention to order, line up, everyone has it, don't fight!" Luo Hong took the bag in Ibuki's hand, raised his hand, and said to everyone in the field.

However, this sentence obviously did not work very well. After hearing the news that the card had been sent, the crowd began to surging.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are all of them!" Seeing the crowd of black people approaching, Luo Hong suddenly became anxious.

Unexpectedly, the enthusiasm of these African Emirates for the A card was overlooked.

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