In the next few days, the World Conference held normally

Different people reaped different benefits from this world conference

For most people, world conferences addressed current issues

Luther’s side is even more rewarding.

Not only did he pull Fish-Man Island onto his warship, but also fulfilled Olvia’s wish, he also nailed a chess piece within the revolutionary army, and also gained two future seed players.

And the other people on his side have also gained a lot.

Otohime can already start preparing for the migration this time. The island will be vacated soon. As long as Tiger dies, everything will start to work.

Although she still had to sit back and watch Tiger die in the end, which made Otohime feel a little guilty, she felt a lot better after Luther promised that Gion would not kill the other fishmen of the Sun Pirates.

At least Tiger’s death has brought about the future of Fish-Man Island.

And from Otohime’s point of view, in the final analysis, Tiger was too impulsive.

Now that she can recover to this extent, it is already an excellent ending.

The biggest gain for Ace and Robin this time was that they witnessed the operation of a world conference with their own eyes, and finally understood what kind of people are in charge of the world’s franchised countries.

After the first day of the meeting, Luther did not appear again, but Robin and Ace were never absent. Occasionally, several kings would ask them to administer justice, which made them a little flattered.

After receiving Luther’s permission, Ace and Robin also boldly participated in several events that determined the future of the participating countries. This also made them more aware of the power of Luther and even the Celestial Dragons, and a sense of absurdity emerged in their hearts. a feeling of

They actually feel that if they and others go to join the country and become kings, they will not be worse than they are now.

Even Gordon got some benefits from following Luther this time.

Using Luther’s banner to launch the ‘Sound of Music’ live broadcast channel recently created by Allegia is a step forward for Gordon to let the world experience the charm of music.

After nearly half a month, the World Conference has finally come to an end.

Representatives of the world’s franchised countries also left the Holy Land one after another.

Edge of the Red Continent, location of the bubble lift

Luther personally saw off Olvia, Otohime and others this time. The group stood at the edge of the Red Earth Continent, looking down at the sea in the distance.

“What do you think about this world conference?”

Luther chuckled and glanced at several people one by one.

“Stimulate! I feel like I’m not bad at being a king!”

Ace was the first to say with a grin. He was also Wuji in his childhood, and he openly expressed his disdain for the representatives of the participating countries.

“If I feel like I am against them, I am confident that the world will remember my name.”

The corners of Robin’s flawless mouth raised slightly, and he said this meaningfully

She and Olvia have different goals. Although they are both PhDs in history, she is more looking forward to the day when the history created by herself and Luther will replace the original history than Olvia’s ideal of realizing a new society.

This time she met representatives from various countries, and she became more confident.

“Teacher, thank you very much for letting me understand the complex operating model of our human society.”

Otohime bowed and saluted Luther, her words filled with gratitude.

After saying this, she said goodbye to everyone else, stepped onto the bubble elevator, and headed back to Fish-Man Island.

Finally, Olvia came over with a smile, hugged Luther, and said in his ear:

“A gathering of clowns, but if you participate occasionally, you will

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) indeed have a different experience”

“It seems that you are more determined in your ideas.”

Luther hugged her tightly and replied with a smile.

“Of course, this makes me even more convinced that His Highness ascending the Throne of the Void is the most correct future!”

After Olivia finished speaking softly, she let go of Luther with a smile and walked out without looking back.

She still has a lot of things to be busy with. Gaya Island is still in an unstable stage and she cannot leave for a long time.

Robin, Ace, Gordon, Stacey and others also said goodbye to Luther one by one and left the Red Earth Continent.

Among the remaining people, only Amazuki Toki, Gion and others are left

Luther looked at Gion and winked at her

Seeing this, Gion couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly:

“Your Highness, I will be away for a while. If His Highness feels that it has taken too long, please be sure to blame Hancock for not being able to pilot a ship!”

“Humph, if there is a problem, it will be because you can’t catch someone or find someone!”

Hancock pushed back his words as usual and looked at Luther with a peach blossom face:

“Master, I will definitely get Tiger’s head back for you! And complete other tasks!”

“I don’t want his head, just leave an image as evidence. As for other tasks, I believe you can complete them easily!”Luther smiled.

After saying a few more words, Luther also watched the two of them leave.

This time, he won’t go there personally to arrest Tiger.

If catching Tiger still requires him to do it himself, it will actually make him lose some value.

“Gone, Shi!”

After sending everyone away, Luther waved to Tianyueshi

Olvia’s condition has almost stabilized and she no longer needs Tianyueshi’s assistance for the time being.

He simply doesn’t have anyone with him right now, but he happens to have someone with whom he can have some fun.

“OK, Your Highness!”

Tianyue followed Luther with a smile. It was rare for her to be alone with Luther, and she was looking forward to it.

Especially there are two more little guys in the palace, which will add a lot of color to life.

Luther walked in front, Tianyue Shi was half a step behind, and walked towards Don Quixote’s palace.

On the way back to the palace, I happened to meet Big Bear and Dorag who were preparing to return to Sobel Kingdom.

Luther just glanced at the two of them briefly, then withdrew his gaze and continued to walk forward.

Tianyue Shi followed behind with a smile, as if he didn’t see the two of them at all.

On the other hand, Big Bear and Dorag paused slightly, stopping to watch Luther leave, and then withdrew their gaze.

“That person is the most outstanding Celestial Dragon today, Don Quixote Lutheran.”Dorag sighed.

As the owner of the same overlord color, he immediately felt the huge overlord color contained in the other person’s body.

No matter how strong he is, Luther may be as bad at fighting as rumored, but in terms of overlord appearance alone, even he has to admit that he is no match for him.

It may be a misfortune for all ordinary people to have such an outstanding figure among the Tianlong people.

“Chief, your future will be brighter than his, and the old guard will only be overthrown by the revolution.”Big Bear said firmly.

“Yes, I have always thought so too!”

Dorag smiled. Even if Big Bear abandoned the country and let Jeffrey take care of it, he would follow him to join the revolution.

Faced with such trust from Da Xiong, any uncertainty or hesitation he has is a huge betrayal of such trust!

After regaining their confidence, the two embarked on the bubble lift

Looking at the sea getting closer and closer, Dorag looked expectant.

With Tianhe Chamber of Commerce in hand, the last piece of the revolutionary army puzzle is completed

It’s time for a real revolution!

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